Publisher and Developer: New Blood | October 28, 2021
On December 10, 1993, Doom was released and it changed the gaming world. One of the most influential games of all time, Doom was a trailblazer smash mouth in your face experience the likes of which was never quite seen before. Some would even argue never quite seen since. Regardless of where you stand, it’s mind boggling to think Doom just celebrated 30 years this past December. I wrote my SNES Doom review originally back on October 30, 2013 — just over a decade ago. My how the years fly by. There have been many Doom clones since, and one of the very best was Dusk. Originally released exactly 25 years after Doom, on December 10, 2018, Dusk became something of an instant cult classic. It received a Nintendo Switch port (digital and a limited physical print run) in October of 2021. This past January, Dusk was on sale from $20 to $12. I’ve been meaning to play it and the discount made it a no brainer purchase. I’ve been on quite a hiatus especially as far as gaming reviews are concerned, but Dusk resonated with me so much that I knew I had to write home about it. It’s that damn good.
Dusk is an intense and intimate experience. It conjures memories of Winter of ’93 where my friends and I first experienced the shores of Hell in the form of the game changing Doom. Dusk infused me with the same sweet notes of raw adrenaline and terror as I infiltrated farm houses, creepy corridors and other unsettling scenarios. The enemies and weapons reminded me of the best features of Doom. There’s enough variety to keep your blood pumping as you mow down horror after horror. My personal favorite were the chainsaw wielding brutes with a sack over their faces reminiscent of Friday the 13th.
The random sinister messages sprawled on the walls added a nice touch of uneasiness to the whole dang thing.
As mentioned, the weapons strike a decent enough variety. You got your classic pistol, sawed off shotguns, chain guns, grenade launchers and this bow and arrow which is highly reminiscent of Heretic. But unlike id Software’s underrated outing, here the arrows shoot through enemies and walls. Now that’s friggin’ badass!
You can also wield a sword for crying out loud. When fully healthy, you can even charge the sword of a mega thrust that causes massive damage and can kill most enemies in one brutal swipe. It’s gloriously fun.
Another cool feature is the ability to pick up two pistols, or even two shotguns, in addition to a double shotgun. It helps to even up the odds a bit!
Speaking of the double shotgun, here it is in all its glory. It packs quite a punch, and you’ll find yourself relying on it quite a fair bit. Oh and those ghoulish demons there? I absolutely hate them. Creepy damn bastards they are.
While the double shotgun is a blast (pardon the pun), the two shotgun approach is pretty darn effective too. I love how they flip around whenever you fire off a round. Something very satisfying about that!
The action is frenetic, intense and unrelenting. There are specific portions of a level where the music will change and you have to kill a barrage of baddies before moving on. These action packed sections are among the highlights of Dusk.
There’s no greater feeling than killing the last enemy during said sections and hearing the frenetic music slow down, signaling to the player that you can finally breathe for a moment or two. That is until you encounter the next nasty lurking down the corridor.
The level design is simple yet brilliant. I love all the atmospheric night time levels with cornfields and random houses. It’s the perfect game to play around Halloween time or on those cold dark winter nights. There’s a certain feeling of danger and excitement as you run up and down a dilapidated house gunning down all manner of evil beings. It’s like a horror movie that comes to life.
I love how the colors of the sky might change from level to level. You literally get to experience every level and degree of … Dusk. Sorry, I kinda had to!
Some parts allow you to spring high into the air for some gnarly kills. It’s a nice tweak to the ol’ Doom gameplay that helps to keep Dusk from feeling like a complete ripoff. It has its own flare, too.
As you advance along, the levels change from farm houses and such to more industrial type settings. It helps to keep things fresh and different.
Like others of its ilk, the most powerful weapons pack a heavy punch and allow you to obliterate the competition in one or two shots. It’s not uncommon to see blood splattering the screen like such.
Some enemies shriek at you as they uncover your presence. The voices are fittingly gruff and creepy. It never gets old hearing “KILL THE INTRUDER.” It adds to the creepiness of the game for sure.
These are my favorite enemies of the game. Sometimes they’re mere decorations to keep those pesky crows away. Other times they spring to life to try to keep YOU away. Classic design and the perfect enemy for a game like Dusk.
It’s been a while since I’ve been engrossed by a game as much as I have been with Dusk. But the moment I pressed play, I was instantly hooked. The classic horror atmosphere, the wickedly fun enemies to plow through, the spectacular level design, the heavy metal music that fits like a glove, and enough firepower to light up Kingdom Come… all made Dusk a thrilling experience. It controls well, it never feels too cheap, and it has that magical “one more level” feel to it. In short, Dusk is a must play for anyone who ever enjoyed Doom.
My uncle, the same crazy uncle who introduced me to Halloween as a kid, took me and my brother to Target one night in 1989. At that time we had our Nintendo for a good two years. I vividly recall browsing the toy section, gawking at the latest in the DINO RIDERS lineup. I had just seen the cartoon which I thought was one of the coolest things I’d ever seen. Then, as tradition dictated it, we migrated from the toy section to the video game center. Upon seeing the epic Karnov box, we immediately fell in love with the exotic art. Our uncle took notice of our excitement and bought the game on the spot without either one of us even needing to beg him. That was good ol’ Uncle Jimmy for ya, always the super cool uncle saint that he was.
The late ’80s was an awesome time to be a kid
We came rushing home that night, mom in the doorway berating my uncle for buying us the game. As always, he played it cool and managed to diffuse the situation. Back then Uncle Jimmy played his fair spot of games too, and I fondly remember how the three of us retired to the gaming room for the evening. We began alternating play, though mostly my brother Kevin played. Luckily it turned out to be a good game and not a dud, which was always a risk when basing your purchase decisions solely off the art of a box cover. But that’s how it was in those olden days, you see. You relied on your friends, your local mom and pop shop, and your gut instincts. We never could beat Karnov, but we always had a blast trying. We’ve long since passed it on to our cousin David, Uncle Jimmy’s son, and David has long since lost the game to the sands of time. But I will always remember the fun times we shared with Karnov — from that innocent night at Target to all the evenings spent between the three of us trying our damnedest to beat the game once and for all.
Anyone remember this? I wanted to buy it but since we had the NES game my parents never did.
Instead I got this lousy piece of crap. OK it wasn’t THATbad; I spent quite a few road trips playing this in the backseat after all, but I bet it ain’t no Karnov!
Long before he turned to the dark side, Karnov was a brave and vigilant soul. Let’s check it out…
Magically transported here via a lightning bolt, right away I knew Karnov would not disappoint. The dragon statue there set the mood proper, and the three of us — my uncle, my brother and myself — were off and running.
I want to be the very best, like no one ever was
These icons add some extra depth and strategy to the game. They have different effects and finding out which one works best where will go a long way in seeing you through. The ladder allows you to reach items you couldn’t otherwise. Simply climb down and the ladder is safely back in your inventory. Sweet.
Remember how they seemed to laugh at you as they threw their rocks? It’s funny how we recall the smallest most obscure memories…
But as soon you open fire, it springs to life firing right back at ya. I love the bizarre baddies in Karnov. The game has a certain weird and charming quasi-Gothic atmosphere to it, and the enemy roster is one major reason why.
See? Welcome to bizarre-o world!
This guy (er, girl?) is strange as hell.
As a kid I found this first boss wildly fascinating. What’s that funky green thing he shoots at you anyway? And where’s it coming from? Hmmm, perhaps better not to know eh?
Let him live too long and chances are, you won’t…
In an era where many action games felt hindered by rigid control, maneuvering the fiery Russian was a breath of fresh air. Rarely did I feel like blaming my failures in this game on the control. For a big guy, Karnov sure can move!
Duck and shoot rapidly left and right… Karnov can do it all.
This boss reminds me of Rowdain from Super Castlevania IV. I love the detail of the lion being green — the whole game just oozes an exotic, mythical atmosphere, as the box art suggested. Nice for a change that a cool box art did not deceive us!
Such a classic SNES game
I am just going to ignore my editor’s comment…Karnov is no tree hugger
You can either climb the tree or jump on it. The advantage of jumping is speed. You’ll get up a lot quicker and be less vulnerable. Sure, you can still fire while you’re climbing, but it’s safer to jump up it. I love when games give the player options.
Luckily, these rockmen are a different shade from the other rocks, so you can easily distinguish when danger is imminent. BTW, maybe it’s just me but they remind me of the villains from Matango (AKA Attack of the Mushroom People).
A very weird and quirky sci-fi Japanese film
[Their WHAT cousins? … Oh, GRAY... -Ed.]Don’t underestimate these bastards. Thankfully, you can shoot down the rocks.
Ol’ T-Rex here may not seem so imposing NOW but that wasn’t the case over 30 years ago, at least not for me it was. I marveled at his size and his simple but effective design was truly memorable for its time.
Karnov has enough secrets to satisfySo what exactly triggers this? I’m not showing
Alright, I lied. Set up the ladder and hop on that little edge there. A red dot (Karnov’s power-up icon, if you need it) pops up conveniently, and the bombs will appear when you make your way across. It’s cool how they use the ladder to trigger secrets in this game. I remember how my brother and I gave each other a big hi-five like two geeks when we first discovered this secret over 30 years ago.
These guys reminded me of my M.U.S.C.L.E. toysThe WWF version! “Ooooh yeah!!!”The Centipede Woman is as tough as it is ugly
I thought the T-Rex boss in the last level was nasty… turns out I hadn’t seen SQUAT yet!
Human Centipede vibes…
It lunges and moves in a way you wish it wouldn’t! This is what a terrifying and unsettling boss looks like.
“Well, it WOULD be a shame if I just stood here, eh?”Hey! No room for fat shaming in 2020Diving and shooting underwater, what skills!Always love me a good old fashioned mid-boss
Thank God Karnov can’t lose those fancy trousers. We don’t need to see no Sir Arthur here, no siree. Instead he goes gray when he’s down to his last hit.
Find out for yourself! [Or see YouTube -Ed.]
Back in 1993, during the golden days of the fighting game genre, Data East threw their name in the name they released Fighter’s History. The final boss of that game saw the return of Karnov. Fighter’s History is most well known for its lawsuit with Capcom. Capcom felt that Data East ripped off the “feel and spirit” of the almighty Street Fighter II. Capcom lost the case in court. Fighter’s History to this day remains a guilty pleasure of mine.
Hmmm…I can hardly see the resemblance….Click on this or zoom in for the dirty detailsPlayed this to death with Nelly in the summer of ’94
32 years now and counting![Ah, my favorite book, Karnov Runner -Ed.]An absolute must read if you haven’t yetThe 1994 sequel to Fighter’s History
I enjoyed the sequel as well, though I prefer the original. Karnov’s Revenge, AKA Fighter’s History Dynamite, was actually the second Sega Saturn game I ever bought way back in June of 1999! Who knew a fat bald fire breathing pixelated Russian could bring such joy?
Back in the late ’80s to early ’90s, my brother and I only received at most 2-3 NES games a year. So the ones we did get we had to make sure would be worth it. Usually we relied on friends or on renting to determine if a game was worth owning. In the case of Karnov neither my brother or I had previously played it, or even heard of it. However, the art on the front and back had us sold. Going by such and only such usually spells disaster but thankfully Karnov didn’t disappoint. This game has sort of a Gothic atmosphere that is unlike many other NES games. Its various locales, strange enemies and bosses, not to mention its very distinctly middle Eastern musical styling, evokes a mythical almost goth-like air of mystery that permeates throughout the game’s nine levels. There are also multiple paths and plenty of secrets to encourage repeated play. Icons add further depth and strategy. Plus I always found myself pulled to the portly protagonist. There’s something about the bald Russian that is oddly appealing. It’s not a great game, but I find it to be rather solid and a notable effort in the vast 8-bit Nintendo library.
