Publisher and Developer: New Blood | October 28, 2021
On December 10, 1993, Doom was released and it changed the gaming world. One of the most influential games of all time, Doom was a trailblazer smash mouth in your face experience the likes of which was never quite seen before. Some would even argue never quite seen since. Regardless of where you stand, it’s mind boggling to think Doom just celebrated 30 years this past December. I wrote my SNES Doom review originally back on October 30, 2013 — just over a decade ago. My how the years fly by. There have been many Doom clones since, and one of the very best was Dusk. Originally released exactly 25 years after Doom, on December 10, 2018, Dusk became something of an instant cult classic. It received a Nintendo Switch port (digital and a limited physical print run) in October of 2021. This past January, Dusk was on sale from $20 to $12. I’ve been meaning to play it and the discount made it a no brainer purchase. I’ve been on quite a hiatus especially as far as gaming reviews are concerned, but Dusk resonated with me so much that I knew I had to write home about it. It’s that damn good.
Dusk is an intense and intimate experience. It conjures memories of Winter of ’93 where my friends and I first experienced the shores of Hell in the form of the game changing Doom. Dusk infused me with the same sweet notes of raw adrenaline and terror as I infiltrated farm houses, creepy corridors and other unsettling scenarios. The enemies and weapons reminded me of the best features of Doom. There’s enough variety to keep your blood pumping as you mow down horror after horror. My personal favorite were the chainsaw wielding brutes with a sack over their faces reminiscent of Friday the 13th.
The random sinister messages sprawled on the walls added a nice touch of uneasiness to the whole dang thing.
As mentioned, the weapons strike a decent enough variety. You got your classic pistol, sawed off shotguns, chain guns, grenade launchers and this bow and arrow which is highly reminiscent of Heretic. But unlike id Software’s underrated outing, here the arrows shoot through enemies and walls. Now that’s friggin’ badass!
You can also wield a sword for crying out loud. When fully healthy, you can even charge the sword of a mega thrust that causes massive damage and can kill most enemies in one brutal swipe. It’s gloriously fun.
Another cool feature is the ability to pick up two pistols, or even two shotguns, in addition to a double shotgun. It helps to even up the odds a bit!
Speaking of the double shotgun, here it is in all its glory. It packs quite a punch, and you’ll find yourself relying on it quite a fair bit. Oh and those ghoulish demons there? I absolutely hate them. Creepy damn bastards they are.
While the double shotgun is a blast (pardon the pun), the two shotgun approach is pretty darn effective too. I love how they flip around whenever you fire off a round. Something very satisfying about that!
The action is frenetic, intense and unrelenting. There are specific portions of a level where the music will change and you have to kill a barrage of baddies before moving on. These action packed sections are among the highlights of Dusk.
There’s no greater feeling than killing the last enemy during said sections and hearing the frenetic music slow down, signaling to the player that you can finally breathe for a moment or two. That is until you encounter the next nasty lurking down the corridor.
The level design is simple yet brilliant. I love all the atmospheric night time levels with cornfields and random houses. It’s the perfect game to play around Halloween time or on those cold dark winter nights. There’s a certain feeling of danger and excitement as you run up and down a dilapidated house gunning down all manner of evil beings. It’s like a horror movie that comes to life.
I love how the colors of the sky might change from level to level. You literally get to experience every level and degree of … Dusk. Sorry, I kinda had to!
Some parts allow you to spring high into the air for some gnarly kills. It’s a nice tweak to the ol’ Doom gameplay that helps to keep Dusk from feeling like a complete ripoff. It has its own flare, too.
As you advance along, the levels change from farm houses and such to more industrial type settings. It helps to keep things fresh and different.
Like others of its ilk, the most powerful weapons pack a heavy punch and allow you to obliterate the competition in one or two shots. It’s not uncommon to see blood splattering the screen like such.
Some enemies shriek at you as they uncover your presence. The voices are fittingly gruff and creepy. It never gets old hearing “KILL THE INTRUDER.” It adds to the creepiness of the game for sure.
These are my favorite enemies of the game. Sometimes they’re mere decorations to keep those pesky crows away. Other times they spring to life to try to keep YOU away. Classic design and the perfect enemy for a game like Dusk.
It’s been a while since I’ve been engrossed by a game as much as I have been with Dusk. But the moment I pressed play, I was instantly hooked. The classic horror atmosphere, the wickedly fun enemies to plow through, the spectacular level design, the heavy metal music that fits like a glove, and enough firepower to light up Kingdom Come… all made Dusk a thrilling experience. It controls well, it never feels too cheap, and it has that magical “one more level” feel to it. In short, Dusk is a must play for anyone who ever enjoyed Doom.
Pub: EA Sports | Dev: Gray Matter | June 1993 | 8 MEGS
I vividly remember seeing the box of B.O.B. at local game rental stores as a kid and always wanting to rent it. Alas, as readers of Memories of Renting may recall, my older brother called the shots back in those days. As such, B.O.B. became one of countless SNES curiosities that would elude me until much later in life. I recall being shocked seeing the name of Electronic Arts slapped on the box. EA Sports was known for their sports titles. Only years later did I realize EA Sports was the publisher. The developer was actually Gray Matter, who developed shitty SNES games like James Bond Jr., Wayne’s World and Incredible Crash Dummies. In fact, B.O.B. is based off the game engine of Wayne’s World. So right away things aren’t looking good for B.O.B. but somehow, Gray Matter managed to get this one right. I suppose even a broken clock is correct twice a day, eh?
Click on this if on desktop or zoom in if on mobile
I remember flipping the box over and gawking at the back cover in awe. Most SNES boxes had fairly decent back covers but B.O.B. raised the bar considerably, not wasting an inch of real estate. The back was splattered with color and action, and it even featured a badass logo of our newly minted hero on the sides of the box. Oh how badly I wanted to rent it then and there but the last thing I wanted was a pissed off older brother who could beat the snot out of me
The Sega Genesis box was damn cool in its own rightThe cartridge had that cool yellow EA tab gimmick, tooYou just don’t see back covers like this any moreLooks familiar, EA…
On a side note, EA Sports did develop their own action platformer a year later when they released Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City. Now that I think about it, it does have a few similarities to B.O.B. Makes you wonder if publishing B.O.B. inspired EA to eventually develop their own action game. Chaos in the Windy City isn’t shabby, but B.O.B. is the better of the two.
Pick from six guns and six gadgets to help even up the odds. There’s a bit of added depth thanks to these tools, and you can either pause the game to switch or switch on the fly with the shoulder buttons. Gotta love the SNES controller!
If Doomwere made into a cartoony side scrolling action platformer, it would look a lot like B.O.B. Use the fist to conserve your ammo. It really packs a, er, punch!
Your standard single shot is the weakest gun you have and since it doesn’t have unlimited ammo, you’ll probably end up using this one the least. Your punch is actually stronger than this!
The triple shot gives you great coverage with medium power. I use this the most.
Rockets seek out the nearest target and is handy for when you’re trying to duck and dodge while simultaneously shooting like a mad man.
The flame thrower eats up a lot of ammunition fast and has limited range, but it’ll burn up the bad guys in a hurry.
Think of the bolt shot like the single shot, only 20 times stronger.
The wave shot is essentially the BFG of this game. Ammo is limited, it cuts a huge swath and does a stupid amount of damage. Save it for the bosses…
Be like Mary Poppins and glide gently to safety.
The flash sends the screen into a frenzy and affords you roughly eight seconds to safely sneak through any scenario. The enemies will be too blinded to attack!
The almighty shield grants eight seconds of invulnerability.
For a much needed boost, bust out the trampoline. It can also be done in mid-air.
Floating bomb destroys (or damages) every enemy on screen.
Use the helicopter hat to reach new heights and places. Avoid touching ceilings or else!
Rather than saving the world, our hero just wants to meet his hot date on a Saturday night. Of course, before he can leave, his old man gives him a lecture.
Fathers know best, right?
Teenagers can’t always see it though, because they’re young and, well, 17.
WHEW! A couple close calls there but all is good…
OOPS… I spoke too soon! THE END IS NEAR indeed.
There’s a bit of a comedic touch to this game. The map screen kind of takes me back to the days of ToeJam & Earl!
Interestingly enough, the game came out first in North America. It was released a good six months later in Japan (December 22, 1993) and was rebranded as Space Funky B.O.B. Pretty strange if you ask me!
Ammunition is limited in this game so conserve your ammo whenever possible. Thankfully, the punch is actually fairly potent and useful. The acquisition of the triple shot does make life a lot easier, though.
Weapon and gadget icons are sparingly placed throughout the levels. Always search them out and don’t run straight for the exit. Doing so will only hurt you later when it counts. And yes, because B.O.B. came out in 1993 during the mascot rage, our hero has his own antics and ‘tude.
“Gnarly” lingo is sprouted off at the start of each stage. That was 1993 for ya. I love seeing his fingers ripple up and down as he slides from point A to point B. The sound effect adds to the fun of it.
Careful! He can’t fall great distances without sustaining some damage.
Reminiscent of Alien the movie as well as Alien³ the game. Fry those little suckers! Spotting the exit within reach is always nice, but if you have time be sure to check out the surrounding nooks and crannies…
Goodies (and danger) lurk just around the corner!
Totally (1993) indeed. Love the visual effect of leaving a level.
Ammunition is fairly scarce so grab every single one you can. And use the punch whenever you can. You’ll need to conserve your ammo if you want to make it far.
Wrenches fully recover your health. It’s great seeing one especially when you’re just about to die! Watch out for the various stage hazards as well.
Creatures and critters abound. Love the nasty mess they leave behind when you kill them. A nice squishy sound effect makes it twice as fun.
Grabbing on to a pipe or vine and then sliding through following a fall is inexplicably satisfying, and something you’ll do a lot of. There is a nice flow to B.O.B. and this aspect contributes to said flow.
Certain stages will deviate from the norm and put you in a B.O.B.sled sort of affair. It’s a nice break from the usual. Avoid hazards and make it safely to the end. It can get quite dramatic as you can see above — super low health and out of time! The cool thing about running out of time is you don’t automatically lose. Once the clock hits 0, your health will drain. So it gives you a little grace period and sometimes you’ll need it to win!
Facehugger, much? The Alien homages are cool to see.
Jumping to catch the tip of a ladder is super satisfying, but jumping from tiny ledge to tiny ledge can be a bit of a frustrating experience. B.O.B. doesn’t have the best control in the world. It’s manageable, but rather loose.
Rockets come in handy against the first boss, the gigantic Borg Snake. Your rockets will take out his rockets, and since you can fire more at once than it can, you’ll be able to inflict damage in the process.
Occasionally it will stretch its neck out in an attempt to knock you back but other than that, it’s easy pickings.
Sometimes you’ll run across a health chamber. Enter it to fully recover your health. It’s reminiscent of the health chambers from Corridor 7, although B.O.B. came out first. Occasionally you’ll need to use your helicopter hat to reach the exit.
Destroy the pods first and then the vile creature will drop to fight you, pissed off that you killed its detestable babies.
Mutant maggots launch an airborne attack. Tired of dicking around, you bust out the great equalizer — the BFG! It’s time to exit this god-forsaken planet of Goth and go meet your girl!
Finally, you’re on your way to meet your hot date…
DAMN!! Way too close for comfort but you’re OK…
Naturally, it had to be a small piece, no? First goes the top…
Followed by everything else. And you thought your Tinder date was a disaster!
Arriving on the planet of Anciena, there are booby traps galore that will kill you instantly. Anciena is much tougher than Goth was.
Crouching and punching is the way to go sometimes. The enemies get harder and harder as you go deeper in the game.
Gliding down slowly and safely via the umbrella is a satisfying technique that you don’t see nearly enough of in other similar games. But one thing that is universal… the thrill of reaching level’s end with hardly any health remaining!
