Pub: Nintendo | Dev: Rare | November 1994 | 32 MEGS
Released on November 21, 1994 — the four year anniversary of the Super Famicom — Donkey Kong Country ushered in a new era of SNES gaming. Using pre-rendered 3D graphics and a technique known as ACM (Advanced Computer Modeling), Nintendo pushed DKC as an answer to the 32-bit war machines looming over the horizon. Nintendo’s message was loud and clear: 16-bit ain’t dead yet. No, as a matter of fact, 16-bit has a lot left in the tank. Donkey Kong Country is arguably the most hyped game to ever come out on the SNES. One thing is for sure: it’s the second best selling game on the system. Moving NINE MILLION copies, it’s second in sales only to Super Mario World. So whether you love DKC or find it overrated, there’s no denying the game was a commercial smash hit in every respect of the word. Let us return to the jungle…
Hard to believe this was running on our SNES!
In the fall of 1994, Donkey Kong Country dominated the gaming press. You couldn’t pick up a video game magazine without seeing DKC on the front cover. It was a revolutionary effort set to redefine 16-bit gaming as we knew it. Magazines like EGM and GameFan hyped it beyond the moon. The screenshots looked absolutely amazing. We never thought such visuals were possible on the SNES and nearly crapped our pants the first time we saw it live in the flesh. It’s one of those moments in your gaming fandom that you never forget.
DKC was simply breathtaking
One of my favorite memories with this game came over 20 years ago. My old best friend Nelson was in love with Donkey Kong Country. I vividly remember one frosty Friday morning Nelson and I were chatting on the playground before school. Nelly said, “I’m buying Donkey Kong Country after school. I’ve been dying to play a good adventure game!” For some reason that always stuck with me. When I think about Donkey Kong Country, the very first word that comes to mind is adventure. From snowy mountains to lush treetops to shark-infested waters, this game exudes ADVENTURE. Whether you control Donkey or Diddy Kong, one thing is for sure… it’s going to be one hell of an adventure. At the end of the day, isn’t that what video games are all about?
And what an adventure it was
Looks like EGM got wasted on the waisted part thereThankfully, you rescue and play as Diddy early on
The dynamic duo!
Funky cornered the market. That’s a dude I’d trust…Candy, a sweetie, will save your game free of chargeCranky is the original Donkey Kong now agedHe’s Cranky all right. Pal, try nearly 10 million sold!“Yo Cranky, UP YOURS!” I’d say these guys did alright
I love having multiple ways to kill an enemyA sight for sore eyes!
Barrels featuring the letters DK unlocks your partner (if necessary). These barrels somehow always seem to be positioned just right on most stages. A job well done by Rare who clearly thought out each centimeter of their game with meticulous care.
Break the barrel to free a young and vibrant sidekick by the name of Diddy Kong. Now you can switch off to play as either Diddy or Donkey. Diddy is faster and can jump a bit farther than Donkey, but Donkey has the power advantage. Donkey can kill certain enemies that Diddy can’t. The differences in the two add to the fun and strategy of the game.
Rescue animal friends throughout the levels to assist you in your quest. The first being Rambi the raging Rhino! These animal friends each have their own pros and cons. Rambi is one of my favorites. It’s tough to beat riding a rhino and goring the hell out of anything that gets in your way.
Hidden bonus rooms are scattered throughout. Try to find them all.
Cranky Kong interjects with his classic “back in MY day” spiel. I love how he breaks the fourth wall. Back in 1994 this blew my 11-year-old mind.
A tropical thunderstorm made this level atmosphericThe sound effect upon impact is just the best
Slippas are satisfying to kill due to the sound effectBreak the barrel to free Diddy AND kill a bad guyBeing a sidekick isn’t always great, as seen here…
Barrels can be used to find hidden bonus rooms. Be experimental!
Where’s Cranky Kong when you need him?Not to mention the soundtrack as well. AhhhhNo wonder he’s such a fan favoriteThis level restores my faith in water-based stages
Barrel Cannon Canyon (try saying that fast five times) is, as one might expect, littered with a classic Donkey Kong Country staple: barrel cannons. Some spit you out instantly while others rotate continuously, forcing you to manually leap out. Timing is everything!
You get a bonus life if you clear eight in a rowBarrel cannons were to DKC á la shells to Mario
Zingers made going from one barrel to the next a bit more difficult. Laugh it up while you still can. Because later on you won’t be laughing so much…
Oh, Rare. You witty little chaps, you!You almost feel bad hurting the poor guy. Almost
It’s a small detail but I remember it 20+ years later
It claimed many lives, and even some controllers…
Diddy is just loaded with charm and personalityI like how he holds the barrel out instead of over[Hey, I’m just returning the favor from earlier! -Diddy]He’s loaded with charm, but not so much brains…Small gimmicks here and there helps keep DKC fresh[Only reason I’ve kept you around all these years -Ed.]
[On second thought, perhaps longevity is overrated -Ed.]
Interesting gimmick here. The rock-like monsters with red glowing eyes cannot be killed. You have no choice but to skillfully avoid them. Do this by touching the various barrels carefully positioned throughout. When you touch a barrel to stop, Rockkrocs assume the fetal position, allowing you just enough time to safely pass by. It’s a nice change of pace.
DKC has a decent deal of variety to spice things up
Diddy is too weak to kill Krusha. But TNT barrels will
[Diddy’s facial expression there matches mine -Ed.]
[The Tammy twins beg to differ… -Ed.]
Someone at Rare was a huge fan of Ewok Village…
Barrel cannons galore — only the boldest of adventurers will pass.
The screen scrolls automatically hereCollision detection is fairly generous
Only Diddy can break dance with a millstoneSome clichés never get old
At five, this level has the most hidden bonus roomsSuch a gorgeous level — love it!
The underwater levels had such soothing music
The sound effect is perfect, too. It’s the little things!
B stands for bee [I was thinking something else… -Ed.][Like my ex-wife -Ed.] Which one? [You got jokes -Ed.]
More bosses await…
Particularly if you try to beat it without the shortcut
… and then SHIT JUST GOT REAL. Bless that shortcut…
33 levels + 67 bonus rooms + one final boss = 101%Can you find all 67 bonus rooms?
Many found Donkey Kong Country to be too easy. Rare probably knew that as well, because they weren’t afraid to poke fun at themselves. While I do agree it was easy on the whole, there are a few levels sure to kick your ass.
Cranky breaks the fourth wall, AGAIN. What an endearing character!