Publisher & Developer: Nintendo | October 27, 2017
2017 was a hell of a first year for the Nintendo Switch. Launching in early March of 2017, it arrived alongside The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. The Switch was off to a hot start as many were dazzled by the ingenuity and freedom of Breath of the Wild. Some 7 months later, Nintendo released Super Mario Odyssey. It was considered by many as yet another home run smash. And since today is March 10, or MAR10 Day, I can’t think of a better time to look back on what made Super Mario Odyssey such a terrific entry in the longstanding Mario series.
For many kids back in the 1980s, Super Mario Bros. left a lasting imprint on those lucky enough to have grown up with it. Super Mario Bros. 3 is considered one of the best NES video games of all time. When the Super Nintendo launched in North America in the late summer of 1991, Super Mario World carried on the tradition, living up to the lofty standards set by Shigeru Miyamoto and friends. Super Mario 64 brought Mario and company into the 3D realm. Mario 64 is a nostalgic and highly memorable adventure for many who played it back in the summer of 1996 when it first came out. There have been many more Mario entries since but none of them have captured our attention and gaming hearts quite like Super Mario Odyssey.
Poor Mario
I’m a sucker for an atmospheric moon shotAnd boy are there a lot of moons in this game…
Bowser has captured Princess Peach once again, and intends to marry her against her own will. Mario meets his newest ally, Cappy, and the two are off to all sorts of Kingdoms to procure enough moons to power their airship.
I love gawking at the luscious waterfalls
Whether you play it docked or in handheld mode, Super Mario Odyssey is a beautiful looking game. With plenty of diverse locales, each Kingdom is unique and a world of its own. Cascade Kingdom lives up to its name — you can almost feel the raw power of the water!
My first Power Moon of many to come. 6/19/18Holy shit O_O
Who could forget seeing this for the first time? It was an incredible moment that blended the real world with Mario’s world. Even better? Taking temporary control of the T-Rex by firing Cappy at it, which is the brilliant gimmick of Super Mario Odyssey.
Speaking of blending, there are special old school 2D sections spread throughout the Kingdoms. They’re bite-sized but incredibly fun, evoking warm fuzzy nostalgic memories of yesteryear.
Cappy gives you his 2 cents now and againTakes me back to the ’80s 1985 meets 2017… and it’s a marriage made in HeavenSuch a nice nod to the first gameMore warp pipe 2D funWhere your prize is yet another Power Moon
The Sand Kingdom is such a fun little place to explore. It has been said that the director of Super Mario Odyssey, Kenta Motokura, was inspired by his trip to Mexico and his fondness for that country. Traces of that culture can be seen throughout the Sand Kingdom.
Mini games like this can be surprisingly funNever gets old when Mario goes OLD SCHOOL!So much nostalgic fun mixed in with the newMetal Mario Storm?!Behold… the mysterious Inverted Pyramid!
The majority of the bosses in Super Mario Odyssey consist of the Broodals — vicious anthropomorphic rabbits who also serve as Bowser’s wedding planners. One of the nice things about the Sand Kingdom is that you get to battle bosses of both varieties: Broodal and non-Broodal.
Mario runs into the screen Crash Bandicoot styleLove the sound effect it makes when you collect ‘em!Cloud Kingdom sees our first tangle with BowserMetro Kingdom and New Donk City are mind-blowingMixing in real people was as bold as it was brilliant
It blew my mind the first time I saw New Donk City. That’s mainly thanks to the shocking appearance of real human beings. It was only further proof that Super Mario Odyssey wasn’t afraid to think outside the box.
100 Power Moons in the book!Love the Bowser emojiThe city has been littered with Bowser’s propaganda
New Donk City was so fun to explore, whether at night or in the daytime. It was unlike any other Mario level or world I had previously explored.
Well, there was that one time back in 1996…Batman would be proudHoly molyYou can use Cappy to become Tank Mario!You’re going down, Scourge of the Skyscraper!Eradicate the Scourge and the city is liberatedThere’s a definite Princess Peach vibe to PaulineThe city views are gorgeousOne of the most memorable moments
I gotta give props to Nintendo. I was so pleasantly shocked to see this T-Rex cameo. I thought Cascade Kingdom was it as far as T-Rex appearances go. Glad to have been proven wrong!
Moons are available at the oddest places…This was such a fun space to navigate Mario throughBusting a move!I never knew Mario was like only 4 feet tall“Man, screw this Black Friday bullshit!”GTA vibes… nice!This is so damn satisfyingOh God I hope not! I gotta play Super Mario OdysseyYou mean, 4th of July? Fun Fact: Dixie Theater is a nod to Dixie KongMario is known to be quite the party animalAw, he’s all alone. Gotta save Princess Peach pronto!Whoa, a nod to 1981 Donkey Kong!It is New DONK City after allHow incredibly nostalgic in the best of waysSome things never changeMario’s getting wasted tonight Brrr! Snow Kingdom will freeze your balls offTake a brief swim to collect the rings. Fun stuff!Always a high when you barely meet the minimumMario and the Beanstalk!Seaside Kingdom offers some wacky views!Love the shiny watery effectEven the coins have that distorted watery look!These throwback sections are simply the best
Seaside Kingdom might just be my favorite Kingdom of the bunch. I tend to not be the biggest fan of water-based levels, but this one totally and completely does it for me. Maybe it’s because a good half of it takes place on the beach, offering some variety and varied nuances in gameplay that make it much more interesting to play than if it were completely underwater. For example, being able to bounce off two walls in an effort to collect coins and reach new heights is remarkably satisfying.
Not a very subtle clue…Too close for cigarHmm, Mario or Master Higgins?Yer going down, Squidward!Earn 3 for your troublesLuncheon Kingdom earns points for creativityIt’s so hot that poor Mario can hardly stand itRuined Kingdom features a menacing dragon bossDamnYou got him!Spoke too soon…Love it when the screen moves over like thatGood stuffBowser’s Kingdom is a beautiful but deadly fortressOld school Mario on a Shoji panel screen? Brilliant!That Bowser is such a teaseBroodal fireworks is a nice touchAt last we arrive at the Moon KingdomAfter beating him, use Cappy to control Bowser!It’s a dream come trueDestroy bricks by blowing fireWHOAAAAAA!!…What a freaking gameBut wait, it’s not over yet…It’s the Mushroom Kingdom!What a lovely nod to Super Mario 64
Super Mario Odyssey is everything I wanted in a 3D Mario game and then some. The addition of Cappy added a ton of layers to the gameplay. Whether you were flinging Cappy and then jumping off it as a makeshift platform or using it to take control of the various enemies, this mechanic breathed much needed new life into the Mario formula. I’ll never forget the first time I spotted that T-Rex napping on the hill of Cascade Kingdom. Even more memorable was the first time I became Mario T-Rex, complete with a ridiculously oversized mustache to boot!
All the throwback 2D Mario sections were a blast to navigate. It took me right back to 1987, playing Super Mario Bros. with my uncle, brother and our friends late into the night. These bits always somehow felt organic rather than forced. It was just the right amount of nostalgia rush blended with the newfangled 3D Mario gameplay that is so smooth and easy to pick up, but hard to put down.
Along with The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Super Mario Odyssey helped to make Switch’s first year, 2017, a roaring and smashing success. I can’t wait for a sequel to both games. These two games alone are reason enough to invest in a Nintendo Switch, not to mention the dozens and dozens of great 3rd party titles and Indie hits. I had an absolute blast playing through Super Mario Odyssey, and I feel Nintendo was able to completely capture the magic of what made all those Mario games from so long ago so very damn special indeed. Not only that but they were able to add to the legacy, adding in enough new elements to make this entry stand on its own two feet. Bravo, Nintendo. Bravo! I eagerly await Mario’s next adventure on the Switch. Until then, I think I’ll head back to Mushroom Kingdom yet again for one more romp.
Today marks the 2 year anniversary of the Nintendo Switch. Of course, that also means it’s the 2 year anniversary for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Released on launch day alongside the brand new Nintendo Switch, players were thrust once more in the shoes of Link and embarked on an incredible and breathtaking journey. This also marks the first Switch game review on RVGFanatic, and I can’t think of a better time than the 2 year anniversary or a better game to kick things off with than Breath of the Wild. Stunning in sheer scope and majestic in motion, there’s a reason why this game has made such a lasting impression and is considered by many to be one of the finest Switch games made so far, if not THEbest.
The Switch marked my first system purchase in nearly 12 years. Prior to that, I’d been perfectly content rocking it out with the SNES. But the trailer for Breath of the Wild dropped in January 2017 and for the first time in eons I found myself drooling over a new video game. However, the Switch’s launch came and went in March 2017 and I just couldn’t pull the trigger. Maybe I don’t need it after all…
Fate stepped in when my brother bought a copy over Black Friday for just $29 on Walmart’s website due to a system error. Walmart quickly realized its mistake but had to honor the lucky folks who jumped over the deal before it could be fixed. My brother didn’t own a Switch but he figured it was too good a deal to pass up on and that he could always mail it to our cousin, who is a huge video gamer.
Oops. Thanks Walmart!
As luck would have it, my cousin — being a huge Zelda fan — already had it. With my brother willing to gift me Breath of the Wild as an early Christmas present, I rushed out to Target on Saturday, December 2, 2017. I walked out with the last Switch system, cradling it close to my chest as though it were the last piece of meat on earth. It was the first system purchase I made in nearly 12 years. Later that night I fired up Breath of the Wild and fell in love with the land of Hyrule all over again. The following is a visual documentation and stroll down memory lane of that epic adventure that ran me over 200 hours over the course of 6 blissful months.
Hyrule is the kind of place that just sticks with you
Link awakens after a long slumber in this weird chamber of sorts. Navigate your way around and then venture forth in the opening there to the great unknown. Much like previous Zelda classics, a palpable sense of ADVENTURE permeates throughout Breath of the Wild.
So freaking majesticNintendo magic at its bestI love how it shifts from day to nightShooting stars and all!
It’s hard to describe the first few hours of this game and do it justice. It’s a discovery of autonomy and endless options. You just know you’re embarking on this grand scale adventure and that you’re barely scraping the surface. Night falls and it feels like you’re right there with Link lurking in the wooded areas. Best of all, thanks to the Switch’s versatility, you can play this on your giant screen HD TV or play it in portable mode in the comfort of your own bed.
It’s fun just playing around with the camera and admiring the sights that surround you. This shot here reminds me of all the long summer evenings of my childhood sprawled out in my backyard looking up at the starry sky while listening to my uncle weave spooky stories of the macabre.
One second Link is out of the shadows…And the next he’s engulfed by them
Up ahead looms a quaint cabin. You wonder if the owner is home… hell, is the owner even a friendly fella? It’s awfully cold out though, and a little shelter does sound nice right about now… maybe we’ll take our chances…
To cross the chasm you must chop awayThose Bokoblins are gonna pay now!Breath of Fire flashbacks in Breath of the Wild Hmm, who is that old man…Gather the items you wish to cookHeat it up and ta-da! Try experimenting…
A seamless and free flowing sandbox world means you can easily get lost in a number of side tasks for as long (or little) as you wish. On my way to discover the next shrine, I often found myself distracted by random things such as unearthing Korok seeds, interacting with locals or destroying the latest nest of Bokoblins to unlock treasure chests. Spotting a new shrine in the not too far distance always made me cheer silently in my seat (or, as it was in most cases, laying down in bed).
Upgrading your inventory is not only rewarding, it’s necessary. Since weapons break with usage, you’re in a constant scramble to restock. Going from wooden shields and weak weapons to fancy metal ones and spears is a tangible surge in both ability and confidence. Also, reaching new areas of Hyrule never failed to satisfy as you survey the gorgeous sights that lay before you.