Creepy indeed! It almost feels satanic… in a cartoony way, of course.
Eroding platforms make their mark here. Fire birds try to subdue you, but send their asses back to the fiery pits of hell.
Nothing tops seeing a wrench when you’re on the verge of dying. They’re perfectly placed too, which speaks to the diligent efforts of Gray Matter (a shocker, I know). Little details, such as being able to see the rocket when equipping the rocket gun, make for a nice visual touch.
Sometimes, the exit can be seen early on but it’s just a tease — it’s nowhere near as accessible as it appears to be. B.O.B. quickly becomes a tough test of brutality. Just how hard? Sometimes you’ll finish a stage with no time left and barely any health!
Beware of Mr. Potato Head’s evil twin. One punch from him sends you flying back a great distance. Here’s another stage where you must use the helicopter hat to reach the exit. Thankfully, the items you need are often placed nearby. But you’ll still need to be stingy with your inventory as you never know when you might really need something and resources are scarce.
Helicopter hat and the umbrella add such great versatility and depth to B.O.B., making it a cut above your typical SNES action title.
B.O.B.sled stages are simple and fun to navigate, adding value to the game. They’re also infrequent enough to never wear out their (novel) welcome.
Something bad definitely happened!
Beware its acidic tongue.
Konami would be proud of this boss design. I love how the bosses flash orange-red when taking damage. Takes me back to the NES days of gaming!
They’ll even flash blue, too. Give ol’ Lava Lord the BFG treatment.
Memorable boss fights is key to a quality action game, and B.O.B. definitely check marks that box. Love the way Lava Lord dies, exploding one body part at a time!
Spoiler: Red Skull takes a break from guarding the Soul Stone to make a cameo in B.O.B. I guess you could say overly positive fan reaction to his scene in Infinity War has left him feeling a little… big headed. Moving on, watch out for the cloaked wizards who can electrocute your ass.
Anciena is guarded by a big bad beetle bot. It’s pancake city and auto death if his fist connects.
Thankfully, one shot of the BFG will take out its arms. This boss killed me 30 times before I thought of switching to the BFG. D’oh!
Killing bosses in B.O.B. feels super satisfying.
Alright, it’s time to meet your hot date! You zoom by a gas station and think to yourself, “Nah, I’m good!”
Riding along, singing your stupid song, you come to a most disturbing sign.
GAWD DAMNIT! Not this shit again!
Crashing on the strange and dangerous planet of Ultraworld, only the toughest weekend warriors will make it out alive.
Definitely WEIRD that no one over at Gray Matter did a spell check! Ultraworld is ultra tough. You’re walking along when all of a sudden something barfs on you and a chunk of your health goes missing!
Glancing back, you see it’s some kind of nasty parasite. A lot of B.O.B. is level memorization and repetition. It’s the only way to advance. Go a bit further, die, learn from your mistakes and repeat. A certain enemy on this stage will release bullets even after being killed. This world is TOUGH.
Annoyingly not something you can kill, this obstacle will send you flying back a great distance if you get too close. Mercifully, smashing against a wall is only a sight gag; it doesn’t sap your precious health. However, any threat that you touch while flying backward is fair game!
Damn… even the ladders aren’t safe anymore! Make sure you look before you leap. Lots of weird and tough enemies here that will tax you to your limit.
Poisonous jellyfish zoom by turning our hero into Skish KaB.O.B. Expect to see that death animation over and over again… Ultraworld will punish even the most skilled players.
Hardcore players need only apply. B.O.B. will chew you up and spit you out. Whether enemies kill you or you get crushed or you simply miss the exit by a split second, B.O.B. is one of the hardest action games on the SNES. Goth starts out easy enough. Anciena kicks it up a notch but is still quite manageable. But then Ultraworld comes and kicks your teeth down your throat. Don’t say I didn’t warn ya…
Having played both versions extensively, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that the SNES version is far superior. Better graphics, control and sound. It’s not even close. Plus being able to switch guns and gadgets on the fly via the shoulder buttons makes SNES B.O.B. so much more enjoyable.
Yeah, about those B.O.B. reviews…
Mark Lewis, the UK boss of Electronic Arts, had this to say about B.O.B. in an interview conducted by Super Play Magazine (issue #8, June 1993). It’s interesting that they dropped the “Search For Ultraforce” subtitle. B.O.B. made a little history when it became the first EA-published game to appear on the SNES before the Sega Genesis. Sadly for Mark and others, B.O.B. was a bit of a critical flop and things never quite panned out for our bug-like bot.
Sadly, it just wasn’t meant to be
Hey, speak for yourself!I love the fact that B.O.B. is such a bizarre gameThe Cyberdemon would be proud
I’ll never forget the barrage of ninja skeletons. After you kill all of them, their heads will lift off the ground and attack you!
The last boss, appearing on stage 47, has three or four forms. I kind of freaked out the first time I saw him. It was a combination of finally making it all the way to the end and the wickedly memorable design. He was like an abominable cross between a mutant spider, elephant and octopus. The stuff nightmares are made of. Thankfully, you get helpful items appearing on either side of the screen to aid you in the final battle.
I remember my palms were sweaty as I neared victoryOne final gasp…Sheer euphoria the moment he came bursting apart
I remember sitting in the dead still of a hot August night as I vanquished the nightmarish final boss. Months of perseverance, repetition, level memorization and proper resource conservation all led to this glorious moment. B.O.B. is a satisfying conquest to those who can persist with the game’s brutal (yet fair) difficulty.
13 years after being curious about B.O.B. as a kid, I finally got to play it on June 10, 2006. It was a quiet Saturday night and the desire to at long last quell this childhood curiosity overtook me. As a kid staring at the tantalizing box at my local game rental store, I thought B.O.B. looked like it could be a good under-the-radar sort of game. It’s always nice when your gut turns out to be right so many years later. Childhood curiosities don’t always have a happy ending so it’s awesome when one does. On a side note, it blows my mind that it’s almost been longer since I beat B.O.B. in the summer of 2006 than it has been when I first wondered about the game in the summer of 1993. Frightening! It’s like the realization you have at 35 that you’ve been out of high school longer than how old you were your senior year! My, how time flies…
Sadly, B.O.B. was mostly a flop with gaming magazines of the time. EGM gave it scores of 7, 7, 5 and 5. GameFan gave it ratings of 80, 70, 67 and 64%. Super Play buried it, rating it 54%.
But GamePro was a fan. I mean, take that for whatever it’s worth…
GamePro, however, wasn’t the only supporter. B.O.B. has a decent to solid fanbase as it turns out. Check out what some gamers have had to say over the years.
I always loved the game. I’m surprised that it never got a sequel -IronDraggon
It’s a decent game. I like the crouching and ways of shooting because games like Mega Man lacked that back then. I wouldn’t say there’s anything too special about it but it has its fun -cyberfluxor
I like just about everything about B.O.B. except for its hardcore difficulty once you reach the middle stages of the game. B.O.B. is resplendent with early nineties pop culture. You get a lot of funkadelic synthesized music that actually fits the foreign backdrops perfectly. I could rock out to the boss theme for a good ten minutes or so. B.O.B.‘s music and sound effects fit it like a glove -Snow Dragon
The graphics in this game were pretty darn good. The bug-like main character was chock full of detail. All the enemies were just as good as B.O.B. himself. The environments had a ton of detail drawn into them. B.O.B. was never a game that was really heard of a lot, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not good -BrakZero
The graphics of the game are pretty good. There’s good use of shadow, and B.O.B. looks excellent, as do most of his enemies. The animation also flows smoothly. The sound is good too, but not excellent. This game is worth a play. Although it’s mostly just an average shoot ‘em up side scrolling game, the humorous plot and difficulty will keep you coming back for more -Hiryuu
I really liked it. Really unexpectedly good game -PWHerman
Great game. I still play it now and again. If I recall right it flopped pretty hard critically since it was dismissed as just another SNES platformer. Dismissed as pedestrian and derivative when it is in fact a pretty fun refinement of this type of game -Neo Rasa
Well said, guys! I absolutely agree with Snow Dragon — I too could rock out to the boss theme for a good 10 minutes or so!
The term “hidden gem” gets thrown around a lot, and many of yesteryear’s hidden gems no longer qualify as such because of people’s affinity to constantly mention them. Games like Demon’s Crest, Goof Troop and Run Saber have received more than their fair share of praise over the years, and deservedly so. However, B.O.B. even after all these years still does not receive the level of credit that I feel it should. Granted, it’s less appealing than those aforementioned titles due to a number of reasons. The control, while manageable, could have been tightened up. And the difficulty halfway through becomes downright borderline insane. But patient and persistent gamers seeking a stiff yet fair challenge are in for a treat. The exit for certain stages requires some thought. Some even require usage of the trampoline or helicopter hat. Speaking of which, the various gadgets give the game a more versatile scope as compared to others of its ilk. The many guns add to the fun as well, even though ammo is limited. Don’t expect a blazing run and gun affair. It’s more of a thinking man’s action game with deliberate pacing. Also, his ability to do simple things such as shooting up and crouching made B.O.B. rise above your average SNES action game.
Kudos to Gray Matter for skipping the played out hop ‘n bop routine. It’s a blast eviscerating bugs with the flame thrower or taking down massive bosses with the BFG. Aside from some minor control flaws (floaty jumps and control not being very crisp from a standstill point), B.O.B. is a well made game in many facets. Some stages have multiple routes, and while they’re very basic, the different routes are there at least. B.O.B. reminds me of some of the old classic 8-bit action games. There’s an old school back-to-the-basics feel, and this isn’t meant to be interpreted as a bad thing at all. Success largely comes down to repetition, memorization and proper management of limited resources. It’s very much trial and error like a lot of vintage NES games were. There’s an oddly addictive quality to see what the next level in B.O.B. will bring, despite a lot of them being somewhat similar. The B.O.B-sled levels do help break up the action, though, and those are well implemented both in terms of design and level placement.
Where’s my long overdue sequel eh? Hello, Switch?!
One random guy on the internet over a dozen years ago once eloquently stated, “Dude, this game is like… a retarded Metroid.” A backhanded compliment if there ever was one but HEY, you’ll take any Metroid-related compliments you can get! I really like B.O.B. a lot. Everything from its cheesy early ’90s atmosphere to the abundant amount of humor hits a sweet spot for me. With over 45 levels of ball-busting intensity and thankfully a password system, B.O.B. will provide hours of challenging gameplay and could easily occupy you for a few hardcore weekends. It isn’t the best SNES action game around but it truly is one of the more overlooked ones, even still to this day 25 years later. I once said B.O.B. is probably what Doom would be if Doom was ever made into a cartoony side scrolling blaster, in Ultra Nightmare mode mind you. So if that sounds appealing to you, do yourself a favor and check out B.O.B. the next chance you get. Besides, he needs your help to make it to his hot date. Forget saving the princess or the world, he just wants to get some. What a respectable lad
Corridor 7 was released by Capstone in March 1994. This month marks 23 years. Wow, if that doesn’t make me feel old. I vividly remember buying this game in the summer of ’94 and loving the crap out of it. It used the same engine as id Software’s Wolfenstein 3D. Unfortunately for Corridor 7, Doom came out just three months prior and blew everyone’s mind. Suddenly, the Wolfenstein engine was looking a bit archaic. Corridor 7 was a day late and a dollar short. But that doesn’t mean it’s a terrible game. I liked it a lot as a kid and it definitely has some charm to it. Let’s take a stroll down memory lane.
On a side note, be sure not to miss the interview I conducted with Corridor 7 programmer, Les Bird, toward the bottom of this review. Thanks, Les!