Amazingly prophetic, I now understand how he feels
Donkey Kong Country quickly developed a mystique
Donkey Kong Country was a critical and commercial success. Prior to its release, the hype surrounding it was off the charts. It graced endless gaming magazine covers. And not surprisingly, Donkey Kong Country was met with rave reviews. EGM awarded it Game of the Month with scores of 10, 9, 9 and 9. GameFan gave it a perfect trifecta. It scored 100, 100and 100%. Super Play was a bit less than overly impressed, but still gave it a robust 90%. The hype for Donkey Kong Country stirred much gaming discourse, lifting the game to nearly mythic proportions even before it could reach gaming stores worldwide.
Yup, the hype was MASSIVE. King Kong proportions!EGM was stingy with their 10s…Not so much GameFan. Impressive, nevertheless
DKC was EVERYWHERE in late 1994. What a time…Vintage Super Play: praise while pumping the brakesEGM and GameFan were easier to please than SPLAYNintendo Power rated it #39 in its Top 100
Really can’t go wrong with any of them
Curious as to see what my readers consider to be their favorite DKC game, I put it to the test with a survey years ago. The results of the poll were pretty much what I expected, and matched overall online consensus. Donkey Kong Country received the most votes at 39.3%. Diddy’s Kong Quest finished just a hair behind with 37.5%. And Dixie Kong’s Double Trouble came in last, with a respectable 23.2%. From my online travels over the years across various retro gaming forums, when discussion of the DKC trilogy pops up, it seems to be a dead even tie between the first and second games as people’s favorite. Those who prefer the first game find it to be most “pure” of all, plus the nostalgia never hurts.
OK so I like the first DKC best
Folks who prefer Donkey Kong Country 2 love it for its refined and more difficult gameplay. They tend to also prefer controlling Dixie (with her smooth hair spinning ways) over the bigger and more cumbersome Donkey Kong. Last but not least, there’s even a small pocket of fans who claim Donkey Kong Country 3 to be the best of the trilogy. They often cite it as having the best graphics and the most satisfying level design.
DKC is on fire… [You’re fired -Ed]I can see the argument for all three games — it’s just a matter of personal taste. There’s no right or wrong answer. Myself, I agree with the majority. The first game is my favorite in the series. I concede that perhaps Donkey Kong Country 2 does play a bit better overall, but for pure fun and enjoyment there’s nothing like the original. The first one has a special spot in my heart and that will never change.
None of them however can touch Super Mario World
Donkey Kong Country ended 1994 with a bang
Donkey Kong Country isn’t the mega epic adventure it was hyped up to be back in ’94, but it’s definitely a great overall package. I love the sense of adventure that it exudes — lush jungles, snow-capped mountains, mining caverns and more bring the action to vibrant life. The game’s adventurous atmosphere resonates deeply with me. The journey that Donkey and Diddy Kong embarked on left an indelible mark on countless gaming hearts. Rare did wonders on the Super Nintendo that few thought was even possible. By the end of 1994, with the 32-bit era looming, Donkey Kong Country stood as a proud testament to the power and potential still remaining in Nintendo’s trusty old 16-bit wonder. Do not go gentle into that good night. Your time is no doubt coming soon, 32-bit, but DAMNIT — NOT TODAY!!
You had to be there back in 1994 to fully appreciate it
Some complain that the game is too easy. I’ve always cared more about how fun a game is rather than its difficulty. Whether it’s easy or hard, if it’s fun then I’m sure to play it. And do so with a big fat grin on my face. I love romping through the diverse world of Donkey Kong Country. It’s one of those games where you can race straight to the exit or you can take your sweet time carefully uncovering all of the secrets. It’s as basic or complex as you want it to be. The game has a lot more depth than one might initially think. DKC has layers of substance behind the style and to me that’s the mark of a great game. The visuals were revolutionary for its time (hell, I still think it looks awesome today) but more importantly the gameplay holds up to this very day. It may not be one of the top 10 greatest Super Nintendo games but it’s certainly a bonafide SNES classic.
It’s worth beating your chest for
The additions of Diddy Kong and a fun diverse group of animal allies round out a remarkable adventure. Diddy was an instant star. Switching between Donkey or Diddy was seamless and smooth, helping to make Donkey Kong Country feel different from other platformers of its era. And of course, that soundtrack. Some of the most memorable tunes in all of SNES lore. While not a flawless masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination, Donkey Kong Country is a fantastic game that has stood the test of time. Even more than 20 years later it’s still as fun to play today as it was back in the fall of 1994. Well done, Rare. Well done.
Graphics: 10
Sound: 9
Gameplay: 9
Longevity: 8
Overall: 9.0
Gold Award
A shining example of greatness
DKC 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest review coming soon(-ish)…DKC has a track that reminds me of Field of Dreams
Give both a listen for yourself…
Listen to the first 10 seconds in particular…
Pretty similar, right? I love both tracks. They’re so whimsical and fun ^_^
The Super Nintendo enjoyed many years of commercial and critical success, but of all the years I’ve always considered 1994 to be its most memorable. It just seemed to have the best games that year in terms of quality and quantity. 32-bit systems were starting to seep into the pages of gaming magazines in ’94 but it was still largely all about 16-bit. ’94 saw the release of such iconic titles as Super Metroid, Super Punch-Out!!, Donkey Kong Country, Final Fantasy III and so much more. EGM and GameFan didn’t miss a beat, either, as I felt ’94 was also the best year for those respective magazines. 1994 was just a great time to be a kid. But aside from your AAA classics, there were a bevy of games that flew under the radar that year. Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City was one of them. Sure, the concept was bizarre. Control one of the greatest basketball players ever in an action platformer? Doesn’t exactly ring my bell. And made by EA Sports of all people? They weren’t known for their action games. But when I saw it in the pages of GameFan, a big part of me was instantly intrigued. It took me two decades to finally play it…
GOAT? Arguably he is the greatest of all time
Michael Jordan was a freak athlete. Born February 17, 1963 (happy belated, Mike), Jordan went on to become one of the most iconic figures in all of sporting history by the year 1993. However, with the tragic murder of his father during that summer, Jordan announced his retirement from the game of basketball on October 6, 1993. Citing the death of his father and a loss of interest in playing basketball, Jordan went on to pursue his dream of playing professional baseball.
Michael Jordan’s athleticism was stunning!
He toiled in the Minors for a year and a half before declaring his infamous two words on March 18, 1995: “I’M BACK.” Jordan went on to 3-peat once again, leaving the game with six championship rings and an amazing 6-0 record in the NBA Finals. Today he is still considered in many circles as the greatest NBA player to ever play the game.