Under siege is Hyrule…Kakariko Village never looked betterIt’s a reunion with Impa!This becomes the crux of the gameThe Hinox is a hideous hulking menaceAnd a battle that could take all night long!Some of the locals are less inviting than othersHumor abounds here and there. Love the breath effect
A crackling fire nearby keeps Link warm as he gazes at the volcano that looms ominously over the horizon. He knows deep down that at some point in his quest he must cross that waterfall and confront the vicious volcano head on.
SHADDAP, ASS-TER! [Real mature -Ed.]Sketchy AFO_o
Impa with the saveWhat an amusing exchange that all was BEEDLEMANIA!This guy needs a prequel spin-offWell said, SagsFinding this bevy of swords early on was a godsendCollect and tame horses for faster travelSome travelers aren’t always as they seem…Nothing like paragliding while it’s raining Collect 4 orbs to add a heart or stamina upgradeSome wild sights indeed!What a downpourOh shit! Watch it, Link. Put away the metal…Roscoe > WilsonCan you unearth all 900 (!) Korok seeds?Awe-inspiringVisit Great Fairy Fountains to upgrade your goodsGaining access to remote bombs is a game changerSometimes it’s just not fair Have fun with your new toyLink the Peeping Tom creeperSpeaking of creepers… I kid, I kid [Sure you are -Ed.]Solving the puzzle to unlock the exit is a great feeling
Shrines were a point of contention among some players. Traditional Zelda games featured dungeons with plenty of monsters and a few puzzles thrown in for good measure. Breath of the Wild, however, has few dungeons. Instead we got shrines, designated areas consisting mainly of puzzles with scant enemies. Thanks to his Sheikah Slate, Link can call upon one of several Rune skills. For instance, Magnesis allows Link to lift and carry metallic objects using magnetic energy.
Nothing like a moonlit night on a sandy beachBetter not land on him and disrupt his slumber!Arrow play felt so satisfying. Check the rainbow!Some poignant messages aboundProfound. I like adjusting the camera for fun anglesYou damn rightElement based enemies can prove to be trickyLink doesn’t even bother looking back. BadassExperiment with the Runes to see which one you needIn the distance you spot a Tower that needs unlockingDone! Now you can fast teleport to this new locationArrows come in 5 forms: these, bomb, fire, ice, shockWATCH YO MOUTH!Oh Beedle…Stamina > HeartAdding to your Stamina Wheel is key in exploringCrystallized rocks contain goodies. Ooh, shrine!Eat your heart out, MagnetoSome shrines automatically bless you with an orb
These are always nice. Some shrines are harder to find than others. For certain ones, just finding them is considered good enough for an automatic orb. No puzzles inside. Hey, I’ll take it!
Unlock Link’s memories by visiting certain sitesI hesitate to look at what he’s looking at…
Eerie and dramatic, the Blood Moon is an occasional event that occurs in the world of Hyrule. By the red glow of the Blood Moon, slain enemies respawn. I’ll never forget the first time I heard that creepy music as a crimson red consumed the screen and ashes rose into the blood soaked sky.
Some shrines are hidden below the surfaceIt’s just too bad they didn’t have more enemies insideIncrease your Stamina Wheel to reach new heightsYour Sheikah Slate beeps louder the closer you getNothing like finally coming face to face with a shrineWhoa!My bad, yo. Been so busy that I forgot to feed himWhere’s Godzilla when you need him eh?Blowing up a nest of enemies is simply the bestLink’s no stranger to that!Nor is he a stranger to this [Wait what?! -Link]Dress up like a lady to sneak past the guardsThis was… a very memorable main questI see they haven’t upgraded to a white board yet, tsk tskEavesdrop on the locals and don’t blow your coverNeed at least 13 hearts to yank out the Master SwordOH SHITYOU GOT THE TOUCH — YOU GOT THE POWER — YEAH!Good to see you again, dear old friendJust the weapon needed to end the CalamityThese creepy eyes can be taken out with arrow shotsAlways a welcomed sightBlood Moon strikes againHey pal…WAKEY WAKEY!Such a gorgeous sunriseLens flare effect and allYeah, I wouldn’t pet that…Looks like Robbie wants to go to WrestleMania!Just like “Rowdy” Ronda RouseyEven Link is dressed like a wrestler*Pointing intensifies*Sure am glad he’s a friend and not a foe!Cool headgear, but what’s in that huge weird building?Yes, you can ride bears. Nuff saidWhen you realize you forgot to close your garage doorSome shrines require some thinking to reachNo trolls here but you might find some treasureOn your last heart — yikes!Love gaining new goodies at the end of a shrineFollow that fallen shooting star before it fades outSpookyGotta play this one in the darkSeth Rollins would be proud: BURN IT DOWN!How philosophicalI know the feeling…What a babeWhen you realize your girlfriend’s pill didn’t workThe bosses, admittedly, left something to be desiredThey felt a bit generic to me unlike past Zelda gamesBut it’s a small gripe. Lovely death scenes though“FOR HE’S A JOLLY GOOD FELLOW…”The white ones are the toughest and a bitch to killAnother shady traveler…Time to put the focus on Link’s heart containersSweet 16Where’s Kevin Bacon ah screw it, we got Link!Taming bears never got old for meMost hated enemy. Line that sucker up!No lie, I actually trembled a bit when I first saw thisA sight for sore eyesDon’t get fried!Link maxes out at 30 hearts
Like frying an egg on the sidewalk on a scorching hot day, in Breath of the Wild you can drop meat on a frosty surface and it will become “Icy Gourmet Meat.” The amount of possibilities this game offers the player is mind-blowing. Many times I thought to myself, “This might work” and sure enough, it did. Ingenuity is off the charts here, rewarding creativity and experimentation.
Like a scene out of an epic summer blockbusterShit got realI like how they call all the Divine bosses the ScourgeI just wish their base designs offered more varietyFree the final Divine Beast and it’s game on!Special gear is required to traverse the hotter sectionsBlowing up a nest in mid-flight is badass!Just big enough of a crack The primal evil who has endured over the agesYou can feel the weight of Hyrule on your shouldersYou’ll need everyone’s help to winNow we’ll see what you’re made of, Ganon!Time to say night nightOh fuck!The Bow of Light will combat the DarknessAlmost there!BOO-YAH!!!!
The Evil is gone… for nowLink and Zelda reside over a peaceful Hyrule… for now
I’ve been playing video games for over 30 years now. I can honestly say that The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is the longest single player campaign of my life. It provided me with over 210 hours of blissful entertainment. It was an insane 6 month experience… one I’ll never forget and forever cherish as one of the finest playthroughs of my gaming career.
What can I add that hasn’t already been said a thousand times over in the last 2 years since Breath of the Wild came out? It stands out as one of the most immersive and engaging single player adventures I’ve ever played. Part of me wishes I could wipe out my memories of this game so I can experience it for the first time again. The sheer scope and scale of Link’s open world quest empowers you to forge your own path. Multiple routes and multiple possibilities lay before you, truly giving the player full autonomy and power. There are so many memorable moments, such as the first time you run into the Hinox monster.
Or the first time you pierce one of the explosive barrels to blow up a nest of Bokoblins… running away and seeing the fiery explosion go off behind you in summer blockbuster fashion. Hyrule is a living and breathing world full of fascinating creatures, vicious monsters and helpful (as well as odd) locals to interact with. While not everyone appreciates this open world approach, I sure did. Of course I harbor fond memories of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past but I applaud Nintendo for taking Breath of the Wild in a radically different direction that reflects the ever growing evolution of video gaming as we know it today. Besides, if you don’t like it, you can always return to the classics. But for the most part, there’s a reason why so many have fallen in love with Breath of the Wild. It’s a Zelda game like never before.
2 years have passed since the Switch and Breath of the Wild came out and thrilled gaming audiences around the globe. While the game has a few areas I could nitpick, such as the lack of “proper” dungeons and the 4 Divine Beast bosses looking too similar and somewhat generic, Breath of the Wild is an incredible adventure worth taking on. It’s an instant classic that will go down in the annals of gaming lore as one of the best adventures of all time. Lovingly crafted and fine tuned, Breath of the Wild is Nintendo’s signature stamp on the Switch that has set the bar for all others to come. I look forward to seeing if any game can match or surpass it. What a time to be alive
Tina Turner sang it best: YOU’RE SIMPLY THE BEST!Even better than Super Mario Odyssey? Well…
Pub: Sunsoft | Dev: Tokai Engineering | November 1988
Blaster Master celebrates 30 years this month. Released in November of 1988, Blaster Master is one of those beloved 8-bit classics that most kids from the NES era fondly remembers. Although my gaming crew never held it quite in the same light as Contra or Mega Man 2, it was always right up there with the best of the rest. There was something about it. Something different and memorable. The ability to man a powered up tank was unique enough on its own, but throw in the ability to hop out of said tank to patrol around on foot made the blasting experience double cool. Switching from side-scrolling action to a top-down shooter differentiated Blaster Master from the masses, making it stand out in an era where most games featured very little variety. As a fun bonus, the title of the game encompassed the late ’80s. BLASTER MASTER. It was cool, yet cheesy. Charming, yet campy. It fit in perfectly with the times we were growing up in. Happy 30th Anniversary, Blaster Master!
The good old days when back of boxes were so cool
And who said Jason and Freddy can’t be friends?
The game features a timeless plot. You know it by heart. But just for the record…
Boy loves frog.
Frog escapes.
Frog licks radioactive tin.
Boy follows frog underground.
Boy finds tank.
Boy saves world.
Riveting stuff, really.
“Would you like flies with that?” [Oh dear -Ed.]No lid eh? Way to go, Einstein…Where the HELL is this kid living anyhow… AREA 51?!Remember Godzilla, anyone?Mmm, giant frog legsYou gotta appreciate the nonsensical wacky plot
[You mean HELMET. Why did I hire you again? Remember kids, ALWAYS STAY IN SCHOOL!-Ed]
Hard to fathom it’s been 30 years
Navigating Sophia around the landscape is satisfying in and of itself. Managing the momentum of the tank as it moves about is all part of the fun. Add to that a healthy dosage of blasting bad guys and it’s a grand old time.
You can leap out of the tank and patrol around on foot as Jason himself. He has his own health bar and there are certain locations that only Jason has access to.
The tank is inoperable underwater, so Jason hops out for a quick swim. Thankfully, you don’t need to worry about finding water bubbles as a respite. Sonic the Hedgehog Jason ain’t!
Zap the jellyfish or swim around
You’ll find a ladder at the end here that will take you to the first overhead section, where you’ll play exclusively as Jason.
Reminiscent of NES Rygar, no?
Life Force is another NES classic“Do not open until Doomsday!”
You’ll receive an upgrade for your tank after defeating the boss. Backtrack because now you can destroy the wall guardian with your new power-up. Nice!
It definitely does, what with its backtracking and various upgrades that allow you to access previously inaccessible areas.
It’s got that classic NES vibe to itOverpower these croniesYup you know what this meansShades of Legend of Zelda
New power-ups allow you to expand the game as well as fortify your tank.
Stage variety is always niceBlast their asses into tomorrowOh no, could it be Fred?!Obligatory swimming sectionsYou can see the Metroid influenceLooks like crab for dinnerBlast bricks to reveal new areasIce affects your tank’s tractionA true game changer, thisLove the colors here. Classic NES!The action get crazier and crazierIn the words of Van Halen: JUMP!The end (of the world) nearsThe box cover star finally appearsCan you slay the evil Overlord?