This was quite the sight 25 years ago
Often considered the grandfather of the genre, Wolfenstein 3D made a big splash upon its arrival back in May of 1992. Mowing down Nazi soldiers and zombies left and right was a formula for success. Sure, there were other first person shooters that came before, but none put the genre on the map quite like this one.
The classics never get old. No siree
Wolfenstein left a lasting impression to say the very least. Few games could match the sheer intensity of gunning down a room full of Nazi guards. It was an adrenaline rush like none other. id Software struck lightning in a bottle, but this proved to be only a stepping stone…
Who could forget the first time seeing Hans Grösse?
As great as Wolfenstein 3D was at the time, it was just the beginning…
Doom was nothing short of a revelation
Released December 1993, Doom took players on a wild ride through the shores of Hell. It was essentially to the first person shooter genre as Street Fighter II was to the fighting game. And just like Street Fighter II, when a game creates such a stir, rival companies come out of the woodwork to throw their name in the hat eager for their own slice of the pie. The early-mid ’90s was flooded with Street Fighter II and Doom clones. Most were rather uninspired, but a few rose above the pack. Whatever the case may be, one thing was for sure… we had more than our fair share of choices.
Can you imagine a cover like this going over today?
One day in early 1994 I made my weekly voyage to Software Etc. at the local mall. Typically, I would stare at all the cool SNES games I could never own. But on this particular day a little CD game caught my eye. It was a one level preview of a new Wolfenstein clone called Operation Body Count.
No one ever got more out of one level than I did…
But what attracted me to this one level preview was Corridor 7: Alien Invasion. The back of the package featured a small picture of a massive purple alien stalking you in a creepy decaying corridor. It blew my 10 year old mind and looked exactly like the kind of game I would have made myself! I convinced my mom to buy it and the rest is history.
A haunting image that mystified me to no end
I played that one level preview of Corridor 7 probably 500 times. I absolutely loved it. My dad eventually bought me a copy of the full game later that summer at this little mom and pop shop of all places. They had it at a discounted price of $20 and my old man bit. I studied the manual the whole 20 minute car ride home, reading about the weapons and monsters until I damn near memorized it. Even back then, I was obsessed with spreading the word on obscure games. Corridor 7 became that under the radar title that I championed as a 10 year old kid. I told all my friends about it. I even called it C7… it was my attempt to sound cool but obviously to little avail.
“Let’s bring this mysterious object back to Earth”“I mean, what’s the worst that could happen?”“OH CRAP”
Animated Probes are very efficient and very fast. Most of the probes respond to sound, but some are set to ambush you when you enter a room or corridor. Luckily, these probes don’t do a lot of damage and do not have a lot of health.
This alien is primarily a sentry, used to alert other aliens to your presence. Ailoprobes move slowly, do little damage, and by themselves are not much of a threat. Ailoprobes usually travel in packs, however, and can bring other aliens swarming in on you.
These little devils travel in packs and attack quickly. Although Rodexes don’t do a lot of damage, if they surprise you, they can hurt you plenty. Listen for their unique squeal when they enter a room. You can punch holes in them from a distance with the M-343 or the Alien Assault Cannon. More of a nuisance than a threat. The big boys are soon to come…
Bandors disguise themselves as common everyday objects such as chairs, barrels, file cabinets, potted plants and so forth. They remain in these forms until they can surprise you, usually from behind. Bandors carry heavy weapons and can inflict a lot of damage. Stay alert and listen for their morphing sound. You can put a few holes in the Bandors before they finish morphing. Bandors are extremely loyal to their own kind. If you kill a Bandor, others in the area generally rush to the scene.
Nerraws roam the alien levels and don’t appear until level 31 in the CD-ROM version. Although he looks harmless enough, he can kill the toughest marine in only a few seconds. Shoot first and make sure the little bastard stays down.
Semaj look like puddles of purplish slime, and they probably are. These creatures slink around the alien levels, waiting to grab your legs while you wage war against the other aliens. These aliens do not have any weapons, but they do have nasty sets of teeth that tear through the thickest body armor. Don’t let one slither up to you while you waste his buddies.
These ugly creatures are the main guards of the alien levels. Eitaks are well armed and can do a bit of damage, especially when you encounter them in numbers. These aliens are well enough armored to shrug off a few rounds, but sustained fire kills them easily. Try not to fight Eitaks in closed areas; they are a good shot and generally pour into the area to help their own.
These aliens are the main technicians in charge of making the atmosphere alien-compatible. The Tenaj generally work alone but can be found in pairs. They’re smart, quick and likely to ambush an unsuspecting Marine. Although they represent a formidable threat, they are not heavily armored and are likely to turn their backs on you. Use the M-343 or Alien Assault Cannon to blow a few holes in them and pick up any charge packs that they drop.
These aliens can remain invisible until they fire their weapons. Enirams use this skill to sneak up on their prey and launch an attack. Enirams are not heavily armored. If you suspect that Enirams are in the vicinity, use the infrared mode of your visor to locate and track them. If you lose sight of an Eniram, use the proximity map.
Otrebors are the main technicians that are working to convert Delta Base to an alien-inhabitable environment. These aliens generally travel alone, but they pack quite a punch and can be very deadly. An Otrebor has an evil laugh, but you usually will hear (and feel) its blaster first.
Ttocs are brute force warriors. These aliens are not very bright, however, and they do not move very fast. Ttocs are my personal favorite. Not only do they look intimidating and exactly what I picture a barbaric alien to resemble, but their death animation is simply the best. Their skin melts, leaving a green poo all over their bones. The sound effect is spot on and it’s very satisfying to kill these bastards. Silly note: as a kid I surmised that Ttocs secretly stood for “The Terminators Of Corridor Seven.” Yeah, I was weird… [Was? -Ed.]
These heavily armored aliens are used primarily to guard key alien equipment and areas. You can hear a Mechanical Warrior from far away. When you hear the booming footsteps, check your Proximity Map. This alien is best handled from a distance or with a few well placed mines. Be sure to pry the Dual Blaster out of his cold dead grip.
Eniram bosses are of the same stock as the standard Enirams but are more solidly built and better armed. These aliens cannot turn invisible. Thank goodness for small favors.
You can find Tymoks on various levels, supervising other aliens’ work. Tymoks are armed with Plasma Rifles and can burn you into a puddle of goo very quickly. These aliens also are fairly quick and are likely to dodge your fire. Fortunately they work alone. Before taking on a Tymok, eliminate all other threats in the area. You don’t want an Animated Probe chewing up your backside while you concentrate on the Tymok!
This alien is the last boss that you will face in the game. Tebazile is heavily armored and carries a powerful weapon. To top it off, you have to kill him five times! When you first see Tebazile, he is in his natural form. When he takes enough damage, he morphs into the following aliens: Eniram boss, Tymok, Solrac, and back into himself. He appears only in the CD-ROM version.
Solrac is the alien leading the invasion of Earth. You probably will see him several times during the game, however, as his presence invades your thoughts. Solrac carries no weapon but he fires a deadly energy burst from his eyes. Alien weapons do the most damage to Solrac, but your M-343 will do in a pinch.
This weapon emits an electrical charge of lethal force. The taser is self powered, requiring no ammo. I always thought it was pretty cool how your weakest weapon was a “gun” of sorts, as opposed to a knife or your fist.
The M-24 Close Assault Weapon is the standard weapon of today’s Marine Corps. When the trigger is held down, it delivers a lot of firepower in a very short time and is effective against most standard alien foes. For the larger alien threats, however, you better have something with a bit more firepower. Compared to other starting guns within the genre, the M-24 “CAW” is the best of its ilk, thanks to its rapid fire.
This weapon is the latest incarnation of the standard shotgun that has been in service for hundreds of years. Deadly at close range, the weapon loses effectiveness at long range and is slow to deliver multiple shots. The shotgun is available only in the CD-ROM version. It was an attempt to copy Doom‘s popular shotgun, but this one is far less memorable (and useful).
The M-343 can take out most of the lesser aliens in one shot and is effective at long range. Keep the trigger down when you hose down the larger threats; the automatic fire makes mince meat of most aliens in no time at all. This is easily one of my favorite guns in the entire genre. Not only is it powerful, but it’s fast firing and looks totally badass.
One thing I’ve always dug a lot about Corridor 7 is the fact that there are four human guns and four alien guns (complete with its own special alien ammo). It makes the alien guns feel extra powerful, although in practice it’s hard to beat the ever reliable M-343. The Dual Blaster is the main weapon of the alien military. It spews a deadly stream of energy.
You loved the rocket launcher from Doom, eh? Well then, the Alien Plasma Rifle is the weapon of destruction for you. It fires balls of plasma that explodes upon impact. I love the green little scope attached to the rifle; it makes it look really badass!
Find the Dual Blaster to be outclassed by the M-343? Then you might want to check out the Alien Assault Canon. Available only in the CD-ROM edition, it’s basically an enhanced version of the Dual Blaster. It’s faster, stronger and far deadlier.
AKA the DVG (Darth Vader Gun), you know any weapon named the Alien Disintegrator must be pretty damn powerful. This is essentially the BFG of the Corridor 7 universe. Available only on the CD-ROM edition, this weapon of mass destruction can bore a hole through most alien hides.
Mines add an extra layer of depth and strategy to the “mindless shooting.” Once picked up, you can drop a mine anywhere on a stage. It stays there until someone, or something, comes near it. Then KA-BOOM!
One of the cool things about Corridor 7 was how they placed the medic packs throughout the levels. In Wolfenstein 3D and Doom such packs were placed out in the wide open. But in Corridor 7, medic packs are housed in special dispensers. This eliminates the potential of accidentally grabbing one in the heat of the moment.
Weapon ammo is handled in a similar fashion. They too are housed in futuristic dispensers. I dig the sound it makes whenever you claim the bullets. I can still hear that sound to this day…
Locked doors are a staple in first person shooters. Color keys were all the rage back in the ’90s, but once again Capstone tweaked things a little bit here. Each level contains various computer terminals. Many are false alarms. When you activate one, you’ll either earn access to blue security doors, red ones or get the dreaded false alarm “INTRUDER ALERT!!” These intruder alerts will alert nearby aliens of your location. This was just another cool feature of Corridor 7 that I feel has always flew under the radar. Yes, it’s a blatant Wolfenstein 3D clone in many ways but it wasn’t a completely heartless effort.
Teleporters are found in the 10 final alien levels in the CD-ROM version only. As you would expect, they take you from one teleporter to another. I like the flashing stars. Always thought that added a nice classy little touch to it.
Because this game takes place in the far flung future of 2012, experimental reviving chambers for non-mortal wounds are available for usage. A Health Chamber can restore up to 100% of your health depending on the energy level remaining in the chamber before use. When I was a kid I always loved how the voice over would go “HEALTH CHAMBER ACTIVATED!” as you spin 180 degrees. There was something very cool about that.
This almighty blue ball grants you temporary invulnerability. But keep in mind — whenever you see one of these bad boys — it usually signals that you’re about to encounter a rather aggressive skirmish with one of the tougher aliens, if not a pack of them. But even worse than that, the screen goes into a mad flicker that just might send you into an epileptic seizure.
MY EYES! Flicker game is strong. WAY too strong…
XOXO? No hugs and kisses here
There weren’t many games I was more excited to play than the CD-ROM version of Corridor 7. I played the one level preview to death in early 1994. My dad bought me the full game later that summer. Right away I noticed some of the walls had windows and see through fences. There’s an inexplicable charm to it. Gave the game sort of this quirky look and feel.
Aliens > demons for me at least
Although I absolutely ate up Doom, I’ve always preferred aliens over demons. Doom is undoubtedly the superior game (it’s not even close), but I actually like the enemy roster of Corridor 7 more. I love the idea of clearing corridors and hallways of alien scum. It truly felt like you were tasked with wiping out the entire alien race.