There was nobody like Mike. NOBODY
Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City came out while Jordan was attempting his hand at playing baseball in the Major Leagues. The game acknowledges this and uses it (somewhat) as part of its storyline.
Jordan unearthing an underground prison where his friends are held captive deep within the bowels of a museum? You can’t make this stuff up… and this is how our adventure begins!
Rescue your friends in the holding cells (five levels there) and make your way through the rest of Chicago. This includes riding the local trains, the laboratory, the factory and more. Unfortunately, the lab and factory have five levels each themselves and the backgrounds can get a bit repetitive and dull. Although the game has a decent number of levels, they’re not spread out very well since the theme is repeated for five levels.
Standard ball
Mike begins the game with a regular standard orange basketball. It shoots in a straight line and has unlimited ammo. It shoots out pretty fast too and you can fire multiple balls at once. For a standard default weapon it’s more than serviceable.
White Knuckleball
I see what you did here, EA. Clever. One of the balls is, appropriately, a baseball. I like this one as you can fire it through walls and solid objects. Sweet!
Purple Rebound ball
Bounces around when it hits a horizontal surface, or splits into two balls when it hits a vertical surface. I like using this in tight spaces — it turns you into a killing machine.
Flame ball
Does double damage to enemies. Spike it to create a trail of flame along the floor.
Gold Heat-Seeker ball
Tracks down enemies who are within range. Spike it to split it into multiple missiles. I like how spiking certain balls can change its use.
Channeling his inner Sub-Zero, Mike’s Blue Ice ball freezes most enemies into a solid chunk of ice. It’ll shatter if you hit it with another ice ball. Enemies will thaw out and escape if you don’t destroy them while they’re frozen. You can stand on frozen enemies and use them as platforms. Spike an ice ball to coat part of the floor with a layer of ice and make it slippery.
Spiking certain balls can lead to different effects. It added a nice layer [I C WAT U DID DERE -Ed.] to the game and also added some strategy in addition to picking which ball to use.
Black Iron ball
Doesn’t go far if you throw it, rolling along the floor to hit enemies. It explodes when spiked, doing one point of damage to all enemies on-screen.
Smoking Earthquake ball
It makes everything shake when you spike it, doing massive damage to all enemies within range.
Chicago would have big spiders…
Be on the look out for your friends, and watch out for mutant spiders. Keys are key (sorry) to success.
Open doors for a surpriseNot all surprises are good!Because basketball
Backboards are scattered throughout. Dunking on them has a different effect. Some drop items (like keys) when you dunk. Others may even damage all enemies on-screen. It’s a neat little way of bringing basketball into the gimmick.
Saving your friends opens up a bit of dialogue. It’s nothing to shout about, but it adds a bit of variety as it breaks up the action a bit. Hell, you may even get a key for your troubles at the end. But the way Mike’s friends evaporate is slightly bizarre.
Sometimes there’s a weak wall that Mike can bust through. Ah, Wheaties. The Breakfast of Champions.
Dunking in an action platformer — who woulda dunk it… [har har -Ed.]
Spiking the ball isn’t just a secondary option, sometimes it’s necessary to advance. Spike balls to break away weak floorboards.
Where’s Jeff Daniels?!Talk about a black eye…Nice behind the back pass, MikeYou can’t keep a champion downWatch out for its babies
Purple swirling doors lead you to bonus bits that range from slam dunking to killing enemies to bouncing off giant springs. Find these doors to unlock extra goodies and points.
Bastards zip fast so be ready for the fast pitch. BOOM [SHAKA LAKA -Ed.]
Classic MJ signal to end a stageSurf’s up!Grab the shoes for invincibilityHit the switch to bring it down
Whoever thinks that Jordan never passes never played this game.
Enemies on a tier below you can be damaged by the spiking technique.
Defense is played in the form of nullifying. Wish more games did this.
Use the White Knuckleball to retrieve items lodged away. Sweet!
Whoa whoa whoa!
You know what’s cool about that animation above? You know how in most games if you let it ride out nothing happens but the status quo? Well, not so here. If you leave Mike in that vulnerable position for more than a few seconds, he actually falls over. I was quite taken aback the first time I saw it as I don’t recall many platformers from the ’90s that did this as well. The animation is ugly but I can appreciate the concept.
Watch out for electric eelsWhat did I say, Mike?!Don’t mess up your kicksShot clock is a nice touch
Some backboards have the number 23 on them. If they do, slam it home and you’ll be rewarded with everything freezing for 15 seconds. A shot clock just like the NBA appears on the screen, counting you down. Pretty cool integration.
Speaking of timers, there are none in this game. I hate it when there’s a timer that presses you to zip through a level. A generous timer is all good in my book but even better is when there’s no timer at all. Make sure you take the time to explore all the nooks and crannies, as you don’t want to miss out on bonus doors.
Golden hearts add another ball to your health meter. Super valuable!
Switch to the homing ballThey can be a life saverJordan ain’t no Michael Phelps…
D’OH! MJ might be the GOAT when it comes to basketball. But when it comes to swimming he doesn’t stand a chance! He automatically bites the dust the moment his head is submerged in water. Boo! Come on…
Nice placement of the keyRun to do a super jump
Press the L button to break into a sprint. Jumping while running allows Michael to do a super jump, which allows him to reach items in faraway places. Not bad, right? Until you factor in EA Sports wasted the L button on running when they could have made running double tap. Then that frees up the L button to cycle back on the special balls. Cycling one way only with the R button can get a bit annoying when you have all eight balls in possession.
No complex puzzles here, folksAh, the retirement plot kicks inWay to rub it in, 1994Oh crap it’s David Stern!Dr. J, baby! Julius ErvingOne of most legendary basketball shots of all time Get ready for a Ballz flashbackMJ seems to be real concerned…HOLY CRAP!Boomerang action for more hitsSorry, you can’t freeze Mr. BallzUse the ledges for a boostYou need to duck on this ledgeBack to back like in the wild westSatisfying first boss fight!
Remember the epic shot Jordan hit over Craig Ehlo in the Playoffs on May 7, 1989? Props to EA Sports for recreating that celebration here.
THE F*CKING SHOT. Nuff saidGet your red card, pimp!Teddy Long, HOLLA!
Knock over the paparazziStay on the inside…… or get on top!Duck or jump when needed
Slime splits into threeMake that jump count, MikeYou’re 6’6″… for now at leastSure, why not? A giant whistle. I’ve seen it all
Charles Barkley on steroids? He has good defense. So not Chuck, then.