Often heralded as an NES classic, the real question is does Blaster Master stand the test of time? It was definitely a memorable title 30 years ago, but how well has it aged exactly? Obviously your mileage may vary, but from where I sit Blaster Master is a bit of an uneven playing experience. I found myself looking forward most to the side scrolling tank blasting action while the overhead sections patrolling around as Jason, not so much. Controlling the tank S.O.P.H.I.A. (which stands for Subatomic Omni-directional Probative Hyper-responsive Indomitable Abdicator) with its various power-ups is quite the good time. But the overhead bits feel a little clunky and cumbersome. They did so even back in 1988. 30 years later and it’s even more apparent. Throw into the equation some moderate backtracking and no save or password system and you have a game that hasn’t aged all that well.
But judged on its own merits 30 years ago, it was an easy 8.5-9.0 of a game for many of us. It’s not as fun to play today but it’s still a decent time. However, I highly recommend playing Blaster Master Zero instead. I beat that one on the Nintendo Switch and it’s AWESOME. Makes it really hard going back to NES Blaster Master! Regardless of which game you choose to play, here’s a toast to 30 years of BLASTER MASTER. Thanks for the memories, SOPHIA!
Although I started RVGFanatic nearly 12 years ago with the main goal of reviewing SNES games, I’ve always wanted to highlight a select handful of Genesis games that have resonated with me over the years. I finally reviewed my first Genesis game last month, Sonic the Hedgehog (appropriately so). It only took me over 11 and a half years but hey, this now makes two! Streets of Rage is a dear personal favorite of mine, especially when it comes to beat ‘em ups and Genesis games. Released in Japan on August 2, 1991, this month marks the 27th anniversary of Streets of Rage. And with the Streets of Rage 4 announcement made just a few days ago, I can’t think of a better time to pay homage to this game than right now.
The stuff legends are made of
By the way, there’s just something magical about those early Sega Genesis boxes. Many of them are incredibly nostalgic to me. Every little detail, from the white grid adorning the black background on the clamshell box to the cheesy but charming early ’90s art style, all add up to some wonderful memories of a special time in our young lives when video games were video games. By that I mean when games came fully packaged. Don’t get me wrong, there are some great benefits to the digital medium, but nothing will ever beat out physical copies complete with badass art and good old instruction manuals. All those vintage memories of sitting in the backseat of your dad’s car, eagerly scanning every tiny screenshot a hundred times over and devouring the manual front to back on the ride home… those times will never be replicated.
It’s known as Bare Knuckle over in JapanAh, nothing like admiring those import covers
In a rare case, both the Japanese and North American names for this game absolutely rock. Bare Knuckle sounds cool as hell, but then so does Streets of Rage. In fact, I’ll give the slight edge to Streets of Rage. Not just for familiarity and nostalgia but how can you beat the name STREETS OF RAGE? I mean, that’s badassery personified.
Whether you refer to it as this…… or this, the game flat out rocks
Although graphically it may not seem like much today, I can’t emphasize how much the visuals blew me away some 27 years ago. The first level sets the perfect tone, with the Pine Pot diner being a memorable standout. Although this first stage is full of bright lights and color, it’s also full of danger. There’s a certain grit to it and it has an impeccable late ’80s vibe. It almost feels like a Michael Jackson music video could break out at any moment!
Nothing like a good ol’ leaping knee to the mush.
Remember how those mini garage doors would open dramatically, revealing a bad guy inside? A classic trope of the genre that never gets old, no matter how many iterations appear.
Blaze with the vicious throw“SUPLEX CITY, BITCH!”Tell ‘em, Blaze Brock!Ah, who could ever forget this?
Perhaps the coolest and most memorable “ass saving special” in beat ‘em up history. I don’t know of many cooler than calling on your cop buddy who comes barreling in only to launch an all-out fiery assault. It’s things like this that makes video games so damn fun.
The sprites in this game are smaller than I would like, but the bosses are usually significantly bigger. Just look at Boomer, f’rinstance. He was an intimidating sight back in the day, for sure, with his oversized boomerang and towering physique.
I’m tellin’ ya, it’s a Michael Jackson music video just waiting to happen.
I remember this clown being the first regular enemy that gave me some trouble.
Wolverine’s claws but Sabretooth’s body. Lucky you, eh?
Credit Jey2K for this beautiful artwork
A nice beach stroll this won’t beTalk about memories…
When my best friend Nelson and I first saw this, we both had to pick up our jaws off the floor. Sure, it’s not as memorable as the rain in Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, but this was definitely a cool moment. And one that sticks out in my mind even 27 years later.
“IT’S THE ULLLLL-TIMATE WARRIOR!!!!”Blatantly so, but hey, it was good shit
What’s a beat ‘em up without a level where there’s some kind of opening to throw bad guys into?
Looks like an interesting night…Where have I seen that enemy before?Hmmm. Naaaaah…
Big Ben is yet another classic genre trope. It’s the fat bald guy who ironically likes to run.
One of the cool things about Streets of Rage is how crowded the screen can get. Most SNES beat ‘em ups, for comparison sake, would often max out at three bad guys onscreen. Not the case here!
Even more enemies here!
I love the SNES (you might have noticed that…) but there’s definitely nothing like THATon the Super Nintendo.
Double trouble!Chun-Li’s long lost twin sisters
If you’re not careful on this level, your brains will get crushed. But it’s fair game, so lure the enemies in if you can. No bonuses, but it’s just plain irresistible!
Another classic genre trope: previous bosses becoming “regular” enemies. The actual boss for this stage admittedly reeks of laziness: it’s just the stage two boss, only this time there’s two of him to contend with.
Not these assholes again…
No boss is featured here, it’s just a straight shot up to the final stage. My best friend Nelson and I always got a kick out of using our special attack here. There was something ridiculously amusing about watching our cop buddy send a blast high and deep into the night sky from ground level.
By far the hardest stage of the game. This is due to a couple reasons. Namely, being indoors, your special attack is rendered useless. The second thing is you’ll face enemies (and former bosses) galore! In fact, the ever lovable (or not) beat ‘em up trope of a “boss rush” or “boss gauntlet” is in full (annoying) effect here.
When you finally make your way to the top, Mr. X will offer you the chance to be his top crony. If you select yes, you’ll be sent back to level six and forced to play through to the end of the game. This also applies to when both players say yes. However, if one of you says yes and the other says no, you’ll be pitted in a duel to the death. Only by selecting no (both players have to select no in the 2-player mode) do you immediately fight Mr. X. This was pretty cool, especially back then when things were very cut and dry. This at least gave you the option to rebel and presents a bit of a moral dilemma. It’s nothing crazy but for 1991, it was a nice subtle touch.
There was even a bad ending
My brother and I always held this final boss fight in high regard. That’s because Mr. X was the spitting image of my brother’s best friend’s dad. Yep, Kerwyn’s dad was Mr. X in the flesh. So whenever we went to Kerwyn’s house and saw his dad, we couldn’t help but stupidly grin at each other behind his dad’s back. Ah, to be kids, eh?
Mr. X’s lethal gun is no joke though, that’s for damn sure.
Shades of Belger’s building…Hmmm“Sorry I couldn’t help y’all in there…”“Eh. You won’t be back for the sequel!”Classic stuff
One of the many neat things about Streets of Rage is the ability to work with your friend and perform some sweet tag team attacks.
Always so damn satisfyingCareful — you can also hurt your pal!
Released just mere days before Christmas of 1992, Streets of Rage 2 is often considered the best beat ‘em up not only on the Sega Genesis but of all time.
I definitely dig it too but I don’t know. Call me an overly nostalgic fool but I honestly tend to prefer the original game.
In terms of gameplay, Streets of Rage 2 is objectively the more polished product. But similar to Donkey Kong Country and Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest, despite being the slightly inferior game, I actually prefer the first one. I know I’m in the minority but oh well. You like what you like!
It’s finally happening
For years decades, gamers have been clamoring for a Streets of Rage 4. There were rumors nearly 20 years ago that such a sequel might appear on the Dreamcast but that dream was shattered in short order. However, just a few days ago on August 27, 2018, the announcement was made official… Streets of Rage 4 is finally happening after all these years! A teaser trailer was released and fan reaction is a mixed bag. Personally, I’m not a fan of the art style but I’m going to keep an open mind and wait to play it until I cast judgment. One thing is for sure, it’s just nice to see Streets of Rage 4 happening at long last. Here’s hoping it does the franchise proud like Sonic Mania did for Sonic the Hedgehog!
Streets of Rage was well received for its time. It was seen by many as not only a very competent Final Fight clone, but some even viewed it as superior, especially when you compare the Genesis game to the SNES port of Final Fight (which was butchered without question). However, some gamers feel Streets of Rage doesn’t hold up quite as well today as it did in 1991. I can see this perspective but I still get a kick out of this game whenever I play it.
One of my favorite Genesis games back in the day was Streets of Rage, and I still have a soft spot for it 27 years later. Playing it back in 1991 transported my best friend Nelson and I, two young regular 8 year old boys, into the baddest ass kicking warriors this side of town. In fact, one of my fondest memories that Christmas season was playing Streets of Rage at Nelson’s house while his family was hosting a party. I remember Nelson’s uncles were there; I used to look up to them because I thought they were so cool. That night we fired up Streets of Rage on the ol’ Genny and I remember all the uncles in the living room stopped what they were doing to watch us play. They too were entranced by the simple beauty that was Streets of Rage.
And I still remember to this day feeling so high and alive. Feeling that Nelson and I, along with Streets of Rage, became the smash hit of the party. It was the coolest feeling an 8 year old kid could experience at that point in his young life. It’s a feeling I wish I could bottle up because Nelson and I were floating on cloud 9 that night kicking ass and taking names, all as Nelly’s uncles watched on. There was something special about playing beat ‘em ups with your best pal growing up. And there was something extra special about playing a beat ‘em up the caliber of Streets of Rage with your best friend back in 1991. It was a moment in time that you just had to be there in order to grasp the full effect. The gritty visuals, the epic electronic dance music and just the overall feel of the game… Streets of Rage was and forever will be a special Genesis game.
It took 11 ½ years but it’s finally here: my very first Sega Genesis review on RVGFanatic. Now as readers know, I love the Super Nintendo and my site is mostly dedicated to the almighty SNES. But I also love(d) the Genesis. I grew up with one and it gave me many fond memories. I’ve been meaning to reminisce about certain Genesis games ever since the inception of RVGFanatic back in 2007, but it just never happened for one reason or another. Until now. Inspiration struck when earlier today my pre-ordered copy of Sonic Mania Plus arrived in the mail. It brought back a wave of nostalgia. I can’t think of a better time to look back on Sonic the Hedgehog than right here, right now.
27 years later and the blue hedgehog is stillgoing strongSo freakin’ GLORIOUS
Sega’s lovable mascot made a huge splash when it landed in the summer of 1991 and made the Sega Genesis system an absolute MUST BUY. Sonic was Sega’s answer to Nintendo’s Mario and kickstarted the whole “mascot with a ‘tude” era of the early-mid 1990s. Sonic would become a pop culture icon and his various games over the years have left an indelible mark in the minds and hearts of many. I still vividly remember my uncle buying a Genesis along with Sonic the Hedgehog for me and my brother in the summer of ’91. Our friends were proud Genesis owners in 1989 and 1990 so we got to play the system plenty, but it wasn’t until we saw Sonic the Hedgehog that we knew it was time to make the jump. You can ask any gamer from that generation and they too would have a Sonic the Hedgehog story to tell you. It’s one of those rare special games that everyone sort of remembers where they were the first time they saw it.
Who could ever forget the classic first stage of the first game? Green Hill Zone was the perfect introductory stage with its lush greenery and ridiculously catchy music. The theme conveys a sense of adventure, energy and heroism all at once. The music in this game is amazing and just hearing a second of it instantly transports me back to the summer of 1991 playing Sonic the Hedgehog in my living room with my brother and our friends.