My favorite alien: the Ttocs!
There are a lot of cool looking designs in this game, but my favorite was by far the Ttocs. I love their combination of red and purple. And they look like alien trolls on steroids. I loved them so much as a kid that I even came up with an acronym for them: The Terminators Of Corridor Seven. TTOCS. The funny things we did as kids, eh?
Love how their bones flash when you shoot themAlso love how they melt into a pile of goo as they dieYou’re next, big guyBest death pose everThe Mechanical Warrior was quite intimidating!
Indeed he was. You can hear his thunderous footsteps in the distance, which was incredibly ingenious. The first time I heard it I was like “Oh hell no!” Whatever lurked behind that corner was massive and deadly…
Is that a Ttocs hiding inside?
Interestingly enough, when the Mechanical Warrior dies, you can see what appears to be a variant of the Ttocs inside. As a kid I theorized that the Ttocs battled for supremacy amongst themselves. The ones who won out got to don the scorpion-like suit. The bliss of being a kid, eh?
Speaking of death animations, this is sick
Corridor 7 had some sick alien sound effects and death animations. It made killing the aliens a blast, pardon the pun. The game is rather underrated particularly in those areas.
The Tymok is Barney the Dinosaur on steroids
Speaking of favorite enemy designs, the Tymok ranks up there for me. He’s basically Barney on steroids. And unlike the Mechanical Warrior, Tymoks are very strong and worthy of their boss status. I would love to see a Tymok vs. a Baron of Hell battle. Quite frankly, I’d put my money on the Tymok…
Colors up the wazoo!
Corridor 7 had a unique color scheme. Sure it has its share of decaying walls, but things like the snazzy blue “energy walls” which animate really caught my eye as a kid. It has a unique colorful look that really appealed to me when I was a kid.
Well that escalated fast
Level 20 sees a major switch. The levels shift over into “alien levels.” This is where the aliens have completely modified their environment to suit their personal needs. I was so creeped out the first time I saw those human bodies hanging upside down. God knows what was have done to them…
Even the doors get a hellish makeover
I love how the doors in the alien levels were altered as well. The door designs added to the creepy atmosphere and it was cool how the doors opened as though you were entering a living breathing organism.
As a kid I called this guy the Space Invader alien
Watch out for the Eniram enemies. They’re invisible, only appearing when they fire at you or when you enable your infrared visor. If you’re out of visor batteries, you’re pretty much screwed unless you have the full proximity map.
Health chambers restore you to full health. Brilliant!
You’ll need them, trust me.
Shit, I’m outta here
The programmer of Corridor 7, Les Bird, was kind enough to take some time out of his busy schedule to answer my questions. This Q&A was conducted on March 23, 2017 — just in time for the 23th anniversary of Corridor 7.
Steve: Thank you for your time, Les. First off, were you a gamer growing up? If so, what were some of your favorite video games or gaming memories?
Les: I’ve been a gamer since I was a kid. I spent most of my time in the arcades playing games like Asteroids, Robotron, Gravitar, Defender, Major Havoc, Pac-Man and more. I was so fascinated by these games that I wanted to make my own so I taught myself how to code. It was always my dream to make games for a living and somehow I got lucky.
Major Havoc (1983)
Steve: How did you get into the gaming industry?
Les: I was fortunate enough to get a job in the early ’90s working for Capstone in Miami. Before that I was working for Galacticomm in Fort Lauderdale helping them enhance their MajorBBS multiuser software. On the side I wrote a couple EGA vector graphic games for them called Flash Tanks and Flash Spacewar. It was just by chance that I saw an opportunity with Capstone and I took it. That was my first job in the game industry and I’ve been doing it ever since.
Les Bird’s gaming roots began here
Steve: What inspired you to create Corridor 7?
Les: The inspiration came from playing Wolfenstein 3D. Capstone licensed the Wolfenstein tech from id Software and we needed a cool game to make with the tech. After several brainstorming sessions we came up with the story for Corridor 7. Oddly it was very similar to the story of Doom and later on Half-Life. It seemed all the sci-fi games back then followed a similar story line; a portal opens up and bad guys invade. I actually thought Half-Life was Corridor 7 made with better tech.
Half-Life (1998)
Steve: Talk a bit about acquiring the Wolfenstein engine license from id Software. How much did it cost? And looking back, I suppose id Software was more than happy to lend you the Wolfenstein engine because they were secretly working on Doom which utilized an improved engine.
Les: I wasn’t part of the engine acquisition but I believe id contacted us. As you said they were developing the Doom engine and the Wolfenstein 3D tech was outdated to them so why not license it out? I think, but not sure, the cost was $50,000 per title. Again I’m not totally sure of the details regarding this.
This “stamp of approval” sold me as a kid!
Steve: What were your thoughts when you first played Wolfenstein 3D?
Les: I played Wolfenstein 3D when I was still working at Galacticomm. At the time I was not much of a PC gamer (I had an Amiga) but that game blew my mind. That was the moment I started to commit to the PC as a gaming platform. I remember trying to write my own 3D engine like Wolfenstein 3D. The thing that got me with Wolfenstein was how smooth it ran on a PC. It was one of the first games that could do 3D (or 2.5D I guess they called it) in real time at a smooth frame rate. I remember loading the game up and just turning in a circle and just in awe at how fast it could render the scene. Back then there was nothing like that which is why it was so revolutionary. The other thing that impressed me was how incredibly real the sound was if you had a Sound Blaster audio card. You can imagine how excited I was when we were able to license the Wolfenstein tech to make Corridor 7.
This blew away everyone back in 1992
Steve: How long was Corridor 7 in development for? Do you know how many copies were sold?
Les:Corridor 7 was in development for about 9 months and then another 3 (I think) for the CD-ROM version. I spent the early part exploring some engine mods that could differentiate Corridor 7 from the other games. A few things I wanted to do to make Corridor 7 unique were:
(1) Have transparent walls and windows. We also wanted the levels to be alive so we added color cycling to the engine so the electronic equipment can have blinking and moving lights.
(2) All pickups were in the walls (health packs and ammo) instead of scattered about the floor
(3) Health chambers to restore the player to full health
(4) Add diminished lighting when you looked down long hallways
And then there was the visor. That was an idea I had that just came out of the blue. I thought it would be cool, since you play the role of a military soldier, to be able to turn on night vision and see down dark hallways.
We also added the infrared mode to the visor and then created a creature and traps specifically for the new mode.
Deadly traps can only be seen with the infrared visor
I do not know the exact number of copies sold and if I tried to guess I think I’d be way off. It was included in one of the popular 5ft 10 pack CD bundles and then GameTek also took on publishing the game later on in its life.
Steve: Doom was released December 1993. How far along was Corridor 7 at that developmental point, and how big a factor do you think the new and improved Doom engine hampered the potential success of Corridor 7, which came out March 1994?
Les:Doom blew me away. It definitely hampered sales for our game. All of the game reviews for Corridor 7 were compared to Doom, which wasn’t exactly fair, but Doom was the best game out at the time and set the new standard. One of the multiplayer levels in Corridor 7 was modeled after the first Doom level. Corridor 7 was pretty far along in development when Doom came out. It was too late to turn back and change things so we just had to push forward with what we had. We also added the Alien Disintegrator to the CD version of Corridor 7 which was inspired by Doom’s BFG.
Obligatory Doom shot #1 (even if it’s Doom II)
Steve: What were your thoughts when you first played Doom?
Les:Doom blew my mind when I played it. I could not believe games like that were possible on the PC with EGA/VGA graphics. Doom and later on Quake set the standard for FPS games.
Obligatory Doom shot #2 (even if it’s Doom II again)
Steve: In the first level of Corridor 7 you see the names of the people who worked on the game. Whose idea was that? I always found it to be endearingly quirky.
Les: That was actually my idea. I even made the sprites for each team member. I stuck them in the back corridor as sort of an Easter egg. There wasn’t much of a problem with management about it. I just thought it’d be cool to show the names of the key members inside the game instead of on a credits screen that may or may not be seen.
No relation to Larry
Steve: Speaking of names, some of the enemy names were based upon real names spelled backwards. You had Katie-Eitak, Scott-Ttocs, Carlos-Solrac, James-Semaj and hell, even Marine-Eniram. Who came up with this idea? I always thought it was pretty clever. Reminded me of Dracula-Alucard.
Les: We were trying to come up with names for the aliens but none of them made sense. Someone on the team suggested we just use our names spelled backwards and it stuck. I don’t remember whose idea it was (it wasn’t mine) but we all started calling each other by our alien names. Trying to come up with unique names for aliens is a pretty difficult task.
Steve: The enemies were very underrated I felt. Especially the Bandor, which often disguised itself as everyday furniture. Talk about the designs and where some of your inspirations came from. Was there a particular enemy you’re most fond of? I personally love the Ttocs the most.
TTOCS: The Terminators Of Corridor Seven
Les: The Bandor was an idea I came up with. I remember playing one of the early levels and there was all this office furniture, file cabinets and chairs, just randomly placed in some of the rooms. I thought, wouldn’t it be cool if aliens could disguise themselves as office furniture and when you entered the room you’d think “nothing here” and then all of a sudden aliens would appear and start shooting you. The team liked the idea and so we made it happen. For a personal favorite, I really liked Solrac. Creepy and spooky with tentacle arms. Ttocs is Scott spelled backwards. Scott was our lead artist who came up with most of the creature designs and did all the pixel art for them.
Bandors are shifty shapeshifting bastards
Steve: The aliens had unique sounding screams. I particularly remember the Rodex’s pig-like squeal. How were the alien sound effects made?
Les: All of our sounds were created by our sound engineer. He was actually pretty good at coming up with unique sounds. He also did the jump scare sound for the boss vision (messiah) that you get randomly when playing the game. We basically explained what we were doing and then a day later he’d come back with some awesome sound effects. I don’t remember his technique for creating the alien sounds but I agree, they were all unique and turned out pretty well.
The Rodex squeals like a pig upon sight
Steve: The CD-ROM version had extra goodies (i.e. 10 more levels, new enemies, new weapons, etc.) Talk about working on that.
Les: We had to make some new art for the CD-ROM version for the pulsating alien wall textures. We also had to think up some new weapons to add. Reluctantly I gave in to allowing ammo and health to be scattered on the floor. We couldn’t think of a good logical solution since the military wall textures were now alien wall textures so we couldn’t have ammo and health packs integrated into the walls.
The alien levels no longer had ammo in the walls
We also added network and modem multiplayer support. I had to learn a lot about IPX networking as it was an area I had not explored before. We also added the movie sequences to the CD-ROM version. We were already at practically max memory limits (640K) so I had to learn how to use EMS/XMS memory to cache the video frames from the movies. I also remember us having a really difficult time mastering the final CD-ROM. Something about the mastering software not working properly because we needed a PC that was fast enough to stream from the hard drive to the CD-ROM burner. Back then this was all new stuff so there was a lot to learn. We went through 10 or so blank CDs before finally making a gold master that worked.
2012? That’s so five years ago
Steve: How was Corridor 7 perceived when it came out in 1994? Were you pleased with the end results yourself? What would you have done differently, looking back?
Les: I was actually very happy with the game. I had a ton of freedom to put whatever I wanted to put into the game. These days things are way different. Programmers write code and designers design the games but back then it was mostly just making things up as you went. The invisible Eniram for example was just a spur of the moment thing when we came up with the infrared visor feature and we were trying to think of what else you could use the infrared mode for.
This creature can only be spotted by the infrared visor
The proximity mines, again, just came up as we were in the middle of the project. They started out when I was trying to figure out a way you could mark where you were as you explored a level. I made these little flags that you could drop by pressing a key and then you’d know you’ve been to that area before. I showed the team but no one really liked it. I was about to remove the feature but one of my artists came up with the idea of turning the flags into mines. That was an AHAmoment. He made the art for the pickup crate and the mines and I made them explode when something approached them.