Maybe his D isn’t so good after all
See what happens…
As many action platformers did from the 16-bit era, there’s a password system in place. However, you’re only awarded a password after defeating the entire section. For example, the Laboratory has five levels. You have to beat all five to get the password rather than just one level. As far as user friendliness is concerned, passwords are 11 characters. Not the best but definitely not the worst. Although the passwords do take into account your lives. Beat a section with 0 lives? That password is essentially useless. Pretty unforgiving…
7th worst game of all time — really now?
Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City is one of those games that you expect to be crap, but isn’t. It has a pretty decent reputation with most retro gamers. GameFan gave it respectable scores of 82, 79and 74%. Browse online and you’ll see most people find it to be pretty decent despite the odd use of the license. However, Nintendo Power back in 1997 had a different opinion. They posted a list of their top 100 games but they also posted a list of their top 10 worst games. Chaos in the Windy City made that list at #7. That always bugged me. Especially when they wrote in the description: “Not that this game was even that bad, but it wins the award for Totally Blowing the Best License in the Universe. What’s next, Michael Saves Nike Town?”
[I’M DEAD! No, not really… -Ed.]It bugged me that they put a decent game on the worst list. A list plagued by such filth as Bebe’s Kids. Chaos in the Windy City deserved better. I love Nintendo Power otherwise, but that one blurb always rubbed me the wrong way. Put it on your Top 10 Wastes of a Good License list but don’t put it on the Top 10 Worst list. Anyway, I told myself I’ll write that whenever the day comes that I review Chaos in the Windy City so yeah.
Jerry Lee Lewis would be proud
Like I said earlier, 1994 was a good year to be a Super Nintendo owner. We got so many good games. But it wasn’t a good year to be a Michael Jordan fan. We did get Chaos in the Windy City as a bittersweet reminder that Jordan had retired from the game of basketball. His minor league baseball career was pretty bad in 1994, but thankfully his video game turned out to be fairly decent. I like the versatility of the different powered balls. I also like the locked doors and keys formula that EA incorporated here. It helped to give it a slightly different feel from most other action platformers. The visuals are grimy and pretty much the complete opposite of most 1994 SNES games in terms of style and tone. The animation could have used some extra work, though.
A decent game? Most shocking…
For all the nice things Chaos in the Windy City does, however, there are a few missteps here that prevent it from being a hidden gem. For starters, the music is pretty forgettable. And what I do recall is only average. The control is a bit loose and the scrolling suffers from slight bouts of herky jerky action. Enough for you to notice it in a negative light. But perhaps the most annoying thing of all is that whenever you pick up a powered ball it automatically becomes your default weapon. This wouldn’t be such a big deal if either the ammunition was plentiful or if you could scroll the other way. The problem is… bingo. The ammunition is low (single digit only) and you can’t cycle the other way. R cycles one way, but L is used to run. Being that there are a total of eight balls, imagine trying to cycle back to your regular ball in the heat of the moment. Not only is it infuriating but it can also prove to be costly. Zombies Ate My Neighbors also suffered from a lack of two way cycling. It’s not a huge deal when you only have a few different weapons but that’s not the case for either ZAMN or Chaos in the Windy City. And speaking of low ammo, why do I have, say, five Knuckeballs but I pick up another Knuckleball icon and still only have five? It makes zero sense. The game would have been better served if you could bump the ammo count into double digits. I understand they probably didn’t want Michael to be overpowered but c’mon, throw us a bone here. The low ammo saps some of the joy away.
WE WANT MORE BALLS![… -Ed.]It just feels like a bit of a wasted opportunity. The different powered balls are pretty fun to use but you never feel like you really get to. At least in the way that you really want to. I give EA props for the spiking system and how it changes the effects of different balls, but I wish they shored up a few of the shortcomings that I listed above. Had they done so, this game could easily have been a high 8 and considered a hidden gem. Instead, it falls shy of its potential and is one of those weird games that’s both decent and slightly disappointing all at once. To EA’s credit you can tell they put in some effort here. It’s a pretty well thought out game that’s better than it probably had any right to be, but it’s far from being a slam dunk. Still, it’s a decent action platformer worth checking out if you’ve already conquered the giants that the SNES has to offer.
Graphics: 7 Sound: 5 Gameplay: 6.5 Longevity: 5
Overall: 6.5
No, Michael. Not 6. 6.5 — oh, I see. Carry on, my man…Spoiler alert… he came back
This Sunday, February 26, 2017, marks the 88th Oscars. Yup, the Oscars have been around since 1929. With that in mind, there’s no better time than now to look at a rather obscure Super Nintendo platformer by the name of… Oscar. It’s a game you might not have heard of before or even knew that it ever came out on the SNES. Released during the “final winter” of the system’s life in North America, Oscar arrived with zero fanfare. If you stuck it out with your SNES in 1996 and walked into a game store that December, you definitely weren’t buying Oscar over Donkey Kong Country 3. So it’s no surprise that Oscar was left to reside in obscure pastures. Here at RVGFanatic I pride myself in reviewing not only the masterpieces of the SNES library but the lesser known games as well. Sometimes you never know when you might hit upon a gem. Oscar most definitely isn’t, but that doesn’t mean it’s devoid of any merit. Let’s take a closer look…
January 17, 2006. On that fateful day I became a “born again” SNES fan. Having burned out on the Sega Saturn, and shockingly listless toward gaming in general, there was but one flame left flickering in the darkness: Nintendo’s 16-bit wonder. All my childhood favorites. All the classic games I missed out on. And all the funky little games I’d always been curious about but never got to play. Six months later I amassed all the SNES games I ever wanted — 397 to be precise. There were now only three more games remaining on my want list: Harvest Moon, Mr. Do! and Oscar.
From my game log. July 13, 2006
As fate would have it, a reputable member at a gaming forum I frequented was going through a quarter-life crisis. He decided to sell his entire game collection. He listed Oscar on eBay with a starting price of 99 cents — the first copy I had ever seen for sell. I didn’t want to chance it, knowing the other board members would be interested and watching it, so I reached out to him and offered to take it off his hands for $12. He agreed, and the rest is history. Thanks Chris. I hope you and your wife are doing well
But I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s rewind to a cold night in December of 1996 when Oscar first caught my eye…
16-BIT’S LAST STAND – a memorable 16-bit finale
My brother was subscribed to EGM in ’96. I will always consider 1994 as the very peak of EGM, but 1996 wasn’t bad in its own right. Of course by ’96 my brother was heavily into the PlayStation and N64. I was too, but to a lesser degree. And unlike my brother, I still cared about my old 16-bit friend, the Super Nintendo, which provided me with so many rich gaming memories over the years. The SNES coverage in EGM was minuscule by ’96 to say the least. And by late ’96? Nearly non-existent. Wasn’t EGM’s fault, of course. After all, you can’t really cover what ISN’T there. And you can’t blame the game companies for jumping ship to a 32-bit market that had become much more viable. It’s Darwin’s theory…
Still, I scoured the back pages of each EGM issue that year in the hopes of catching a glimpse of my dear old friend. To see how he’s enduring in his final days. A bit morbid, yes, and quite possibly a bit lame, but hey, I was 13 and clinging onto an old friend I wasn’t ready to quite yet let go.