BLAST PROCESSING, BABY! Sega’s infamous pitch to sell the game might have been hyperbole, but Sonic was certainly quite the speedster. The rings serve as your health. Whenever Sonic is hit, his rings go flying. When he’s hit with 0 rings, it’s Game Over. I remember thinking it was a pretty cool and clever idea!
Bopping off one baddie and hitting another before you landed not only looked and felt great, but it multiplied your points too.
Power-ups such as temporary invincibility and the shield are part of Sonic lore. The sound effect of the shield enveloping Sonic is embedded in my mind still to this day. BONG!
Make sure to hit that lollipop marker (as us kids liked to call it once upon a time). And watch out for those rotating thorns!
Ah, the classic loop the loop. I can’t think of Sonic without thinking about them. The two go hand in hand like Godzilla and Japan!
Mario has Bowser. The aforementioned Godzilla has King Ghidorah. Sonic has Dr. Robotnik. Always fun beating his fat ass
True story: when I was a kid I thought Marble Zone was sort of a homage to the first stage of Altered Beast (the game that launched with the Genesis back in the late ’80s). Ah, the innocence of being 8 years old!
Love the way the fire trails you and love the sound it makes. Just classic stuff from Sega.
Remember bypassing each one of these one at a time and waiting patiently for those Zordon glass containers to lift? You know you do.
Goddamn it, it really does look like it, no?
I love the sound the chain makes when it ascends.
Marble Zone Act 2 brings the lava action. The visual of the rising lava is SEARED in my brain, pardon the pun.
Spring Yard Zone is another memorable level. Who could ever forget bouncing Sonic off the bumper balls like a pinball?
Love the city at night in the backdropBLAST PROCESSING!WHOA! Speed kills, indeedPlenty of hidden areas to be foundAh, lollipop marker… my old friend
Battle Dr. Robotnik at the end of each world, with his gimmick shifting for each fight. I remember thinking as a kid how dope that was. It gave me a sense that I was really beating him at every turn rather than what most platformers do instead (i.e. the big bad sending his cronies to deal with you in the levels prior to the final showdown). Obviously Sonic the Hedgehog drew some influences from the Mario games but it’s also obvious that Sega threw their own spin on it (pun intended, not intended) and made it their own.
Alright, raise your hand if Labyrinth Zone terrorized you as a kid. Looking back, it’s really not that hard a stage but I guess at the time it was my youthful inexperience and anxiety that got the worst of me. It’s because of this and the water dam level from NES Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles that made me weary of playing any stages featuring water.
Wait for the big bubble to give Sonic a respite. This used to induce mini panic attacks on me when I was 8! Especially when that damn frenetic music would kick in with the 5 second countdown to alert you that poor Sonic is on the verge of drowning!
It’s OK, buddy. There’s a Groupon on group therapy we can redeem.
Ah, away from water at lastKicking and screaming back in the water
On my very short list of disappointments with this game, Star Light Zone is definitely one of them. Based on the name of the stage, my 8 year old self imagined a grandiose world littered by hundreds of multi-colored and different sized stars (including exaggeratedly enormous ones). Sadly the actual stars are just normal, rendering the overall effect forgettable. The world is not a fraction as colorful as I expected a “Star Light Zone” to be. Although Star Light Zone features some pretty cool ideas such as the fans and teeter totters, it felt like Sonic Team dropped the proverbial ball as it relates to appearance and atmosphere.
In fact, my mind often switches Spring Yard Zone and Star Light Zone, as a sign of my inner desire for Star Light Zone to be brighter and bigger than what it is.
The oddly titled (and looking) Scrap Brain Zone doesn’t mess around. Industrial in its look and design, it features the game’s trickiest platforming and even includes some underwater sections to navigate through.
Personally, I didn’t care too much for the aesthetics of Scrap Brain Zone. It’s not one of those memorable final worlds that spring to mind when I think of such things. It’s rather mechanical (in spirit), which granted makes a ton of sense because it is Dr. Robotnik’s lair, but still. It feels a little too lifeless and definitely ranks toward the bottom of my least favorite zones in this game, along with the aforementioned disappointing Star Light Zone.
Thankfully, the final fight with Dr. Robotnik is highly memorable and something that has stuck with me throughout the ages. It’s simply classic and fun to play. After a small speed bump, Sonic the Hedgehog definitely ends on a high note.
If you beat a stage with 50 or more rings and manage to jump into the big golden ring at level’s end, then you’ll be transported here. It’s a crazy dream-like psychedelic experience. Do your best to avoid the red dots of death and make your way to the middle to claim your Chaos Emerald. This bonus round blew our minds back in 1991. It was at once soothing and chaotic — the perfect balance.
Back in the day my family was friends with four other families. Our parents were best friends with the other parents and the kids, ranging from birth dates of 1978-1986, were much the same. Together, we were a force to be reckoned with. Our epic sleepovers during the late ’80s to mid ’90s is the stuff legends are made of, filled with countless coming-of-age adventures and of course, video games galore. I remember many of those happy Saturday nights fondly, but there was one innocent Saturday night in the summer of ’91 that stood out in particular. We booted up Sonic the Hedgehog and Tommy had the controller. Randomly, he pressed Up, Down, Left, Right, A + START at the title menu. Next thing we knew, a level select cheat menu popped up!
We all lost our minds the second this happened
You have to understand something. This was 1991. Way before the internet, way before YouTube, way before GameFAQs. You couldn’t just go online to Google cheat codes, oh no. You either found out by reading the cheat section in a gaming magazine or discovering it yourself through sheer dumb luck. For Tommy, it was the latter. Or at least, that’s what he told us. At any rate, cracking the code back then was bigger than big. Unlocking a video game secret is a moment that instantly becomes etched in the annals of time. Tommy from that point on forever adopted a near mythical aura within our gaming group. It’s one of my favorite game memories because it encapsulates the innocence of the early ’90s and also what made our Gaming Crew so damn special and magical.
Uncle Jimmy: the man, the myth, the legend
My other favorite Sonic the Hedgehog memory involves my Uncle Jimmy. He lived with us as we were growing up. My brother and I absolutely adored him. Whether he was weaving spooky ghost stories on a warm summer night, or whether he was playing Contra and other NES classics with us, Uncle Jimmy was an important part of my childhood. He was also the one who bought us a Sega Genesis in 1991 along with Sonic the Hedgehog.
Sadly, by ’91 Uncle Jimmy by and large lost interest in playing video games. However, I’ll never forget coming home from school one day and upon opening my door hearing that classic Sonic the Hedgehog music. I had just started 3rd grade so it was probably September. My brother wasn’t home yet and my mom sure as hell wasn’t playing Sonic… so who was? I turned the corner after taking off my shoes and sure enough, there he was sitting on the couch grinning like a boy who had just seen Santa. I’ll never forget that image. He was on the lava stage, Sonic was teetering on the block and Uncle Jimmy was swaying along with Sonic before he caught me watching him. He gave me a thumbs up and it became a moment frozen in time. It was also the last time I can recall Uncle Jimmy playing a video game. It was Uncle Jimmy’s last hurrah.
Sonic the Hedgehog may not be the best game in the series but it introduced the world to an iconic character who transcended video gaming itself. It laid the foundation for what was to come. It also spawned countless similar platformers starring animals with attitude. Some examples include Awesome Possum, Bubsy and Rocky Rodent. It was a sign of the times, for sure. But no one ever did it better than Sonic. Sorry, Crash! Sonic the Hedgehog is a personal favorite of mine. Some of the sequels may well be better, but similar to Donkey Kong Country, the original will forever hold a special place in my gaming heart. With today seeing the release of Sonic Mania Plus, and with a movie set to launch on November 15, 2019 (with Jim Carrey playing Dr. Robotnik), Sonic is alive and well. He has stood the test of time whereas many other attempted mascots have miserably failed. It’s nice to pause and look back on where it all started. Sonic the Hedgehog, I salute thee. Thanks for all the memories.
With the boom of the 3D era in 1996, some of our old favorite genres took a backseat to this changing of the guard. Or in some cases, they became an endangered species. One of those was the beat ‘em up genre. From the glorious late ’80s to early-mid ’90s, beat ‘em ups ruled the arcade (and home console) scene. From classics such as Final Fight, Double Dragon, Golden Axe and Streets of Rage just to name a few, they were a staple of many childhoods. But they went by the wayside when 3D gaming ushered in the next generation. Enter Sega’s Die Hard Arcade. It was a 3D interpretation of the classic beat ‘em ups of yore. A Saturn port was released a year later in March of 1997. It’s not the best game in the world but damn if it isn’t wacky fun.
Today (July 15, 2018) marks the 30 year anniversary of Die Hard. Released in theaters on July 15, 1988, Die Hard carved its way into our hearts and memories. The film followed the exploits of one, John McClane. A one man wrecking crew, he attempts to save his separated wife and countless hostages from the vile clutches of some East German terrorists. Taking place over the course of one wild night (Christmas Eve) and one highly memorable location (the fictionally named Nakatomi Plaza), Die Hard was an action movie for the ages. It launched Bruce Willis into superstardom and had one critic call it “a perfect action movie in every detail, the kind of movie that makes your summer memorable.”
The film worked on so many levels. One of its biggest reasons was the pinpoint portrayal of villainous mastermind, Hans Gruber (arguably one of the best movie villains of all time, right up there with the likes of Darth Vader himself). Played by Alan Rickman, Hans Gruber was masterfully memorable for his accent and wicked ways.
Die Hard was filmed at Fox Plaza in Los Angeles. Completed in 1987, Fox Plaza is 35 stories tall (493 feet) and served as the film’s memorable backdrop. Made on a budget of 28 million, Die Hard went on to gross that number five times over for a whopping 128.1 million. There are currently five Die Hard films with a sixth one on the way. Willis will reprise the role of McClane but a younger version is being cast for the earlier portions of the film which will depict McClane as a rookie cop in the ’70s. Happy 30 years, Die Hard!
A combination of The Towering Inferno and Die Hard
My girlfriend and I caught Skyscraper in theaters last night. I’m a big Rock fan but this one just didn’t do it for me. Maybe I was subconsciously comparing it too much to Die Hard, but it had none of the charm and memorable characters.
Give me Die Hard instead any day of the week
Die Hard Arcade was conceived by AM1’s Makoto Uchida. Uchida worked on numerous well known Sega titles such as Altered Beast and Golden Axe. A big fan of the original Die Hard film, Uchida had the idea of creating a 3D beat ‘em up with Die Hard as his main inspiration.
And thus, Die Hard Arcade was bornAd for the arcadeAd for the Saturn
Wolf Hongo and his cronies have invaded a skyscraper in Los Angeles. They want the vast riches in the vault and have also kidnapped the president’s daughter. It’s up to you (and your partner) to stop Wolf.
Die Hard Arcade doesn’t take itself seriously as seen here. The president’s daughter manages to elude the bad guys at some point and they cannot find her despite her being right under their nose.
Deep Scan is a 1979 arcade game from Sega. Play it to earn extra continues.
The extra continues help
The action starts out hot and heavy on this little rooftop ledge.
Many weapons are in play, including brooms!
There’s also the ever reliable handgun.
The blocky graphics add to the charm of the game. It’s a little rough around the edges, literally, but that’s just all part of the charm.
Quick time events, if handled right, allow you to recover some lost health. If you fail however, you’ll need to clear that area of any bad guys that linger. You have to pay attention to which button they ask you to press, like a Simon Says. It’s pretty neat and was later used in Shenmue on the Dreamcast.
Next, make your way to this elevator lobby where you can beat up the bad guys with everything from a missile launcher to a grandfather clock! This game is ridiculous and I can’t help but love how insane it is.
The bum in the green hat actually falls into the blue dumpster during a cutscene prior to McClane arriving on the scene. As stated earlier, Die Hard Arcade doesn’t take itself seriously and has a ton of black humor.