Lure enemies into mines for major damage
Looking back I think one thing I would’ve changed was to have more health chambers. I’m not sure what happened there but somewhere along the way it seems like we forgot we had them when we were building out the levels. We split up all the levels between several people and maybe some of them didn’t know how to add the health chambers, not sure.
Like finding a spring of water in the middle of a desert!
Steve: I have to ask about the random Solrac “coming at you out of nowhere” moments — where did that come from? It creeped me out so much as a kid! It was awesome
So freaky! It got me every single damn time…
Les: Oh man, the “messiah” as he was known internally. So this is an interesting story. It started out when one of our programmers said that we should add a random encounter with Elvis as you play through the game. He even created programmer art of an Elvis head that we put in the game. Later on we thought, maybe it should be a religious experience so we made art of Jesus with a crown of thorns and our audio guy made the jump audio for it. Our producer took the game home and played it that night and came in the next morning and called us all into her office. We got a major chewing out about it. She said “Les, tell me I didn’t see Jesus when I was playing the game last night.” We all kind of laughed but she didn’t think it was very funny (and in reality it wasn’t very funny). She immediately ordered it out of the game. We all thought it worked really well as a jump scare so we convinced her to let us keep it if we changed the art to the final boss character. She agreed and that’s how it came to be. I have to say that even when I play the game today I jump every time it appears. I’ve spent so many rounds of ammo shooting into thin air because of it.
Suck it, Solrac!
Steve: Talk a little about the Corridor 8 project and how it wasn’t meant to be. Might we see Corridor 7 remade or revitalized in some way one day? Or has that ship sailed for good?
Les: Capstone was struggling to stay alive. At the time they were trying to take the company public and they put every penny they had into making this happen. They needed a game that would save them so we came up with a sequel to Corridor 7. I personally wanted to call it Corridor 7: Alien Invasion II, because Corridor 7 was already a known brand but the designer rejected that idea and wanted to call it Corridor 8. We were using the Build engine, same tech that we made Witchaven, Witchaven II and TekWar with and the same tech that was used to make the original Duke Nukem 3D game.
Duke Nukem 3D (1996)
We were in the very early prototyping stage when Capstone could no longer fund it. We were experimenting with vehicles, alien AI and weapons at the time and had some designs for some of the levels. The team was only 3 people at the time, just me and 2 artists. As for a Corridor 7 remake, I’ve been tossing around this idea for quite some time. I’ve explored some ideas for remaking it but it’s difficult to find the time to do that now. At one point I had it running on an iPad using DosBox for iPad, I think I posted a video on my YouTube channel of this. I’d definitely be interested in revisiting this some day when I have the time.
Steve: Let’s briefly switch gears to another game of yours: Operation Body Count. Talk about your specific role on Operation Body Count, the inspiration for this game, development time, and your general thoughts.
Les:Operation Body Count was our second Wolfenstein 3D engine game. My role on this game was very minimal except to support it because it used the same engine with the same mods as Corridor 7. When production started on this game I was finishing up the CD-ROM version of Corridor 7. I recall being part of the initial design team and we were all trying to think up a name for the game. I don’t remember who came up with the name but everyone agreed that it was the most fitting. I had mixed feelings towards the game. Development time was around 6 to 9 months I believe.
So many cool concepts… what a shame
Steve: I had the one level preview for OBC and absolutely loved it. Spraying bullet holes into the walls, shattering glass, bodies twitching for a second after dying, bazookas blowing up toilets, setting enemies on fire which can kill others… I thought it had the potential to be great. But then I bought the full game. I was turned off at how the first 10 or so levels took place in the sewer. Was it just to increase the length of the game? The one level preview was loads of fun. The actual full game, sorry to say, not so much.
Les: I totally agree with you. I think the first 10 sewer levels were put in to increase the length of the game. I always hated games that had sewers where you had to shoot rats and critters. Never could understand the logic behind that and never understood how that made any game more fun. The one level preview showed off all the best parts.
Such a waste of potential…
Steve: Thanks again for your time, Les. And thank you for making Corridor 7. It was one of my childhood favorites. Any projects or anything you’d like to plug? Or any closing remarks?
Les: I actually still think Corridor 7 is one of my best works. I think back about how much fun it was to make and how much freedom I had to just put whatever I thought would be cool into the game. I also really liked how we would all just randomly come up with ideas and then just make it happen. The eye probe for example was an alien that one of our artists made one day and he showed it to me and I said “Man that is awesome! Let’s put it in.”
[EYE SEE WAT YOU DID DERE… -Ed.]It was just a bunch of us making a game that we wanted to play and Capstone paying us to do so. Fun times and nothing like how games are made today, except maybe by some of the awesome indie studios. Thank you Steve for reaching out. I love talking about Corridor 7.
If only this came out in early 1993…
Corridor 7 has a lot of good things going for it. Some killer alien designs, lots of color, military and alien guns with differentiated ammo for both types, some sweet death animations and sound effects, health chambers, land mines, enough varied guns to keep one pleased and so forth. There’s also a visor system where you can switch to night or infrared. The night vision however is fairly useless as it’s not really implemented much. The infrared will help you spot a certain enemy that is invisible and you can figure out which computer panels contain the security code. However, its March 1994 release really hurt its chances of leaving a truly favorable impression. Doom was already out three months by then and Corridor 7 felt a bit outdated upon its release. It’s a shame, because had Capstone put out this game a year earlier, March 1993, there’s no telling what its legacy today might have been. It’s a perfectly playable and solid Wolfenstein 3D clone set in an alien world. If that appeals to you, you’ll probably enjoy Corridor 7. Just watch out for that creepy Solrac jump scare!
Well hello!
Sure it’s got its flaws. But Corridor 7 will always have a soft spot in my gaming heart. It’s a relic from the good old days of PC gaming. A time in which Wolfenstein and Doom clones were churned out seemingly every other month. There were a lot of bad ones, but there were enough decent ones to sink your teeth into. I’d say Corridor 7 falls into the latter more than it does the former. Although the game is dated, it’s a childhood favorite and a reminder of a simpler time in my life. Playing first person shooters late on Friday nights after a long school week, trying to save the world from Nazis, demons and aliens. It was a good time to be a gamer, and an even better time to be a kid.
Pub: Imagineer | Dev: id Software | March 1994 | 8 MEGS
Ahh, Wolfenstein 3D. When this came out in early ’94, I was just beginning my torrid obsession with first person shooters. Something about the genre really appealed to me. Something about being a one man strike force mowing down gun-toting soldiers and mutants one after another. It’s a raw, visceral kind of experience no other genre offers! It provides the kind of thrill you won’t find in any other genre. Growing up in the early-mid ’90s meant living through the 2D fighting game golden age, the 16-bit wars and the Doom era. What a great time it was to be a kid in those days. While Doom gets most of the accolades and glory, there might not have been a Doom without a Wolfenstein 3D.
We knew we were embarking on a whole new journey
The first time I experienced Wolfenstein 3D was at my friend’s house. As he booted it up he flapped his gums excitedly about this killer new game that was supposedly unlike any other video game he had ever played. I thought he was just blowing smoke up my you know what, but I quickly became a believer of the hype the second I saw Wolfenstein 3D in action.
There was no other game like it in 1992
The blood, the carnage, the sheer mayhem — it was unlike anything I had ever seen before. It felt like we were playing something taboo… something we weren’t supposed to be playing. It was one of those awesome gaming experiences that stay with you for the long haul, not unlike the first time you saw the likes of Doom, Resident Evil or Super Mario 64. Even nearly 25 years later, I remember it vividly. The adrenaline rush shooting through my nine year old body at the time was damn near palpable.
MARCH 1994
Ah, the memories
Back in the day my brother would always ship me on the weekends to go rent a Super Nintendo game of his choosing. (See Memories of Renting for more). Wolfenstein 3D was one of those games my brother directed me to rent. It’s funny — I ended up playing the game more than he did. I loved Doom at the time but I had yet to play Wolfenstein 3D thoroughly. I only briefly played it at my friend’s house in mid 1992, but mostly I remember watching him play it. So the SNES port was my first taste for all intents and purposes. And boy did I love it. I even made a mini strategy guide where I rated the enemies and guns. Unfortunately that guide is just another childhood thing lost to time…
LATE 1996
One night my dad took my brother and me to FUNCOLAND. It was there I saw Wolfenstein 3D for $30. It wasn’t cheap per se, especially for an older game, but seeing it suddenly brought back good memories of that weekend I spent with Wolfie back in March of 1994. The nostalgic feels were too strong and I caved. My brother wanted to get the latest NHL game. But being that Wolfenstein was cheaper, my dad went with my choice much to my brother’s chagrin.
“If it bleeds, we can kill it…”
I remember rushing home and beat the game for a second time that weekend. It was an absolute blast (no pun intended). I also enjoyed revisiting random levels and messing around with the God mode. I sure made the most of it.
MARCH 27, 2006
Got this on Saturday, April 1, 2006. Epic weekend
Two months into my SNES resurrection, I fondly remembered my old friend, Wolfie 3D, and all the good times I had with it back in the ’90s. Found a copy on eBay and sniped it with ONE second to go. My max was originally $2.22 but at the last second I decided to add a nickel, making my new max $2.27. Funny enough, I won the game for $2.25. That nickel made all the difference! It felt great to add this childhood favorite to my growing SNES collection. I remember it arriving bright and early on a Saturday morning of April 1, 2006, along with Lufia II and Mega Man 7. Back when these expensive games were going for cheap. Also, they arrived the day before WrestleMania 22. Wow, it’s almost been 11 years. Ah, good times. But it took me nearly a year later to finally replay Wolfie.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007. Looking through my collection for the next game to play and review, Wolfenstein 3D caught my eye. Has it held up? Or has time been unkind to it? Only one way to find out…
PS- I’m going to rate the enemies and guns here like I did so many years ago. The higher the rating, the tougher the enemy and the more useful the gun. Because why not?
Rating: 10 / 100
If this were a horror movie, the knife would rank much higher. But it’s not. And in the world of Wolfenstein 3D, the knife is basically suicide. Never bring a knife to a gun fight, right? This game proves that and then some. On a side note, you can’t switch to the knife in the SNES version unless you’re out of ammo. That always annoyed me. Sure the knife sucks, but it would have been fun to use with the God mode (rather than firing all my ammo first in order to use the knife).
Rating: 65 / 100
The pistol is better than nothing but it doesn’t pack much of a punch. Still, it gives you a long range weapon and you at least have a fighting chance. However, the rate of fire is rather pitiful and you’ll want a much more powerful gun beyond the first couple levels. It should be noted that once you acquire a stronger weapon, the pistol cannot be switched to. Odd. It’s fun to put the God mode on and use this gun against the bosses.
Rating: 70 / 100
This quirky little gun would seem like a sizable step up from the pistol but it isn’t. Sure, the rate of fire is much faster than the pistol, but oddly, at times it seems even weaker than even the pistol! Not sure what happened with the damage ratio here, but it sometimes takes three even four shots to kill a guard whereas I can kill said guard with two pistol shots. Nevertheless, I’ve always liked this gun and it’s a blast to use on the bosses with the God mode!
Rating: 90 / 100
Now we’re talking! This is the weapon to use 90% of the time. Rapid fire chaos and it’s also fairly strong. Only time that the chain gun shouldn’t be used is perhaps during some of the later boss fights, where it’s just a bit outmatched. But yeah, there’s no better feeling than firing this gun at will, mowing down a room of 10 Nazi guards in no time flat.