But in that glorious December holiday issue of ’96, I needn’t look to the back pages. For right in the middle of the magazine boasted a mouth-watering 16-bit special for those few remaining super loyal 16-bit fans.
I must have read this feature article 100 times over!
I’ll never forget this amazing piece. It was one of EGM’s best that year; the article even had a retro feel in the way that they used the colors and fonts. It was fitting. With this article EGM made my beloved old friend’s rite of passage into the afterlife a little easier to bear. It was my friend’s final “big” winter.
And as I sat there reading the article by a crackling fire (or not), a handful of games caught my eye. These games made me think, “I know this game probably won’t be great or anything but damn if they don’t look kind of fun and interesting!” … in a very non groundbreaking 1993 sort of way, mind you. But sometimes, that nostalgic simplicity is exactly what you crave, especially in a generation where games were becoming increasingly more complex.
And of course, Oscar was one of them [I didn’t see that one coming -Ed.]
I know it’s sad but I read this little blurb like 50 timesOscar cast a weird spell over me. It looked intriguing
What a blast from the past, I thought, staring at the little Oscar screenshots. It looked exactly like one of the hundreds of “me too” mascot platformers that saturated the SNES back in 1993. It was a comforting sight, and there was something about Oscar that spoke to my gaming soul that cold December night of 1996. Running from movie to movie just like my friends and I used to, I was intrigued by the idea of visiting different themed sets. It gave off the vibe that Oscar could be a fun little diverse platformer. I also remember vividly thinking that hat Oscar was wearing was one of those “pajama hats.” Like Scrooge McDuck from Mickey’s Christmas Carol. So I deducted then and there that Oscar was not only an aspiring thespian, but that he was also an insomniac. Wow, I was weird… [Was? Eh? *poke* -Ed.]
Doesn’t Oscar look like he’s wearing one of those? 1993-esque? Well, it did come out originally in ’93…
Oscar began its life on the Amiga and MS-DOS in 1993. It was rather obscure, and certainly not a gem in the least, so you wonder why, from a financial point of view, Flair decided to port it over to the SNES in late ’96. I once read a rumor, just a rumor mind you, that Rampage: World Tour on the Sega Saturn only sold a lousy 600 copies. Always made me wonder how many copies SNES Oscar sold.
I can’t wait for KONG: Skull Island next month
Nevertheless, Oscar left its imprint on me that winter evening of ’96, but I knew I probably would never play it. Nearly 10 years later, thanks to an old internet buddy leaving the retro gaming scene, I finally got my hands on Oscar. Surely a happy ending, right? Well…
Some SNES pundits and connoisseurs may be screaming right now, “1996 was not 16-bit’s final Christmas!” Hey, take it easy. Of course, a trickle (and I do mean a trickle) of games came out for the SNES in North America throughout ’97 and even as late as ’98, but ’96 undoubtedly marked the last “great” (and I use that term loosely) push for our beloved 16-bit systems.
I suddenly want a hot dog…
Movie fiend Oscar finds himself at the local multiplex with four showings. Instead of watching from the comfort of his seat, the little guy jumps into the silver screen one by one to become the shining star of each movie! Each film has three scenes (i.e. stages) to conquer and you may select the films in any order you wish. Not only are the sets hazardous, but Oscar must perform his own stunts and there are no retakes. Can you survive the movie marathon madness?
The movie? It was crap
Kids these days. Obviously somebody missed the “no dumping” sign in the lobby.
“Let’s all go to the lobby…”
Let’s all go to the lobby To get ourselves a treat. Delicious things to eat. The popcorn can’t be beat. The sparkling drinks are just dandy. The chocolate bars and nut candy. So let’s all go to the lobby To get ourselves a treat.
[I’ll be back in 5… -Ed.]
Even though the fat and cholesterol will clog your arteries, Oscar reminds us nothing completes the full movie experience like a jumbo bag of heart stopping extra buttery popcorn. Yum.
Running time 85 minutes. Rated PG
Right off the bat you can see that the visuals are poor even by 1993 standards (and mind you, it came out in October of 1996). Of course, visuals aren’t the end all be all, but just be aware this ain’t exactly eye candy we’re talking about here.
Initially, your only form of offense is the classic hop and bop. Control is a bit slippery and it suffers from a herky jerky camera that whips a bit too much when changing directions, but it’s not something you can’t overcome with a bit of practice. That little blue disc up top is a film canister. They contain points, power ups (even power downs but more on that later) and such.
“Hire me! I’m the man for the job, daddy-o!”Oscar is not amused
The goal is to locate all the oscars scattered throughout each level. Some are out in plain sight while others, as you probably guessed, are a bit trickier to find.
Oscar will say “THANKS EVERYBODY!” each time you grab one. It’s an endearing sound effect that reminds me of Dr. Nick from The Simpsons — “HI EVERYBODY!”
But don’t take my word for it. Listen for yourself!
Pretty uncanny if I do say so myself!
Still not amused there, I see
Once all the oscars have been collected, locate the clapperboard to exit the level. Upon doing so, you’ll hear a strange and somewhat creepy voice scream, “AND CUT!” It’s always a little jarring, even when you know it’s coming…
[Speak for yourself, Rexy! -Oscar]The yoyo proves to be a sight for sore eyes
Each stage houses a yoyo that’s hidden inside one of the film canisters. Finding it will make your life much easier as you no longer have to rely on the hop and bop to dispose of an enemy. But can you find the yoyo in each stage? Some are rather tricky…
The yoyo strikes horizontally
The yoyo completely changes the dynamic of the game. Suddenly Oscar becomes an offensive force of nature. I kind of like how the first part of a level is approached with a more defensive mindset. But should you locate the yoyo, things suddenly switch to a more offensive plan of attack. It’s actually a bit refreshing because most platformers don’t offer such a 180 mid-level like this game does. Sure, you can always kill enemies by jumping on their heads, but due to the loose control and speed of the game this isn’t always recommended.