Watch out for the water spray, which can juggle you for damage. It can also hurt the enemies. Pick up the fire axe and hack away. There are also exploding barrels that you can heave their way.
The next scene is unforgettable. One of the bad guys is relieving himself as you approach ready to maim. Stuff like this is what makes video games so great.
Yes, John McClane is suplexing a naked man in a diaper. Some descriptions defy logic.
Anti-tank rifles, clubs, guns and more can be used here. Or just kick their ass the good old fashioned way. Toilet paper rolls roll around. This section is by far my favorite part of the game and I wish it were longer.
So damn satisfyingWhat a cinematic scene
Use robot arms lying around to send these bastards back to the trash heap.
“Come on, hand over the club. We all know how this ends.”
This big, beefy, masked mauler is one tough son of a gun. It’s a good thing you can shoot his ass and throw chairs at him, then. I love the whale swimming in the aquarium tank in the background.
McClane goes barefoot, just like in the movie“Come out to the coast, have a few laughs…”
A sequel, Dynamite Deka 2 or Dynamite Cop in North America, came out in 1999. It was released in the arcade and on the Sega Dreamcast. It takes place on a boat and similar to the first game, has something of a cult following behind it.
Choose from these threeGood ol’ Wolf Hongo is backIt’s just as crazy as Die Hard ArcadeActually, it’s a lot crazierThe stuff nightmares are made of…Hard to tell if it’s Dynamite Cop or John Wick 2Casinos can ruin your life. This one can kill itLooks like an online meetup gone horriblywrongMy butt a few hours after eating Taco BellDefinitely a fun and worthy sequel to Die Hard Arcade
8 years later, a revised version of the second game was released in arcades in Japan only. It was an odd release to say the least. By then the beat ‘em up genre was even more obscure than it had been in the early 2000s. The game was never ported to home consoles nor did it ever officially leave Japan.
Um… yeah…
In 2006, Dynamite Deka was re-released in Japan for the PlayStation 2 under the Sega Ages 2500 budget line. It featured revamped graphics.
Die Hard Arcade was even made into a manga by the name of Burning 2020.
It’s pretty incredible how Japan latches on to random entities and makes a “thing” out of them.
GameTZ (or Game Trading Zone) was a website where gamers can share their wanted and available list of games. You can browse other users’ listings and message them to strike up trades. I joined on March 21, 2001 — I was still a few months away from graduating high school. It was a crazy fun time… it was like the Wild West of the internet back in those days. People were more willing to trade before the site became a shell of itself in the years to come. My third deal there was trading my copy of Resident Evil (PlayStation 1) and $6 for Virtua Cop 2 and Die Hard Arcade (Saturn). At that time, I had just gotten back into all things Sega Saturn and I vividly remember the day Virtua Cop 2 and Die Hard Arcade arrived in the mail. Later that night, my brother and I binged on both games and it was the best arcade experience at home I had had in the longest time. It sent me on a tailspin of endless Saturn love as I would explore the system’s library further in-depth and uncover the most obscure of obscure games. Great memories!
My bro and I had so much fun that nightThe trade a smash SUCCESS
There were truly some funky deals I made on GameTZ. Maybe a story for another day. But I can’t resist sharing a few right now. I once got Street Fighter Collection in exchange for Golden Axe: The Duel and an obscure Wolfgang Krauser collectible that I got in the mail circa 1994 via TAKARA. But perhaps my funniest trade was getting High Velocity (an obscure racing game for the Saturn) for my Predator 2 VHS copy. Ah, GameTZ, how I loved thee once upon a moon.
Die Hard Arcade is a blast. It never takes itself too seriously, it’s violent as hell and it’s stupid fun with a friend by your side. My brother and I loved playing this game and although it’s short at around 20 minutes or so, we kept coming back to it over the years. It’s a true testament to how fun and over the top the game is. We didn’t care that the graphics were a little blocky or that the story wasn’t anything we hadn’t seen a thousand times before: a good beat ‘em up should be fun and Die Hard Arcade most certainly is.
There’s actually something charming about the blocky visuals. It was in the early days of 3D where polygons were mostly blocky. Developers were still finding their way with the new style of graphics; it was a sign of the times. But the best thing about this game is teaming up with a buddy to kick terrorist ass in the most amusing of ways. Whether you’re chucking a grandfather clock at the bad guys or beating them upside the head with a broom, Die Hard Arcade is a memorable foray into the realm of the 3D beat ‘em up. It’s campy, over the top and balls to the walls nutty. It’s not a perfect game, but for what it is, it’s perfect (if that makes sense). Now excuse me while I find my copy of this game and dust off the ol’ Saturn one more time…
Overall: 8.0 Silver Award
John McClane would approveThe Japanese Saturn version nailed the art cover
When Resident Evil first hit the PlayStation in the spring of 1996, it caused quite the uproar. Gamers and critics alike raved about its tense atmosphere, its amazing cinematic feel and its edge-of-your-seat survival horror gameplay. Sure, games like Alone in the Dark came before but it was Resident Evil that really caused the boom of the survival horror genre from where I sit. There were really only two games I was genuinely scared of before I first played Resident Evil back in the summer of ’96. Those two being NES Godzilla with its creepy music (hey, I was five years old) and Doom, the first person shooter that saw imps and demons stalking you through the tight corridors and haunted halls of Hell. Then along came Resident Evil. It reminded me of what it felt like to actually have a sense of dread as I navigated my way through the game. With this being October and all, it’s a great time to look back on this epic horror game and remember what made it such a classic. Capcom is no stranger to the survival horror genre. They released Sweet Home exclusively to the Famicom (Japanese Nintendo) in 1989. Resident Evil, in fact, was heavily inspired by the firm’s previous survival horror effort seven years prior. It’s safe to say time and technology allowed Capcom to take the genre to the next level. Let’s take a stroll down memory lane…
Remember where you were the first time you played Resident Evil? I bet you do. Whether it was a stormy night in Sacramento or a darkening late afternoon in Detroit, everyone remembers the very first time they played and laid eyes on this. It’s just one of those games. Back in the day I was lucky enough to have a tight-knit gaming group. Those guys were a big part of my childhood. Sure, I had my best buddy Nelson, but there’s something special about 18 kids coming together and having legendary sleepovers where we would stay up til 2 in the morning gaming the night away. And it was these damn bastards that introduced me to the EVIL. It was the summer of 1996. By then I had largely slipped out of the gaming scene. At least in the sense that I was no longer reading game magazines and following up on it like I had in the earlier part of the ’90s. So it was on a faithful hot summer evening that my friends, knowing what a horror freak I was, took me upstairs to show me this new “badass” game. I watched the B-Movie-like intro and was sold immediately. I had never seen or heard of this game before. I had no idea what to expect, except I knew this was a moment not only in my gaming fandom but my childhood that would come to stand the test of time.
The classic newspaper headline added perfectly to the B-Movie feel. I remember thinking “Who killed the people?” My friend then passed the controller to me. I looked at him bewildered, as if I had just seen a ghost. They told me they already played it and that it was my turn. And so, it began…
“You, the master of unlocking…”
After the cheesy yet tense intro, you find your three characters escaping into the safety of a secluded mansion, or so they think. A bit of corny dialogue ensues as they decide to sweep the mansion for their missing team members.
One of the most iconic moments in gaming history
This was the first time a console video game ever made me jump out of my chair. Needless to say, my friends enjoyed a hearty laugh at my expense. I’m pretty sure it all happened to them the first time too, but of course, they denied such a thing happening. What a bunch of great friends, huh?
And then the dramatic, cinematic zombie scene…As you realize the true horror behind the murders…… the abominable creature turns his attention to youYou knew for sure you were in for one hell of a ride!It’s a dark mansion. Never know what’s behind ya…YIKES! Where’s Jeff Daniels when ya need him?!
Chris Redfield’s old friend and partner, Barry is a former SWAT team member. He maintains and supplies weapons for all S.T.A.R.S. members. With over 16 years of experience, Barry has led many successful projects. Barry is a trusted ally but has had some trouble with his wife and two daughters as of late. He may look or sound depressing at times due to his current issues at home.
Previous member of S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team and already stationed in Raccoon City, Joseph was recently promoted to serve as vehicle specialist for Alpha Team. Many Bravo Team members are jealous of his promotion but he was anointed by Wesker himself. Joseph is young, enthusiastic and has an inquisitive nature.
After being kicked out of the Air Force, Chris became a drifter until he met Barry Burton. Barry recruited him for the newly formed S.T.A.R.S. squad. Now Chris has been reassigned to a smaller unit at Raccoon City headquarters in order to prove himself.
An intelligent soldier that has rescued many S.T.A.R.S. members from danger in the past, Jill has been reassigned to Raccoon City just like Chris. She is excellent with mechanical devices such as lock-picks. Jill has strong moral convictions and fights for what she believes in.
Brad is a computer expert and is great at gathering information. His fear of dying draws much heat from his fellow soldiers. His lack of enthusiasm for rushing into danger has earned him the nickname “Chickenheart.”
Wesker has risen quickly inside the S.T.A.R.S. organization and currently leads the Alpha Team. Wesker was recruited by a headhunter for his sharp insight and eventually founded the S.T.A.R.S. unit in Raccoon City.
A very important member of the unit, he is the communication expert for Bravo Team. The only link back to headquarters for teams out in the field, Richard pulls double duty as radioman for both units since Alpha Team really has no trained operator except for Jill (who has a knack for technology).
The youngest member of the group, Rebecca was recruited for her knowledge of field medicine and First Aid. She is nervous around other team members due to her age and her lack of experience. Rebecca is eager to please.
Bravo Team’s leader and Wesker’s second in command for the S.T.A.R.S. unit, Enrico feels threatened by the arrival of the Alpha Team. He has an inkling that Chris or Barry may end up replacing him as Wesker’s right hand man. Nonetheless, Enrico is a dedicated S.T.A.R.S. operative and is always proud to lead the unit whenever Wesker gives him the nod.
Forest is a great sniper as well as Bravo’s vehicle specialist. He is a consummate professional and his work earns him great respect from his colleagues. He shares a very natural connection with Chris Redfield.
A quiet but very talented field scouting officer, Kenneth also has spent time as a chemist. His chemical knowledge will come in handy for Raccoon City’s zombie siege…
There’s also a flamethrower and rocket launcher to be found within the hallowed halls…
Sega Saturn Magazine (the best gaming publication EVER for my money) championed Resident Evil to the moon. They sold the game so wonderfully well that I’m including excerpts of their various Resident Evil previews, showcases and review below. Enjoy!
Those who haven’t seen Resident Evil will no doubt be wondering what all the fuss is about. It caused a huge stir last year when it was released on the PlayStation and was a massive commercial success. This survival horror video game follows the exploits of Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield who are both members of the S.T.A.R.S. (Special Tactics And Rescue Service) Alpha team. They have been called to investigate a series of grisly murders at a place known as Raccoon City.
Resident Evil is an incredible and terrifying gaming experience. For Capcom’s first foray into the realms of 3D, Resident Evil is an awesome achievement which upon the time of its release received rave reviews and critical acclaim. The game uses a mixture of horror and puzzle elements to dramatic effect, creating an atmosphere unparalleled in any other video game ever. As a result it proved to be immensely successful, surpassing SEGA Rally Championship as the fastest selling CD game of all time.
Capcom of Japan are renowned for being perfectionists with a meticulous attention to every conceivable detail as is evident from their 2D beat ‘em up classics. So despite the high praise heaped upon Capcom, they weren’t entirely satisfied with the finished PlayStation version of Resident Evil. Several ideas that the programmers had in mind for the game failed to come to fruition, so upon completion of the original game the programmers set to work on an enhanced version. The new version would allow the programmers the opportunity to iron out the gameplay irritations of the original and incorporate those various elements that were absent. The new Resident Evil Dash as it became known was intended for release on the PlayStation some time ago, but failed to arise as it was canned not long into its development cycle. Luckily for Saturn owners, this is the version they’re getting.