Rating: 92 / 100
The flame thrower sure lights up the screen! Burn your enemies to a crisp (although unfortunately you’ll just have to imagine the burning flesh). Fast rate of fire and quite potent indeed.
Rating: 98 / 100
The BFG of the game, this is the only gun in the game that can kill multiple enemies in one shot. Its only downside is the lack of ammo available and the fact that it fires a very small shot, leaving little room for error. On the plus side, there’s zero splash damage. Meaning you can fire it two feet away from an enemy and not take any damage yourself.
Rating : 70 / 100
A low tier enemy, the guard fires a pistol and doesn’t have the greatest mobility. They’re a notch above a sitting duck, really, and you should be forced to turn in your gamer badge if you let one of these bastards take you down. They’re most memorable for screaming “HALT!” or in this case “STOP!” Sheesh, come on, no means no. Who’s the bad guy here?
Rating: 80 / 100
Elite guards are a step above the regular guards. These burly blue uniformed men are far more menacing and pack a more powerful wallop. Their machine gun will take off more damage than the guard’s lowly pistol. However, they’re pretty slow both in terms of moving around and firing their weapon. This allows you to usually land the first shot. Repeat a few more times and before you know it this bastard will bite the dust. They’re formidable in packs, though.
Rating: 82 / 100
Although weaker than the elite guard and carries a weaker weapon, the officer is not to be taken lightly. They react the quickest of all the enemies, often ambushing you with shots from left field. They tend to stay silent too, and zig zag about the castle floors making it more difficult to pelt them. They’ll sap more health from you than you may think. Hence the slightly higher rating than the bigger elite guards.
Rating: 84 / 100
Proud product of the mad Doctor Schabbs, mutants don’t make a sound until they shoot, greeting you with the crack of gunfire. The mad doc inserted a pistol into the center of their chest and topped them off with cleaver-tipped arms! They’re pretty agile suckers to boot. The toughest of the regular enemies you’ll face. I always liked them as they brought a hint of macabre and a light occult flavor to the game. Besides, it can get pretty boring killing just human guards and dogs (oops, rats in this version). The mutant brings much needed diversity!
Rating: 1 / 100
The killer dogs have been changed into… mutant rats?! Yes, it’s true. It’s just another sign of Nintendo censorship before they changed their family friendly image in late 1994 starting with Mortal Kombat II. Dogs or giants rats, it’s all the same at its core, however. This enemy is a joke. In fact, in all my years playing Wolfenstein 3D I don’t think a rat has ever successfully been able to bite me. Nuff said.
Rating: 87 / 100
Mission One: Dresden Strike
Location: Castle outside of Dresden
Objective: Terminate Hans Grösse
Hans is the first boss and a relative cake walk with the chain gun. Hell, even his level has no other enemies. The same can’t be said for the other bosses who send wave after wave of guards and mutants your way before the ultimate showdown. But being a first boss, I get that id Software wanted the spotlight solely on Hans. It’s certainly a memorable moment when the door opens and you see his huge ass sprite for the very first time. I mean, it’s nowhere near the Barons of Hell debut, but it’s pretty solid in its own right. Many first aid kits lie in an isolated room nearby just in case, but you won’t need them if you skillfully strafe about. Upon detection he yells “I’M COMIN’ TO GIT CHU!” It’s a nice touch that always came off a bit creepy to me. Makes it feel a bit like a B-movie horror film…
Rating: 91 / 100
Mission Two: A Dark Secret
Location: Castle Erlangen
Objective: Terminate Trans Grösse
As you would expect, Trans is a fair bit tougher than his brother, Hans. Not only that but he’s also flanked by eight of his most trusted lackeys. That extra firepower can prove fatal if you aren’t quick on your feet and precise with your trigger finger. From this point on the enemy count in addition to the boss only increases. After communication with Hans Grösse proved futile, the Nazi forces realized they have underestimated your abilities. Hopefully, you’ve found a stronger weapon than the chain gun by now. Trans is more durable than Hans AND he’s extra pissed that you’ve killed his brother.
Rating: 92 / 100
Mission Three: Operation Eisenfaust
Location: Dr. Schabbs’ Research Laboratory
Objective: Terminate Dr. Schabbs
The maniacal doctor has been working hard late into the night. Malpractice, foul intentions and diabolical schemes are all on the menu. Grafting a pistol on to the chest of the recently deceased, he’s found a way to bring slain guards back to life! Somewhere in the depths of his laboratory he lurks. He may look like a simpleton but don’t be fooled by his appearance. Throwing unknown harmful chemicals and rusty syringes at you, Doctor Schabbs is more than a handful. Creepy bastard.
Rating: 95 / 100
Mission Four: Trail of the Madman
Location: Mountain Fortress
Objective: Terminate ÜBERMUTANT
Despite killing the mad doctor, his efforts live on. Here’s his prized creation… the ultra deadly ÜBERMUTANT! Hidden in the dank dungeons of the Mountain Fortress, he awaits your arrival with many of his mutant friends in tow. This sprite never fails to impress me. The huge chain gun embedded in the middle of his chest… his four freaky arms each wielding a butcher knife… this is Michael Myers on steroids…
Rating: 97 / 100
Mission Five: Confrontation
Location: Castle Heidenheim
Objective: Terminate Death Knight
If you thought the ÜBERMUTANT was incredibly tough, you haven’t seen squat yet! The Death Knight is by far the hardest boss in the entire game. Being accompanied by dozens of guards and mutants is a big reason why, but even on his own he’s a force of nature. His gas attack inflicts tons of damage and he’s as durable as they come. I once beat him with only 2% health remaining. Whew…
Rating: 90 / 100
Mission Six: Staatmeister’s Last Stand
Location: Castle Wolfenstein
Objective: Terminate Staatmeister
The final line of defense, as it were. The Staatmeister first appears in this exosuit and is actually pretty easy. It’s a bit anti-climactic, especially following the hard fought battle with the Death Knight. The suit is more bark than bite. That’s not to say he’s a walk in the park, because he isn’t, but you would expect the final boss to be a little tougher than this.
Rating: 85 / 100
After destroying his exosuit, you square off with his more vulnerable second form. It’s more of a formality than anything else, as the battle is truthfully a bit pitiful. In this state the chain gun will serve you just fine. But getting to him will prove tricky as the final castle floor is littered with pesky guards, crack shot officers, nasty elite guards and vicious mutants all hell bent on your destruction.
I like the various reactions of B.J. Blazkowicz. When you grab a big gun he’ll signal his approval with a fat grin. When he’s low on health he will look the part. But best of all, he turns his head in the direction he was shot from, which can save you some extra damage points if you react quickly enough. Not just a cosmetic feature, this was pretty cool stuff. Doom Guy seems to get all the love but let’s not forget B.J. did it first.
The key to success…
Each stage contains two different types of locked doors with two corresponding keys to find. Some keys lie around in the open while others are guarded by a horde of bloodthirsty soldiers and mutants.
Remarkable likeness, eh?
These guys give you a 1-UP.
Be on the lookout for secret entrances!
There are many secret passageways hidden within the 30 levels of Wolfenstein 3D. Simply approach any section of a wall, painting or closed curtain and press the A button. A portion of the wall will slide back if a secret room is hidden behind the panel. These rooms may contain valuable items such as 1-UPs, ammo, guns, etc. One secret room will even warp you to a special bonus level!
Imagine a half dozen Hans…
See if you can locate the hidden warp to play the bonus level where MULTIPLE Hans Grösse bosses call home. It’s quite the barn burner! HINT: it’s hidden somewhere in level 25.
The levels have been reduced in size as compared to the original computer game, but they’re still plenty big. I still occasionally find myself getting lost within the mazes and labyrinths despite the reduced size.
What SNES Doom lacked!
After each level a password is given. This is how all passwords should be. Succinct, clear and only takes five seconds to input. None of that “Is this a 5 or S? ARGHHH!” crap.
The graphics took a hit but are still serviceable
Although many of the more questionable designs have been removed (the Hitler portraits and the swastika), the levels still maintain a nice look all things considered. Chandeliers can be found on the earlier floors, while later things become more depressing and macabre. You’ll find decaying walls, human bones and so forth. I like how the game handles these transitions and becomes progressively more bleak.
Enemies popping out of nowhere can make ya flinch
The goal is simple: reach the exit of each stage before the Nazi soldiers can take you out. It’s a classic concept that has stood the test of time. The game still makes me flinch on occasion when I turn a corner and blindly walk right into a bad guy from seemingly out of nowhere. It’s me versus him. Only one of us can survive. It’s raw and visceral like no other genre can offer. Good stuff.
I see you there…
Be weary of alcoves in particular. They are usually home to soldiers and mutants just waiting to ambush you. Strafing (shoulder buttons L and R) will be key to your success and thankfully works rather smoothly.
Going out in a blaze of glory!
Always unhinges me a bit to see this…
Feel the rush!
Wolfenstein 3D gives you a great feeling of being a one man strike force. The destruction you can dish out is, at times, a great rush. Despite the lack of blood, it’s still a satisfying experience to mow down a room full of Nazi soldiers in no time flat.
“I prefer the dark…”
Here’s another detail to the game that I’ve always appreciated as a kid. Early on the sky has a nice, cheery look to it with a few clouds. It almost feels serene… as if you’re at the park about to enjoy a picnic. However, later in the game if you peek outside the sky will be dark and gloomy. It’s a nice touch that reminds me of a quote from the 2004 film Sideways.
Great film, great acting, great characters
When asked if he preferred the strawberry or chocolate cake, Paul Giamatti’s depressed character answered, “I prefer the dark…”
I like the spacious and clunky exits
Seeing an exit always made me happy. Not just because it’s on to the next level but because I just enjoy the quirky design of the exits. It’s one of those things you can’t really put into words, but seeing an exit never fails to make me smile.
By the way, don’t always assume an exit means you’re home free. Some exits contain elite guards and mutants just waiting to take advantage of lackadaisical players.
Yeah, you know it can’t be that easy…
One of my favorite parts from the game… the next door lies in waiting straight ahead. But between you and that door?
A bevy of elite guards!Not just a mindless shooter
This picture illustrates the beauty of this game. The bosses (as well as the regular enemies) stalk you relentlessly once you’ve been spotted. No short term memories here. Navigate around those walls strategically, using them to your defense. Wolfenstein 3D is far from being simply just a gung-ho kill kill affair. There is some strategy and crafty skills required in order to succeed.
The final battle!In your face, Hitler Staatmeister!
EGM called it
It’d be easy to blame the developers for censoring the game when in fact the preview version contained plenty of gore. Unfortunately, Nintendo censored the bloody thing — pun intended. Keep in mind this was half a year before Nintendo changed its stance and adopted a ratings system, which allowed such violent games as Mortal Kombat II to exist.
“RATS!” … Indeed
The rabid dogs were originally present in the SNES port but after Nintendo got through with it, we got mutant rats instead. It’s largely cosmetic for the most part, but it’s easy to see why this degree of strict censorship left a bit of a sour taste for many people.
See? Blood was in the beta version
In fact, you can play the beta version as it’s floating out there in the vastness of cyberspace. Those of you adamant on experiencing Wolfenstein 3D on your SNES with red blood over sweat will be pleased — all two of you. Be forewarned though, it’s incomplete. After the first three missions or so it loops. That way you’ll never be able to finish the game. Bummer.
Glorious sight indeed. But alas, it just wasn’t meant to be.
Blood doesn’t make a game
Does the censorship hurt? Sure. Game killer? Definitely not. The game still plays very well and that’s the most important thing.
It’s a blast, blood or not
It’s impossible to deny that the SNES port was stripped and gutted — killer dogs have been turned into mutant rats, the blood is missing, the levels are smaller and all Nazi signs have been removed. But at its core, Wolfenstein 3D is a good game and that hasn’t changed.