It also strikes diagonally
This comes in handy as you can knock off unsuspecting foes from different tiers! Talk about efficient and effective.
Vertical, too
Last but not least, it can be flung upwards. As you can imagine, the yoyo makes this a much easier game. You can still complete the levels without the yoyo, but the floaty jumps and fast-moving baddies are difficult to time properly. The trick is finding the yoyo in each stage. Once found it’s yours to keep for that level. You start from scratch on each new stage. Sometimes the yoyo is hidden near the beginning. Other times you’ll have to claw and dig to find the damn thing. It’s just a shame that the yoyo does not operate as a grappler. A little Bionic Commando action would have really made this memorable, but alas it wasn’t meant to be.
Oscar has two components. The first, where you begin each stage without the yoyo, you’re erring more on the defensive side. But once you’ve found the yoyo, the second part of the game kicks in where suddenly you’re more aggressive. With the levels designed the way they are, I find this dynamic works pretty well.
Kevin Bacon (Hollow Man) rolling over in his grave!
In addition to the various power ups, there are also power downs or icons that can really hamper your chances for success. For instance, one icon when touched turns you invisible for a good 20 or 25 seconds. Invisible, but not invincible. This is super annoying as you’re likely to eat some damage if you try to move around during this time. Not very fun!
Watch yo step…
He’s a quick little bugger who picks up a lot of speed in no time flat. But you only have three hearts to work with, so avoid running unless you absolutely need to.
Indeed. Plus lots of goodies lurk under the surfaceWait, is that THE Bradley P. Richfield?
Oscar, a diehard fan of Jim Henson’s old family show “DINOSAURS” on TGIF, pays homage to Sherman Helmsley’s former character.
Running time: 91 minutes. Rated PG-13Invisible blocks? WOW!Actually, come to think of it, yeah, I kinda doYou can jump on the chainsaw and kill it. Er, yeah…
Flair Software failed to snag the rights to Leatherface, so they had to settle for just the chainsaw instead. Yes, true story.
Oscar might be a rodent but the dude is practically an amphibian. Unfortunately he finds himself cornered here. How do you pass the blocks?
Gotta love that yoyoNot just a baddie killer but a block destroyer too!
Plenty of goods to be found underwater. The various icons match the theme and tone of each movie set. It’s a small touch I appreciate even though it doesn’t make a difference in the overall gameplay.
Yeah, and that spider’s pretty ugly looking, too
Behold — the oddest feature from Oscar, or quite frankly perhaps any SNES platformer… the Game Boy icon! Truly bizarre but completely harmless, this imbues your TV screen with strangely familiar shades of pale green! The effect is temporary and good for a few laughs… although Oscar here does not find it particularly amusing one iota! It’s things like this that show off the game’s offbeat sense of humor, and reminds you not to take it so seriously. You kind of have to enter a certain mindset if you are to enjoy Oscar at all…
Endearing and quirky in its own unique way…
Such a fine cultured chap, that OscarWhew… that was a close call!
Hmmm, now that I think of it, Oscar might very well be bipolar.
Each stage contains five letters hidden within the film canisters. These five letters spell out BONUS when all collected. If you can secure all five, at level’s end you’ll be transported to a bonus stage. From there collect all the goodies you can within the allotted time.
Icon overload in these bonus levels
Running time: 87 minutes. Rated GShots fired
Careful. These gnomes are real nimble suckers. They zip along like they’re skating on ice. As a result it’s real easy to lose a heart to these small bastards.
BlockedUnblocked. Love that yoyo
“C’mon Oscar, I showed you mine!”“It’s your turn. Hey, get back here!”*jaw drop* “Damn, Oscar. DAMN”Thankfully, only temporarilyOscar: a bipolar bloke on acid
The numerous icons scattered throughout serve as bonus points. More points equals more lives. It’s not uncommon for the screen to explode in an array of yellow stars. By the way, those weird face houses remind me somehow of The Wizard of Oz or Alice in Wonderland.
Warning sign points to falling rocks but oddly, there are none. Huh.
That’s definitely no invincible Mario star power up! Make sure you have the yoyo before entering the murky waters. Though possible, it’s very tough to head-bop enemies here.
Platforming tropes #1-500 are present here
It really does. With the yoyo in tow you become more of a hunter rather than the hunted. Besides, who doesn’t enjoy picking off walking dill pickles from high above?
Team 17’s Worms franchise rocks
This is temporary, but a good icon to grab. It replaces the yoyo if you’re in possession of said item. Once it wears off, the yoyo returns.
Wings don’t come by often. When you find them it usually means there are oscars hiding in very high places nearby. Better grab them all before the power up wears off…
Platforming rule #487: there must be a falling bridge somewhere.
Running time: 101 minutes. Rated REarned that R rating!Watch yo step, Oscar…
Oscar stops at nothing to make it outta the wild westThe enemies here are hilariously wooden
Watch out for these gunslingers who have a tendency to hide in sneaky places and pop up out of nowhere.
That cheeky OscarAi!… you can do it!Told ‘cha it was R-rated…“15 oscars to go?!? Bloody hell”Oh stop it, Oscar. You prima donna, you
Seriously, Oscar might be gaming’s first bipolar protagonist…
“No button to make me hang myself… so quit it!”I like the various set pieces found in the wild westThe game sort of hits its “stride” in this worldShield offers temporary invincibility
“Hmmm, should I get a haircut at the barber? Or off to the bank first? On second thought, maybe I’ll just stare at some ass.”
“What, you again?! We gotta stop meeting like this!”
“Well howdy, partna!”
“Quit it!”
“Quit what?”
“Saying that!”
In one particular stage in the west, the BONUS letters lay conveniently next to one another. If you’re smart, you’ll take them one at a time.
But for the most fun, I dare ya to sprint through ‘em
After all four movies are completed, that’s 12 stages in all for those counting at home, you’re done! No other worlds to conquer, no final big boss, nada. That’s it, you’re finished. All that’s left is heading over to the exit. It’s all rather a bit anticlimactic.
See you in the sequel… or not
Er, not much. EGM and GameFan were busy covering the 32-bit titles and didn’t bother to review it. Since Oscar arrived late in the Super Nintendo’s life, it was met with very little fanfare.
“Knock knock.” “Who’s there?” “Oscar.” “Um… Oscar who?” “Oscar out already, damnit!”