Like every B-movie horror flick, Resident Evil Dash has a terrifying plot which unfolds and develops as you play. The horror story centers around two main characters Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield, two members of the S.T.A.R.S. (Special Tactics And Rescue Service) Alpha team. They are called to a remote town, Raccoon City, to investigate the grisly murders and the disappearance of the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team, with whom all communication has been lost. After a brief encounter in the woods with a pack of savage canines, Alpha Team seek refuge in a secluded mansion which, unknown to them, is full of frights.
Further investigation leads to the recovery of reconnaissance notes which reveal sketchy details of a company known as Umbrella. They have been conducting genetic mutation research commissioned by the government. The aim of this research is shrouded in secrecy, with a cover-up under way to prevent details of horrific events leaking out. Alpha Team’s mission is to explore the mansion and eliminate everything within, locate the whereabouts of Bravo Team and find out exactly what the hell is going on…
Put simply, RED (Resident Evil Dash) is a disturbing and harrowing experience players are proud to say they have endured and survived. Guide Chris or Jill around the dingy, claustrophobic and blood-splattered rooms of the mansion uncovering clues to the plot which remains shrouded in secrecy until the very end. All the while players are stalked by a bizarre series of genetic mutations, evidence if ever it were needed of a scientific experiment gone horribly wrong. From the flesh-eating zombies to the giant tarantulas, ravenous Dobermans and lizard creatures, danger is lurking around every corner and behind every door.
It quickly becomes clear that our brave investigators are ill-equipped to deal with the situation at hand, so survival becomes the primary goal. This makes locating the secret ammo stashes even more essential, whilst getting acquainted with the capabilities of different weapons.
But that’s all by the by, the main interest of RED is clearly the gratuitous violence. To my mind there’s no other video game as blatantly gruesome, gory and stomach-churning as RED. Frantically reaching for a shotgun and blowing the head clean off a zombie as a fountain of blood erupts from between its shoulders is one of the most satisfying moments in video game history.
However, there’s so much more to RED than the infamous blood-spilling sequences. There’s a strong puzzle element to the game requiring much lateral thinking and forward planning. Some of the puzzles are self-explanatory switches or locating certain items. But as players gain access to more areas of the grounds and the plot steadily unfolds, the puzzles become more complex requiring a much greater deal of head-scratching. But that’s not to say that RED is a rock hard mammoth gaming chore reminiscent of Core’s Tomb Raider. Capcom appears to have set the difficulty level just right, allowing novices to progress through the game with competence as Jill, whereas more seasoned players are able to take their gaming skills to the limits as Chris (who carries less items than Jill).
Graphically, RED is in a class of its own with the pre-rendered backgrounds looking absolutely stunning and exhibiting more detail than even the original PlayStation version. From the blood-stained corridors to the dark laboratories, the level of detail and depth to each of the scenarios is incredible. The real stars of the show however are the hideous monsters which are superbly animated and chillingly realistic.
But what makes RED so undoubtedly great is the tense atmosphere upon which it thrives, keeping players engrossed in a masochistic kind of way. The feeling of your imminent demise is intense throughout the game, heightened by the chilling Hitchcock-style tunes, not to mention the accompanying moans and groans from the undead. Add to this the dramatic fixed camera positions (reminiscent of Alone in the Dark) which lends the game a cinematic feel. Factor all these aspects and the scene is set for one of the most horrific games of all time.
Capcom’s Saturn development is arguably the best of any third party developer. Over the last couple years Capcom have supplied Saturn owners with a wealth of arcade beat ‘em ups, such as the awesome Street Fighter Alpha 2 and X-Men: Children of the Atom, a trend which appears set to continue. Why, just flick through the glossy pages of this esteemed magazine and you’ll discover the very latest earth-shattering pictures of Saturn Marvel Super Heroes and Street Fighter Collection. However, Capcom’s latest and possibly greatest Saturn development is not another 2D arcade beat ‘em up but rather the multi-genre gore-fest of Resident Evil.
Playing Resident Evil is like nothing gamers will have experienced before. Though comparisons will undoubtedly be drawn with Core Design’s Tomb Raider, essentially the two games play very differently. For the most part, the gameplay of Resident Evil is of the killed or be killed variety with players being stalked throughout the mansion and its grounds by hordes of bizarre genetic mutations. The range of monsters is astonishing, from the giant spiders to the huge Tyrant boss, all thirsting for the taste of your blood. Survival soon becomes the main priority as operatives struggle to escape the confines of the mansion. To make matters worse, ammo is scarce, so it’s not simply a case of running around in a mad blasting frenzy. Some monsters are best avoided altogether as they’re either too tough or too difficult to hit. Conserving ammo is the key to success as players soon learn how to side step the hordes of genetic mutations in order to amass enough ammo to destroy the final boss.
All the while players struggle to overcome a wealth of diverse puzzles featured throughout. Most require you to locate a certain object before using it to unlock a door mechanism, or finding a hidden switch somewhere. But later on the puzzles become more complex, with chemical formulas being mixed and even a piano to play! On the whole, the difficulty level of the puzzles appear to be pitched just right, presenting a deep challenge to even experienced gamers.
However, what really sets Resident Evil apart from Tomb Raider is the tense atmosphere. Terror lurks around every corner with some genuine shocks in store for first time players. Savage dogs leaping through windows, seemingly dead zombies chomping at your ankles and giant snakes bursting through walls are just a taste of the shocks in store. Add to this the macabre music, eerie silences and accompanying moans from the horde of the undead, and Resident Evil works better than a strong laxative.
The problem that has beset so many other adventure games in the past is that their linear structure means that once the game has been completed there’s little to entice players back. Therefore it’s to Capcom’s credit that such pitfalls have been avoided with Resident Evil. The gameplay is surprisingly nonlinear, with players being required to make decisions at several key points during the game. Depending on which choices have been made greatly affects the unfolding plot and eventually the game’s ending. However, the main source of variety in Resident Evil stems from which of the two S.T.A.R.S.’ operatives that players select at the beginning. Choosing either Chris or Jill affects which weapons players are able to discover, the amount of monsters and ultimately the outcome of the plot (just to name a few key differences).
Though Chris handles himself considerably well when separated from his fellow S.T.A.R.S. crew members, players choosing to take on his mantle are essentially opting to travel the most difficult route through the game. That said, players who wish to explore every nook and cranny of the mansion and solve every last puzzle in order to appreciate the full splendor of Resident Evil are best off choosing Chris. To begin with our hero is ill-prepared for the horrors which await him, being devoid of all firearms and armed only with his trusty combat knife. Obviously this causes a few problems when encountering flesh-eating zombies hell-bent on sinking their teeth into your flesh and draining it of blood. So Chris’ first priority is to seek out a more powerful weapon. Once the Beretta has been located, Chris’ superior shooting skills become evident, as he is able to fire with greater accuracy than Jill, requiring less bullets to take down the mutated monsters. It’s a good thing too, as the plentiful ammo supply enjoyed by Jill is not available to Chris, with extra ammo being scarce throughout his campaign. By way of compensation, Chris’ bulky frame is better able to take more damage than Jill before death comes knocking.
To make things more difficult, Chris left his backpack at the drop zone and his action slacks are only able to carry up to six items at a time. This means playing as Chris requires a great deal of forward planning and effective resource management. Much of the time players find themselves legging it back and forth between storage rooms and depositing unwanted objects in favor of more useful items.
Despite his shortcomings, Chris Redfield is a skilled member of the S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team whose superior shooting skills, strength and resilience make him a worthy (if challenging) character to play as.
Jill Valentine is a relatively new member of the S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team whose mission is considerably simpler and shorter than that of her colleague for a number of reasons. Firstly, Jill begins her adventure armed with a Beretta pistol, having a clear advantage over Chris who spends much of the early part of the game foraging for weapons and ammo. In addition, Jill is given a lock-pick early on by fellow S.T.A.R.S. teammate Barry Burton, enabling Jill to enter certain rooms and storage areas not accessible to Chris without the corresponding key. Jill is also able to carry up to eight items in her navy blue action slacks. Her larger inventory means that managing resources is a tad simpler than playing as Chris. Jill’s game is also considerably easier in that fewer monsters patrol the corridors of the mansion, so players needn’t worry too much about being overrun by hordes of the undead. Besides, even if Jill were to find herself in a spot of bother, secret admirer Barry Burton is on hand to make sure she comes to no harm.
However, in some respects Jill is worse off than Chris. Being of a slight build, her body is less resilient to enemy attack, taking less chomps from a marauding zombie to kill her. In addition, Jill’s aim isn’t up to the same standard as that of her teammate, requiring her to take more time when aiming and with less accuracy than sharpshooter Chris. Despite her shortcomings, Jill’s superior intelligence and lock-picking abilities make her mission a more straight-forward affair and rather less challenging.
As we exclusively revealed in last month’s SEGA SATURN MAGAZINE, the long-awaited Saturn version of Resident Evil will be quite different to its PlayStation brethren.
Possibly the most exciting addition to the Saturn rendition is the planned inclusion of an Arena Battle/Survival Mode. This is a special mini-game which becomes available once the regular game has been completed. Controlling either Chris or Jill, players progress through 15 stages fending off a continuous onslaught of 11 different types of genetically mutated monsters which advance with relentless speed. Only one weapon of choice is available to begin with, though more are collected as players use all their skills to battle through the stages. Players are then ranked upon completion or demise according to items used, the time taken and lives remaining.
At long last Capcom have also confirmed Saturn Resident Evil will DEFINITELYfeature new monsters… and we’ve seen ‘em! The new (as yet unnamed) monster in the 80% version we have is a redesigned version of a Hunter and lurks in the sewers beneath the mansion. It acts similarly but looks quite different. In addition, survivors of the PlayStation version may recall the huge Tyrant boss at the end of the game. A genetically engineered super-creature, the Tyrant was very agile and extremely difficult to kill. Well, depending on your point of view and game playing skills, the good or bad news is that for the Saturn version of Resident Evil there are now two Tyrants to destroy!
And now, let’s meet the monsters…
A lethal experimental virus was accidentally released among the Laboratory technicians. After the initial itchy sores had subsided, the laboratory technicians began to lose their minds and their bodies slowly began decaying. Their stinking rotting corpses now stagger around the mansion, arms outstretched in the hopes of snaring their prey and feasting on its blood. Their lack of agility and intelligence makes them easy to run around. Also be weary of downed zombies as they tend to play dead, pardon the pun, awakening only to chomp at your ankles.
Genetically engineered to be devastating fighting machines, the Hunters are extremely difficult to avoid and even more difficult to kill. When attacking their enemy, the Hunters leap about into the air, making targeting at times a virtual impossibility. Their sharp claws prove deadly and are often used for severing heads from shoulders.
After being infected with the same lethal strain of virus which drove the lab technicians insane, the one-time guard dogs of the mansion are similarly affected. The hungry Dobermans retain their in-bred instinct to protect the mansion and its grounds from intruders, and that means you!
A lethal and deadly opponent, the Chimeras not only patrol the floors of the tight corridors but also the ceilings, occasionally swinging down to attack their prey with their vicious claws. Naturally this makes targeting the genetically mutated monsters very difficult indeed, which invariably leads to heavy ammo loss. So you’re best advised to avoid them with some nifty foot work.
The giant snake is encountered twice throughout the game and is the largest genetic mutation roaming the mansion. Those bitten by the snake will find their bloodstream infected with a deadly poison unless treated immediately with an anti-poison vaccine.