Watch out for those corners…
The gun sounds are relatively weak, but everything else is very well handled. The music has a great beat, the boss themes are intimidating and the voices are surprisingly rather clear. Playing this in stereo is a treat. Hearing “STOP!” from the left and right side simultaneously will get your heart racing. I’ve flinched more times than I care to willingly admit simply by turning a seemingly innocent corner only to be greeted by a loud “STOP!”
Bosses are huge and will make you sweat a little upon first glance.
Better not run out of ammo or else you’re stuck with a puny knife!
Doctor Schabbs is unsettling to the core. First of all, why is his fat ass grinning so much? And check out the dirty syringes that he chucks at you. Ugh, it kind of makes me shiver. There’s nothing worse than a creepy doctor.
Seriously creepy. Stop smiling at me! But you get a key for your troubles.
The bosses utter their one liners with a strange inhuman tone. “I’M COMIN’ TO GIT CHU!” and “I’M COMIN’ FER YOOH!” works surprisingly well. You’re in awe of their sheer size the first time you see the towering bosses. The ÜBERMUTANT in particular is quite the sight for sore eyes. You know he’s waiting for you… you’re strafing the corners and just waiting to find him… finally, when you let your guard down and turn the turner — “I’M COMIN’ FER YOOH!” It’s a rush, no doubt. Not many SNES games are as (in)tense as this one.
Boss battles are fierce
Backpacks (which allow you to hold more ammo) and first aid kits are scattered about. You’ll also find turkey meat and cheese. The cheese health refills are hilarious. They only recover 4% (!) health. What a strange low number. And why haven’t the mutant rats already eaten the cheese? It’s odd as all hell!
This can’t be a good sign…
299 Rounds Press and hold R while turning the power on. Release R at the title screen, then start a game. Pause and press R, up, B, A
All Weapons + Maximum Ammo Hold R on controller 2, turn on the SNES and release R at the title screen. During game pause and press R, up, B, A
Full Map + All Keys Hold R on controller 2, turn on the SNES and release R at the title screen. During game pause and press A, A, up, B
God Mode Hold R on controller 1, turn on the SNES and release R at the title screen. During game pause the game and press B, up, B, A
Level Select Hold R on controller 1, turn on the SNES and release R at the title screen, then immediately press up and select
Level Skip Hold R on controller 1, turn on the SNES and release R at the title screen. During game pause the game and press up, B, R, B
Wolfenstein 3D received scores of 8, 7, 7 and 6 from EGM.
Ed Semrad- 7: Good music and huge mazes help you come back for more and more. While there are changes it is still a very good translation… a great game that moves fast
Danyon Carpenter- 8: So the blood was removed. Who cares? The game is still a riot! Not many other games put you in the role of gun-toting soldier running rampant through a maze shooting guards and mutants
Al Manuel- 6: Although the Swastikas on the wall and Hitler have been removed, this is a pretty good translation
Sushi-X- 7: As one of my favorite PC games, this Super NES version almost has everything in the sense of the game play. A good translation
Super Play gave it a 78%, citing “Blocky but fun shooter”
GameFan gave it scores of 89, 89, 80 and 77% citing “Major fun, buy it!” and “Hair-raising action and sweat-inducing intensity!”
Over your dead body? I can arrange that
There have been quite a few critics of the SNES port but I’ve always loved it. And quite frankly I still do to this very day. Granted, I’ve never thoroughly played the original computer game and thus can’t compare it to the superior originator. I can only base Wolfenstein 3D to other SNES games of its era. There simply aren’t many games like this on the Super Nintendo. Running through mazes mowing down guard after guard is a rush few other SNES games can replicate. It’s a raw and visceral experience. I still break it out every now and then as it’s fun to revisit even after all these years.
Not perfect, but it delivers
Yeah, the graphics get very pixel-y up close but considering the hardware it’s a relatively admirable job. Enemies can still be spotted from afar, which is critical. The boss sprites are incredibly massive, detailed and menacing. The music is catchy — I can still hear some of those tunes in my head. “STOP!” will make you flinch in your seat on occasion and the large mazes are complex and well designed. The gameplay is simply timeless and holds up well. It’s not just a mindless shoot ‘em up. Strafing throughout the labyrinths is key to success as well as using doors and corridors to your distinct advantage.
Whaaaaat a russsssshhhh!!
The enemy AI is very strong to boot. Enemies bum-rush you relentlessly upon sight. They’ll even come from other rooms when they hear the crack of gunshot. Not all doors are soundproof! This lends Wolfenstein a realistic feel and makes things much more interesting, not to mention extra tense! You never know when one innocent shot will lead to a summoning of the undead from many rooms over. You’ll hear doors opening in the far distance faintly. Then as the bad guys come closer and closer, the sound of the door opening gets louder and louder. You’re being stalked throughout the mazes. And it’s an absolute rush laying waste to 20 bad guys within the short span of 30 seconds! Some games never get old, and Wolfenstein 3D is definitely one of those games for me.
Pub: Williams | Dev: Sculptured Software | 9.1.95 | 16 MEGS + Super FX2
By September 1995, the SNES was quickly entering the final stages of its life. Although game quality was at an all-time high in terms of what companies could now do with the system, it’s a given that every 4-5 years the new wave of next gen gaming takes over, and the older models quietly fade out in the background. This however did not stop the unlikely conversion of PC smash hit, DOOM. And on the first of September 1995, SNES owners had their own version of Doomsday.
Doom changed the very landscape of gaming
I consider the early-mid 1990s as a very special time. Not only was I in the thick of my childhood, but those years cranked out some of the most iconic and groundbreaking video games around. While the whole Street Fighter II craze was sweeping the nation, in December 1993 a little violent game by the name of DOOM came out and took the nation by storm. Playing as a marine battling a horde of zombie soldiers and demons, Doom was the most intense action game of its day. It made your heart beat a little faster. Palms perspired. Those growls you hear around the corner… that ammo count dipping dangerously low… Doom produced an adrenaline kick like no other. Who could ever forget the first time you experienced Doom? It’s one of those things that you carry with you for life. Kind of like the first time you came across a Playboy Magazine. Doom was a transcendent gaming experience that turned boys into men and soiled more than a few underwears over 20 years ago. It is revered fondly for a good reason.
One of the most anticipated sequels of the ’90s!
December 1994. One year after the epic release of Doom, we were given the sequel, Doom II. It was only a matter of time. While the clones rushed in and out the door (and backdoor, for that matter), the original king stood mighty, proud and tall and victorious over all comers. But now it was time for round two. A game with more weapons, monsters and mayhem. It did not disappoint! Doom II was a worthy sequel indeed and although my brother and I didn’t own it, we definitely found ways to experience it. Because it was simply something you just had to. No ifs, ands or buts here. Doom II was the SHIT.
Games weren’t cool in the mid ’90s but Doom II was
How badass was Doom II? So badass that I put it on my 7th grade “All About Me” poster. I somehow found this pic here on a computer store ad, mighta been Comp USA (damn there goes a name from the past) or Fry’s Electronic. Cut it out and pasted it on my poster to show the whole 7th grade world. At that time gaming wasn’t considered cool, much. But not Doom II. Doom II broke barriers. You were proud to declare to the entire universe of its greatness. Keep in mind gaming in 1995 was a lot less mainstream and “accepted” than it is in today’s society.
It’s a day I still vividly recall… even 20+ years later
A few weeks before Doom II came out, my world changed forever. It was mid-November 1994. It was a cold and dreary, foggy Monday morning. I remember the fog being so thick I could barely see past my first neighbor’s house. I was walking to school with my good old best friend Nelson, and it was another week in the ol’ neighborhood. Little did I know, leaving my house that morning, that when I would return later that day, my innocence would be lost, ripped and shattered.
Bad days always seem to start out innocently enough
2:25 PM. The school bell rang and Nelson and I rushed out. We walked home laughing and talking up a storm, crunching the autumn leaves on the gavel beneath our shoes. We got to the fork where he went left and I went right. We bid farewell and I vividly remember to this very day how much I couldn’t wait to get home from school just so I could play Doom for the 1,000th time. Shoot, I was already daydreaming about firing the rocket launcher on the two Barons of Hell on the Phobos Anomaly map. Nothing was better than coming home from a long school day, tossing your backpack off, and wading over to the computer room where your most favorite video games resided. And I was deep in the middle of my daydreaming when I turned the corner and had the wind knocked out of me. There my house lied in the distance, with a police car parked in the driveway, and two policemen conversing with my mom. I ran over and my mom quickly embraced me, hugging me harder than she ever had in years, with tears streaming down her face. My eyes widened in terror when I looked straight ahead from the driveway, saw the front door wide open, and realized the mess that laid before us. We were robbed. They took nearly everything, including the computer and Doom. That day I didn’t just lose material things. That day I lost a large chunk of my innocence
My brother occasionally did something really nice
September 1995. As some readers may recall from my Memories of Renting article, back in the day I did 90-95% of the game renting, and most of those times that I did, I was forced by my older brother to rent the titles HE liked. Well, in September of ’95 my bro surprised me one weekend when he left the house and came back with SNES Doom. He thought I would be happy but I was actually pissed. Seeing it, although it did have a cool red shell case, only reminded me of that fateful day where I lost my innocence. After playing it I was DISGUSTED with it. I couldn’t help but constantly compare it to its PC original. And under those given circumstances, I hated the SNES version with a burning passion. So much that I vehemently refused to play it for the rest of the weekend that we had the rental copy. My bro never mentioned it, but I think he was a little hurt by it. He made a nice gesture, but instead of gratitude I showed him contempt and annoyance. And that was the last game I can ever recall him renting for me…
At the time I thought it was the greatest score EVER
December 14, 1996. Two full years after the initial release of Doom II, my dad took me to Staples one night. Yeah, some dads take their kids to Disneyland. Other parents take their kids to Universal Studios. Mine took me to friggin’ Staples. Hey, I’ll give the old man credit. Because on this night I saw a deal that blew my mind. There it was, Doom II, for only $4.97. I rubbed my eyes not once, not twice but trice. I thought maybe there was a 2 in front, or at least, surely a 1. But just $4.97?!?! I grabbed the box, flipped it over and read front and back 10 times over. Was this shareware? Was this April Fools? No, you fool, I thought to myself. It’s December 14, damnit. Holy shit. It was the real deal AND for a real deal. I snatched it up quicker than OJ Simpson driving away in his Bronco, and of course, at less than the cost of a #1 Big Mac combo meal, there was no way my pops could deny me this one. Maybe the old man knew. My brother and I always wanted Doom II two years ago, but we never got it. Now we were vindicated. When I got home and my bro saw the receipt, he just about fell over. I have kept the receipt all these years later. Thing of beauty when an awesome deal drops unexpectedly into your lap. Look at that up there. “YOU SAVED $25.02″ — damn sick! $5.36 for Doom II in 1996? Hey, it happened. Moral of the story… screw Disneyland. Next time I’m taking my kids to motherfukken STAPLES, bitch.
Years later, I was greeted by an old friend…
In 1999, after being out of the gaming scene for a year or two, I came back STRONG with the Sega Saturn (check out the previous blog post if you don’t believe me). But it wasn’t until 2001 that I became a diehard Saturn fanatic. I amassed a huge collection, and by 2005 was pretty much done with my collecting. Then I took a chance on the Japanese version of Saturn Doom, seeing as how it was released months AFTER the US reject. I was hoping that maybe, just maybe, the frame rate on the Japanese version would be improved. And it was! I recall fondly making usenet posts way back in the day (late ’90s to mid 2000s) on the old newsgroup, spreading the news that the Japanese version was superior. Hell, I even created a YouTube account way back in December 2005 (yeah, when YouTube was just in its infancy) just to show off how improved the Japanese version’s frame rate was, compared to the lame version we received in the US. It was a discovery that no one had spoken of on the internet yet, and it felt like I was breaking some news there. I love the feeling of spreading obscure gaming knowledge. Man, those were the days… it’s amazing how different the internet has become in the last 10 years, but I digress.