One of the truly awesome things about this hobby is the ability to buy and play the games we missed out on back in the day. Whether the box art had you mesmerized, or that tiny half-page preview in a game magazine grabbed a certain hold of you — there’s always those games you never got to play but had always wanted to. Nearly 10 years after seeing Oscar in the vaunted pages of EGM, I was finally able to quell my curiosity of it. Truth be told, I was extremely let down. In fact, I even hated it upon initial play. A while later, after I adjusted my expectations, I gave the game a second chance. Going through all 12 stages in a little over an hour, I’ll be damned, Oscar grew on me. It isn’t a good game by a long shot. But it can be oddly enjoyable at times, especially after the yoyo is secured. There’s also something slightly endearing about the quirks — from Oscar himself to the level design, the game has a strange appeal in a way I can’t quite put my finger on. Oscar does suffer from loose control and a rather poor camera; at first you may suffer some motion sickness. But press on and you just might find some merit hidden within. I would not recommend it, however, unless you are a diehard SNES fanatic who loves his (or her) platform games as much as I do. There are far superior action games worth your time and exploration but I’ve played plenty worse than Oscar, that’s for damn sure.
Show Girls, huh? Oscar approves!
I particularly like how each level begins with a more defensive mindset, as jumping on baddies’ heads may leave you wide open if mistimed. You’ll find yourself desperately opening all the film canisters you can as quickly as you can, hoping to find that magical game changing yoyo. Once you do, it’s game on. In a flash you go from the hunted to the hunter. Maybe it’s just me, but that transformation in each stage is a pretty damn cool feeling.
Graphically it’s a bit disappointing. Although a ’93 game at heart, I expected much better visuals. The levels vary — there are some cool looking bits but some really odd color schemes as well. The baddies are poorly animated and rigid; they sometimes border on being lifeless. Not the kind of visual quality you’d expect from your Super Nintendo. The music is fairly lame, although I did somewhat enjoy the cartoon theme.
Easy there, fella. Easy
The scrolling is a bit herky jerky to say the least. Oscar is a bit of a touchy fella. If you’ve played Bubsy, then you’ll know what I mean. The levels aren’t huge; you’ll search high and low for the missing oscars. It can feel a bit like playing hide-and-seek. There are no bosses at all, which is a bit lame but in hindsight given the erratic scrolling is probably a good thing. Still, zero bosses whatsoever certainly left me feeling a little bit hollow upon completion.
“Ooooh yeah…”
In the end, I’m glad I gave Oscar a second chance. It’s really not that bad. But it’s not going to make any top games list ever, either. And that’s OK. Not every game can be as epic as Super Mario World. Many simply serve as niche titles — games that you may consider buying and playing once the rest have been taken care of. Oscar has a weird atmosphere that may well grow on you as you work out the kinks. And if nothing else, stuff like the Game Boy gimmick and the Show Girls set piece will put a stupid little smile on your face. The game has some humor and I can appreciate that about it. Oscar is a perfect example of a guilty pleasure.
Graphics: 5
Sound: 4
Gameplay: 4.5
Longevity: 4
Overall: 4.5
“THANKS EVERYBODY!”And until next time, the balcony is closed
The ’90s was a time fraught with platforming action titles. For every heralded classic, there were about 50 others ranging from bad to good. And many of those games got lost in a vastly overcrowded genre. It was the “me too” era where seemingly everybody and their brother were trying to cash in on the platforming craze. Enter Wolfchild. It’s a perfect example of a game that got lost in the shuffle back in the summer of 1993. It’s forgotten to time, but not to RVGFanatic. Today I am proud to add this game to my SNES review library. It’s not the best game by a long shot, but I always enjoy highlighting lesser known titlesu and this one fits that bill quite nicely. Also, in late 2014 I was able to interview Simon Phipps. He worked extensively on Wolfchild and dropped some excellent knowledge on the game which you can read at the bottom of this review.
[Tail of the tape? Oh boy we’re off to a good start… -Ed.]I remember seeing the ad for Wolfchild in EGM back in the ’90s. It caught my eye as a game I wanted to play. But I never did. Fast forward some 12½ years to 2006. I grew nostalgic for all things SNES and wanted to buy all the games I ever loved as a kid as well as the ones that I wanted to play but never did. As I was building my want to buy list Wolfchild was one of those games that made me go “Oh yeah, this little game. Wolfchild… YOU JUST MADE THE LIST!“
[You know what happens when you steal Chris Jericho’s gimmick? Huh?! Do ya? You wanna know what happens? I’ll tell ya what happens… Steve from RVGFanatic, YOU JUST MADE THE LIST! -Chris Jericho, probably]
“YOU STUPID IDIOT!” [I like this Chris Jericho guy -Ed.]When Wolfchild came out there was essentially no press for the game. Well, at least in the pages of EGM and GameFan. But the ad looked cool, it had a neat title and the idea of playing as a werewolf never failed to resonate with a 10 year old kid. I bought it for dirt cheap in 2006 but like so many other games I bought it was another game on my huge to-play pile. I’d been meaning to play it but there always seemed to be another game more pressing to play. That was… until fate stepped in. One night in December 2008 I was browsing Hardcore Gaming 101. A topic about Wolfchild came up. In the previous months I actually had the strangest urge to finally try it out. I never did though, but it’s funny how these things work. You think of a game and not long thereafter, there’s a post or video about it. The HG101 topic was the very inspiration I needed to bump the game to the top of my queue at long last: Wolfchild was next!
HG101 is simply one of the best ever
In that topic the name of Simon Phipps came up. He’s the man behind Wolfchild. I sent him an email in 2008 asking him if he would be available for an interview about his game. He generously agreed. But then my life got busy and I never sent him my questions. For more than half a decade I’d meant to but just never did. Finally, in the summer of 2014 I emailed Simon to see if he was still around, and in the chance that he was, would he be game to finish a proposed interview some six years in the making. Remarkably, he was still at his hotmail account from 2008 and he was kind enough to follow through. That interview comes at the bottom of this review and to this day, with all due respect to Brian Greenstone’s interview from Harley’s Humongous Adventure, remains my favorite Q&A that I’ve personally conducted. Simon went into great detail about Wolfchild and shared some quirky facts. Thanks, Simon!
Check out my Simon Phipps interview at the end
For three decades Kal Morrow has been regarded as one of the world’s leading scientists, pushing back the barriers of biogenetic research with a force that few have equaled. His many medical breakthroughs have resulted in the eradication of several major fatal diseases and have increased human longevity by over forty years. His research has had far reaching effects, touching the areas of agriculture, deep sea and space exploration, as well as sport and military technology. For the past five years, Morrow has worked for the government perfecting advanced gene splicing techniques which allow the alteration of the human form in ways never before imagined.