Much of the time they remain passive but make a mistake and the aggravated flock will swoop down with great haste to peck their prey to death. Just ask poor Forest…
The grand finale to Capcom’s awesome horror-fest sees the unleashing of not one but two Tyrants. A genetically engineered killing machine, the Tyrant was created to be the ultimate life force. It’s extremely fast, attacking opponents with a devastating series of claw swipes before finishing things off with an uppercut which skewers the victim. Players are confronted by a Tyrant on a number of occasions and are best advised to run away from this super creature, stopping occasionally to launch an attack. Good luck!
Taking a break from the 2D beat ‘em ups for which they have become synonymous, Capcom’s latest Saturn development is the critically acclaimed RESIDENT EVIL. Originally titled Biohazard for its earlier Japanese release, the game offers a scenario whereby players are called to investigate a series of grisly murders around a secluded mansion at a place known as Raccoon City. As one of its two members of the elite S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team, it becomes evident that the mansion has played host to a series of bizarre scientific experiments which early reconnaissance notes suggest have gone terribly wrong. Alpha Team’s mission is to explore the mansion and eliminate everything within, find the missing Bravo Team and find out what the hell is going on.
The game is similar to last year’s massive hit Tomb Raider and the rather dated Alone in the Dark games, but is arguably superior to both. Basically, players find themselves trapped inside a vast mansion crawling with all manner of strange genetic mutations with an unquenchable thirst for blood. Protocol is quickly discarded as players struggle to survive and escape the confines of the mansion. However, blocking the route to safety through the dark and dingy blood-splattered corridors are locked doors, the keys to which are usually hidden at the opposite end of the mansion. Expect plenty of diverse puzzles, too. These usually involve locating certain objects and exchanging them with others, or triggering a hidden switch to reveal a secret passageway. Some of these puzzles are huge, requiring a great deal of lateral thinking and forward planning, considering you’re only able to carry a certain number of items at any given time.
Of course, this could have the makings of a pretty boring game were it not for the vast amount of action in Resident Evil, something which clearly distinguishes the game from the likes of Tomb Raider. For the most part, the gameplay is of the killed or be killed variety as players are stalked throughout the mansion and its grounds by a continuous onslaught of genetically mutated monsters. So locating the more powerful weapons and replenishing the limited supply of ammunition quickly becomes a priority for operatives wishing to stay alive. This gives way to some of the most gruesome and shocking scenes ever witnessed in a video game, with gallons of bloodshed featured throughout.
Clearly these elements contribute to a fantastic game, but it’s the intense feeling of terror heightened by the chilling music and eerie silences which sets Resident Evil apart from any other adventure game you may care to mention. The shit-scary feeling of your imminent demise as players are faced with a room full of zombies and rapidly deteriorating health is quite unlike anything players will have experienced before in a video game, being more akin to a Wes Craven horror flick. Indeed the game has a very cinematic quality to it, with the ensuing action being viewed from the dramatic fixed camera positions pioneered by Infogrames’ Alone in the Dark series. Some camera angles can lead to some rather interesting visuals…
In fact, aside from the terrible voice-overs and over-emphasized hand gesticulations which provide the game with some unintentional light relief, there’s very little to moan about.
BTW, EGM scored it 6.5, 8.0, 8.5 and 9.0.
Snooping around always comes back to bite you…You see?! What an awesome dramatic momentPop a cap in that ass! Do the ‘hip kids’ still say that? [They did until right about now -Ed.]Glorious gallons of pixelated blood
You get this cool cutscene if you pick Jill. My jaw dropped the first time I saw this. I couldn’t believe the amount of gore or how raw it felt. I remember thinking to myself on that summer night of 1996 that video games have come such a long way from when I first played the 8-bit Nintendo some 10 years prior!
Looks like we’re Alone in the Dark… [HA HA HA -Ed.]Flick on the lights. Uh oh, that doesn’t look too goodTyrant reminds me of a souped up Freddy Krueger!“One… two… Freddy’s COMING FOR YOU…”
I’ll never forget that sweltering summer night back in 1996 when I first faced the horrors within the hallowed halls of Resident Evil. It was like no other console gaming experience I ever had. Players were literally dumped into a horror movie from hell, submerged in a twisted world of monsters and mayhem. The game has an atmosphere like no other. There was always this impending sense of doom in the pit of your stomach as you dashed through the dark corridors of the mutant-infested mansion, searching desperately for an ink ribbon, healing herb or new clue. Ammo was limited so you had to rely on your brains and not so much your brawn. It was a harrowing experience the likes of which I had personally never seen before, and I’ll always fondly remember it for that.
This made us all flinch the first time back in the day
Those entering the world of the original Resident Evil, be it on PlayStation or Saturn, for the first time today may not quite appreciate it the way we did over 20 years ago back in 1996. I liken it to playing 1993’s DOOM for the first time today. You kind of had to be there when it first came out to get the full impact. Although the controls were a bit clunky; there was no 180° degree turn back then and the graphics had its limits (though I’ll admit to enjoying the jagged less-than-perfect 3D polygons of the 32-bit generation), there’s no denying Resident Evil was a shit-scary experience. It left an indelible mark on an entire generation of gamers, as evident by the swarming legion of fans still to this day. This led to numerous sequels and had other companies scrambling to create their own survival horror game as seen with Konami and Silent Hill. Capcom, like they did five years earlier in 1991 with Street Fighter II, once again struck gold!
Earlier this month I fired up Resident Evil for the 50th time. It’s a true classic and a title I love revisiting every October. The eerie music and creepy silences add tremendous atmosphere to the game. Not to mention around every corner and behind every door there lurks a bloodthirsty zombie or two just waiting to feast on your flesh. The plot is simple and effective, it features a memorable cast of characters and monsters, and it brought home an authentic B-Movie feel in raw 3D. Good times indeed. Another notch on Capcom’s belt, Resident Evil is a classic adventure from the 32-bit era.
Overall: 9.0 Gold Award
One of the most defining moments in all of gaming!“MMMMM… tasty… itchy…”
Double Dragon. Man, the series brings back a lot of fond memories for me. It originated in the arcades in 1987 and received a Nintendo port in June 1988. The NES game was where many of us were first exposed to the exploits of the Shadow Warriors and the Lee Brothers. It’s hard to believe the NES version is almost 30 years old. Let’s kick off Double Dragon week here on RVGFanatic with the classic (well, mostly, anyhow) NES trilogy.
Who could forget this intro?
Remember the little music here?
Make them pay for their sins.
Remember climbing the ladders?
Or stealing Linda’s whip?
Love the city in the backdrop.
Abobo is an all-time iconic NES villain.
They weren’t levels.
They weren’t stages.
They were missions!
Ever been hit by a cardboard box?
They’re more vicious than they look!
You really felt like you were on a mission.
Scaling this tower was some epic shit.
Seriously made you feel like Bruce Lee.
Speaking of Bruce Lee…
Don’t think these are friendly woods.
Take his knife and throw it back at him!
This was so atmospheric
Batting practice, anyone?
Abobo twins busting out was so epic.
This part always did me in.
As did this, if I made it this far.
Watch those sticks of dynamite…
The Incredible Abobo.
That moon is straight up Konami!
How ominous looking…
Come here often?
I’ve got better things to do tonight than die!
Ah, the 2-player mode we didn’t want.
A novelty act that didn’t last long.
Well, at least you could use Abobo.
How about 2 players in the real mode?
Ask and you shall receive
Double Dragon II: The Revenge was everything we wanted in a Double Dragon game and more. Now you could play co-op with a buddy and take out the bad guys together. I have so many fond memories of playing this game with my uncle and brother switching off back in January 1990 when it first came out to North American shores. We played the crap out of this game and it was one of our absolute favorites.
I remember thinking this was a bit spooky.
Let’s just say Marian is in trouble…
Look, it’s Williams with a new makeover.
Yup, must have been the ’90s.
I used to call these guys “Leaf Men”
Never gets old stealing their weapons.
Remember throwing them off the ledge?
Reminded me of WWF’s Demolition!
Here comes the Ax. Here comes the Smasher. The Demolition — walking disaster. Pain and destruction is our middle name!
Such an awesome moment.
Not the best position to be in…
This was even worse.
I called these guys “Ninja Scarecrows”
I loved these little cutscenes.
“Neon-filled night” — beautiful phrase.
I called these guys “Paintbrush Men”
Watch out for the opening chopper door!
Hell of a mustache on this guy.
“This is the way to certain death.”
Another great action movie line.
Gotta have a forest stage.
Wouldn’t be Double Dragon without one.
This part claimed so many lives…
What lies up ahead?
Only one way to find out…
So fun setting these guys on fire.
It’s Chin from the first Double Dragon!
Oh man, that early ’90s fashion though.
We meet again, Arnold. “I’LL BE BACK!” Yeah, we’ll see about that.
“There is evil in the air.”
It’s cheesy but that’s the charm.
Disappearing platforms, yay…
“Paint THIS, bitch!”
Concentrate, young Jedi.
Send my regards to Mr. Fuji!
*devious Mr. Fuji crackle*
Just a cog in the machine…
Back again? You weren’t lying, Arnold.
“Damnit, we just wiped this floor clean!”
Your greatest enemy is yourself…
This guy kicked my ass hard.
Remember using the Game Genie on him?
Yeah, you weren’t alone. Game Genie FTW.
The Sacred Disappointment
Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones came out in the US February 1991. To put it simply, my brother and I felt it was a grand disappointment. It didn’t really feel like a Double Dragon game. Certainly there was a lot of potential there but we felt it was never realized. It was hard as hell, too. I don’t mind a difficult game, but when it feels damn near impossible to get past the second level or so, something is not right. I know some people might enjoy this game and that’s fine if you do. I just never did. Nevertheless, let’s take a quick look.
Ah, the infamous Bimmy blunder.
This was a sign of things to come.
Creepy intro, though.
Points for that.
I dunno, old lady, you look a bit shady…
Ah what the hell. Let’s go.
He nails the homeless man impersonation.
I never liked the aesthetic.
Double Dragon II looked way better.
This is the boss? How disappointing.
At least they still have a forest stage.
Nice to see the Great Wall of China, too.
Chin, you’ve really let yourself go…
It’s a little depressing
Wait, you can use Chin?!
That’s not jumping the shark at all…
Beat Ranzou and he becomes an ally.
Props for branching out, I guess.
But some things don’t need branching out.
He’s certainly no Abobo.
Best looking part of the game.
So let’s end it on a high note
Double Dragon is a classic franchise that I feel has been overlooked and somewhat forgotten over the years. For me growing up with the NES in the late ’80s and early ’90s, the brand of Double Dragon in my mind was right up there with the likes of Mario, Punch-Out!!, Mega Man, Metroid, Castlevania and Contra. It saddens me that it kind of faded away from the spotlight but hey, we’ll always have the memories. On a side note, we did receive Double Dragon IV for PS4 and Steam on January 30, 2017. So the Lee Brothers aren’t officially dead yet.
One of the most iconic moments in NES history
The NES trilogy was a mixed bag. The first one was great for its time. The visuals and sound were both excellent. I also kind of liked that you learn more moves as you gain experience. It makes sense being the first game that the Lee Brothers would slowly learn more moves as they go along. The only thing missing a 2-player co-op mode in the regular game mode. The second one is the best. Now you get 2-player co-op and the Lee Brothers know every trick in the book from the very beginning, so there’s no limitations or holding back from jump street. It’s an action-packed game that’s great fun with two. My only complaint? A little bit too much platforming for my liking. I don’t mind a bit of platforming in my beat ‘em ups as long as the control is on point. I can’t say that about Double Dragon II — I’ve lost many a life trying to complete all the damn jumps in that game. As for the third game in the series, I never liked it. It felt outdated and didn’t even feel like Double Dragon, names aside. Guess you can’t win ‘em all. See ya next time for the Lee Brothers’ SNES debut!