It was a homecoming for me in more ways than one
On January 17, 2006, I returned to the SNES scene. I was a man on a mission. I was now a young adult longing for my childhood and to discover “new” gems I missed out on. I bought most of my wanted games in 2006; Doom was never on the original want list. I had some… ahem… sour memories of it you understand, and so never wanted to give it another shot. But finally, in 2010, I said what the hell. It’s time to face old demons [Well played for once -Ed.] and see what’s what. So I bought Doom, replayed it and did so this time with a clear open mind. And I was surprised to find out that I actually enjoyed it a good bit. I had a few four hour marathons with it where I tried my damndest to beat all of the 22 levels in one sitting (because they gave you no other choice). I’ll be damned. My opinion of SNES Doom did a complete 180. Taking it for what it is, I can’t help but marvel a bit at the fact that it’s even up and running on my Super Nintendo. It captures the essence and spirit of the original Doom pretty damn nicely, and that’s the bottom line. In many ways, I felt like I had come full circle with not only the SNES but with Doom as well.
I refused to believe Doom could run on the SNES…
Thankfully, by late 1995 the SNES’ kid friendly mantra of no blood had shifted. Games like Mortal Kombat II, released about one year prior, broke the mold. Doom without its grisly gore just wouldn’t be the same. The SNES port keeps the bloody mayhem intact at the very least. Because when you think of Doom, you instantly think of the carnage. Oh and…
FORMER SOLDIER: At one time you swapped war stories with this guy. Now he’s nothing more than a rotting, pistol-toting maggot. So waste this sucker without remorse. He stopped being your buddy a long time ago…
FORMER SERGEANT: Similar to above, but with more piss and vinegar. Packing a heavy duty shotgun, you best take these bald baddies out fast or they’ll do more than pelt you. Aim carefully, because if you miss that means you’re likely eating some damage. You need every last health point!
IMP: When you think of imps, you might think of a small hideously cute thing that is sneaky and mischievous. Think again! This bastard heaves fireballs down your throat and will claw the hell out of you up close. It’s time to find a shotgun.
DEMON: Yes, finally, an enemy with no long range weapon. That’s the good news. The bad news? It moves faster than you might think, and if it bites you, it’s gonna HURT. A LOT. The chainsaw works well on these bad boy, and saves the ammo.
CACODEMON: This big red bastard takes a lot of bullets to go down. It’s time to upgrade from the shotgun if you haven’t already. Cacodemons make a loud, nasty screech when they first see you or hear of your presence. They launch fireballs that pack a more potent punch than the imp’s. A chaingun works well since the rapid firing bullets prevent this vile creature from sprouting fireballs off at your head.
LOST SOUL: Maybe the Doom makers were fans of Ghost Rider? It flies around. It screams. It scorches. And it dies with a few well-placed shotgun shells.
BARON OF HELL: Ah, here’s the man. Er, demon, rather, I suppose. Deman? Sorry. I can write and reminisce about this goat-legged horned menace all day long. His debut at the end of Episode 1 has got to rank in the top 10 of all time as far as boss entrances go. It’s an image that has been burned into my retina for over 20 years now. There was nothing like staring at the two pods knowing hell is coming.
CYBERDEMON: Remember the first time you ever laid eyes on this bastard? You thought the Barons of Hell were bad news. This guy is basically death on two legs. From his heavy stomps to his lightning-quick rockets coming straight for your head, the Cyberdemon is the stuff nightmares are made of. Before Resident Evil had the Tyrant, Doom had the Cyberdemon. He was a hulking weapon of mass destruction. ProTip: Shoot ’til it dies.
THE SPIDER MASTERMIND: Ever since I was a kid, I hated spiders. Just hate the buggers. They make my skin crawl. So when I first came across the Spider Mastermind, I probably screamed like a little girl [I have no doubt you did -Ed.]. Thank goodness for small favors — at least ol’ Spidey wields a chaingun and not the plasma gun. That’s one big motherfukken spider, indeed.
With such deadly demons and maniacal monsters milling about the hellhole, you’re going to need more than quick feet and wit to survive this apocalypse. You’re gonna need top-of-the-line artillery to give you even a snowball’s chance in Hell of winning. Which brings us to…
You start the game out with your fist and a standard military-issue pistol. You better find some upgrades quickly or you’ll become dinner even quicker!
CHAINSAW: Anyone who has ever seen the Texas Chainsaw Massacre will smile at the inclusion of this death instrument. Perfect for confined areas, the chainsaw will bring out the Leatherface in you. The only bad thing is it doesn’t actually slice demons in two. Guess you can’t have it all.
SHOTGUN: One of the most iconic and memorable weapons in video gaming history. Blowing away zombie soldiers and imps with the shotgun was immensely satisfying. From the sound effect to the reloading animation, the shotgun delivers the good.
CHAINGUN: Take your pistol’s puny bullets, and pump them out rapid fire, and suddenly you’ve got a formidable weapon of choice. Pull the trigger and watch the monsters of Hell do one hell of a dance number.
ROCKET LAUNCHER: Pure destruction. A specialty weapon in every respect of the word, this can either make your day, or make your grave. Few things rival the sheer joy of watching demons explode into a quivering bloody mess. Just make sure you’re not standing nearby!
PLASMA GUN: The “perfect” weapon. The plasma gun has it all: speed, strength and style. As an added bonus, it’s just strong enough to potentially blow the weaker enemies into tiny bloody bits — making this the preferred weapon of Doom 90% of the time.
THE BFG 9000: Here is the mother of all shooting game guns.. the BIG FUCKIN’ GUN. Excuse my language, but with a weapon this destructive, it simply cannot be censored or contained. It eats up a lot of ammo, but fire this baby and admire how it can take out an entire room of demons. Besides, any gun that can kill a Baron of Hell in one shot is definitely badass.
Much was sacrificed, but it’s still an admirable effortYeah, things get pixelated but what do you expect?The SNES port does a nice job capturing the essenceThe nooks and crannies made me feel uneasy…Even to this day, this has me on the edge of my seatIt adds a lot to the game’s tense atmosphereNo aiming up or down. If you can see it you can kill itIt never gets old blasting an imp up closeToxic barrels only added to the fun and chaosNice way to let off some steam after a long hard day!Once I turned around and a demon bit on my facePinky has gotten all of us at one point or anotherThey sure brighten up your dayBefore…… and afterRemember experiencing this for the first time?You just had to be there in 1993. Good timesWho didn’t stop to admire their handiwork for a bit?[Ya know… I was gonna say something but naaah -Ed.]This must be Hell’s version of the green mile…Seeing this back in ’93 made me crap my pants!Its design, its roar… thanks for the nightmaresYou know who. Love the Baron’s death animationThe ending of Episode 1 never failed to creep me out
Oh I sure hope you have more than a lowly pistol…Including an upside down cross — yikes!Indeed, the source of many jump scares over the yearsIt’s a rush to pump lead into a room full of monstersLittle details like this made Doom a memorable affairYou know it’s bad when Barons appear regularlyYou’re gonna need it, soldier
Get this version instead if you can
Years ago I happened to wonder whether the Japanese version of SNES Doom was any different than its US counterpart. The reasons being twofold. Number one: I recall fondly discovering that the Japanese version of Sega Saturn Doom was released later than its US version and had an improved frame rate. What really hampers SNES Doom in my opinion is the complete lack of a password or save system. At least Wolfenstein 3D gave us passwords level to level. That increases the likelihood that I’ll tinker with a game long after I’ve finished it. It’s always fun to go back to a random level and muck around, after all. Well, SNES Doom afforded you no such luxury. You had to beat the game in one sitting. All 22 levels. That’s a 3-5 hour task for most. It’s just too much. So when I found out the Japanese version of SNES Doom was released in March 1996, a full six months after the US release, I became real curious. Scouring the net for information, I read that the Japanese version does indeed have some noteworthy differences compared to the American version — making the Japanese version superior. Unfortunately, the frame rate remains much the same, but there were still some pretty cool differences. Here, let’s take a closer look at the two versions.
Choice of difficulty level!US versionJapanese version
In a nutshell, the main difference between the Japanese and North American version is that the NA port restricts which episode you can start off in. Sure, you can start off in The Shores of Hell or Inferno on the NA port, but the game punishes you by forcing you to select Ultra Violence or Nightmare. And since you start off an episode with only your bare hands and a pistol, it’s essentially a suicide mission. You might as well forget about even trying.
The Japanese version, on the other hand, allows you to start on the last episode even on the easiest difficulty level (I’m Too Young To Die). Although it’s still lacking a save or password system, at least it helps to SOMEWHAT mitigate this glaring flaw of having to beat all 22 levels in one sitting. For this fact alone, the Japanese version is the one to get for diehard SNES fans who simply must have Doom in their 16-bit game library.
Doom has etched its mark in gaming lore. I love it still
PC Doom needs no backing. Its place in gaming history has long been cemented, and it’ll be fondly remembered long after all of us are gone. But how did the Super Nintendo port fare? For the most part, people either backed it or they hated it. Gamers either cited the port as an incredible 16-bit effort and a small miracle, or bashed it, questioning the reasoning behind even bringing this over to the SNES as late in its lifespan as it did. EGM was in the latter camp, as they gave it mediocre scores of 5, 5, 5.5, and 6. GameFan was plenty more generous and impressed, rating it 89, 92 and 95%. Super Play Magazine scored it 92%and ranked it as the 17th best SNES game in their Top 100 Best SNES Games list. SNES Doom was one of those love or hate affairs. You either get it for what it is, or hate it for what it isn’t.
A quintessential first person shooter for the ages
As I sit here thinking of the times I’ve had with DOOM over the years, both good and bad, I can’t help but just smile. Doomblazed an amazing trail. It was the first game that really made me feel like I was the character himself. It was an intense, gripping and unrivaled experience. Doom always had me on the edge of my seat. The SNES version is one that I have grown to appreciate and genuinely like as time has gone on. When I first played it in ’95 I thought it was a steaming pile of horse crap. But when I revisited it years later as a young adult, I realized it’s no small programming feat, and when viewed entirely on its own, it’s actually quite good. It captures the spirit and essence of Doom nicely, and that’s what ultimately matters. Graphics took a hit, naturally, but are still serviceable. On the bright side, the music is stellar! It really adds to the tense atmosphere of the game.
The SNES port captures Doom‘s bleeding heart
Other than the annoying few instances where you creep along a wall and get “stuck” to it, the game plays surprisingly well. It’s by no means the definitive version of Doom, but for the SNES it’s impressive. There seems to be two camps: those who enjoy SNES Doom, and those who hate it. It depends on whether you look at it for what it is, or if you look at it for what it isn’t. When I first played the SNES version in 1995, I was looking at everything it wasn’t, compared to the original PC king. But when I replayed it some 15 years later, I did so consciously from a posture of “Let’s see what it does do well rather than what it doesn’t.” And I found myself pleasantly surprised when approaching it from that angle. While I still prefer the SNES port of Wolfenstein 3D (it plays a bit more smoothly), I genuinely feel that this port of Doom doesn’t get the credit it deserves. Although I understand where the critics are coming from, I like to view it from this perspective: is Doom a quality Super Nintendo game or not? My answer to that is a resounding yes. Now if you’ll excuse me, it’s time to go blast some demon ass to Kingdom Come!
Graphics: 7 Sound: 9 Gameplay: 8.5 Longevity: 7
Overall: 8.5 Double Silver Award
Nothing like playing Doom late at night in the dark…