He’s also worked on the development of psychic powers such as telekinesis and levitation. His life’s project has been anchored around the combination of human and animal physiology to create a new breed of lifeform. A perfect war machine augmented by animal instinct within a body that is immune to pain and capable of incredible feats of physical strength and psychic power. Totally adaptable to any possible environment, such a force would be virtually unstoppable. It would be the ultimate response to terrorism and crime.
Morrow’s research has been conducted at the Keppler Observatory on a remote island somewhere in the Southern Pacific. His location has been kept secret due to the sensitive nature of his work. And because of it his family, his wife and their two sons have lived with him under constant guard. However, not long ago his whereabouts were uncovered by the international terrorist organization known as CHIMERA.
Led by the fanatical and maniacal Karl Draxx, a sociopath possessing natural telekinetic abilities, CHIMERA has perpetrated many acts of terrorism throughout the world. Analysis of Draxx’s personality and the nature of these incidents has led experts to one conclusion: through CHIMERA, Karl Draxx is pursuing his megalomaniac fantasy of world domination. There’s a reason why he was recently moved into the top slot of the FBI’s Most Wanted.
Until recently it was never believed that Draxx could ever realize his dream. 36 hours ago CHIMERA made a sweeping attack on the Keppler Observatory and kidnapped Kal Morrow. The attack was swift and vicious, overwhelming Morrow’s security force. There were no survivors. Morrow’s wife and eldest son were both brutally murdered before his very own eyes.
Kal Morrow’s youngest son, Saul, was at sea conducting oceanographic research for his father when the attack took place. By the time he returned to the island CHIMERA was long gone, leaving only the observatory behind in complete utter ruin.
Frantically he searched for his family… before finally discovering his mother’s body slumped in a dimly lit hallway. Through tears of grief and anger Saul clutched her broken form, swearing vengeance on the perpetrators of this terrible, unforgivable act.
Making his way to his father’s secret laboratory, concealed deep below the island, he reviewed security tapes of the attack. His rage grew as he watched his father being dragged away helplessly while his family was slaughtered in full view of the security camera’s cold gaze. There was no other option. Saul was going to rescue his father and seek vengeance on CHIMERA. But, although he was a considerable athlete, one man alone is no match for CHIMERA…
… unless he makes himself much more than just a man. Accessing his father’s secret computer files he uncovered PROJECT WOLFCHILD, a genetic program designed to create a lycanthropic warrior. A human with the ability to transform into a powerful man-wolf with awesome psychic powers. With such strength, he would have a fighting chance. Activating the program, he stepped into the transmutation booth…
It was quickly forgotten to time but not to RVGFanaticBetter than a Yves St. Laurent Eau de Toilette model…
This is Saul’s standard shot each time he transforms into a werewolf. It’s not very powerful but it gets job done on regular enemies. It has unlimited ammo so you never have to worry about conservation. Serviceable but you’ll want something with a little more oomph soon.
Not surprisingly, it can fire two shots at once.
My least favorite weapon. Why? Your shots arc at an angle. Usually I find it most effective firing straight ahead but you can’t do that with this gun because, er, well, it’s the freaking arc shot. But it comes in handy when the enemy is slightly below Saul.
Surprise surprise, it acts like a boomerang. It provides you some decent coverage and protection. I also like the way it looks. It’s only appropriate for a wolf who howls at the moon to have a moon-shaped projectile, eh?
One of my favorite weapons in any action game is the classic spread shot. Thanks, Contra. Functional and convenient, the spread shot always makes me feel in total control of my destiny. It’s highly useful as you can see here. No longer do you have to carefully time your leaps. Simply fire away from a safe position. It might not be super strong, but what it lacks in firepower it makes up for with sheer coverage.
This weapon definitely doesn’t elicit a “D’OH!” Not only can you fire multiple shots at once but they automatically lock on to the nearest enemy target. It’s a shame though that it doesn’t come into play until late in the game and there aren’t many opportunities to get this power-up.
Hmmm… my two favorite power-ups are FLAMER and HOMER. FLAMING HOMER, anyone? This shot goes through ANYTHING and can only be stopped by hitting scenery that is unbreakable. This is awesome because not only does it save you ammo but you can fire a shot, run all the way across the screen and watch the chaos unfold before your eyes.
This crazy shot bounces across the screen from wall to wall and ceiling to floor. A wild card, it’s not very reliable but it’s fun rolling the dice.
A cool thing about Wolfchild is that your shots can cancel out the enemy’s shot. This gives the game an extra layer. Your power-ups not only serve as offensive tools of destruction, but they can also act as defensive buffers. Nothing is cooler than nullifying a bad guy’s shot only to shoot him down the very next second. I wish more games did this.
The SNES port has extra layers of parallax scrolling
The sprite scaling isn’t too shabby. Nicely done, Core
Morrow’s dramatic entrance is a bit reminiscent of NES Karnov…
Karnov was one of my most favorite NES games back in the ’80s
I wish more games would go out on a “limb” [… -Ed.]
Simon loved Indy. See his other game Rick DangerousRick Dangerous (Amiga)
Science experiments gone horribly wrong hide before bursting out and giving chase. Creepy. Reminds me of all those black and white monster B-movies from the 1950s.
The critics did NOT say “FANG-TASTIC JOURNEY”
Despite having seven different console variations, Wolfchild on the SNES flew under the radar. There was no preview of the game in either EGM or GameFan. So when EGM dropped the tiny review blurb it was like “Huh, what game is this?” To make matters worse, the SNES version only received ONE score rather than EGM’s traditional four. That’s because EGM was going through a phase where all their side reviews (the small ones tucked on the side) were judged by one person only. So a game reviewed this way sort of lived and died on just one man’s opinion. Wolfchild only managed to garner a measly 5 and was quickly dismissed in a very short review. Ah, such is the life for obscure video games, eh?
EGM or this one guy at least didn’t like Wolfchild a lot
Not shabby to play on a rainy day
One of the best feelings as a retro gamer is beating a game you’ve been curious about (since you were a kid) in one sitting. There’s something undeniably satisfying about that. It’s like killing two birds with one stone. Wolfchild was one of over 100 games I wanted to play back in the day but never did. I remember thinking back in the ’90s when I saw the ad that it didn’t seem like a great game but it looked decent enough. It’s always nice when you find out, years later, that your gut feeling was right all along. There isn’t anything in particular that stands out about Wolfchild. The graphics, sound and gameplay are all slightly above average. It does nothing particularly well, but it doesn’t do anything horribly bad. There are only five short levels, with each level containing two or three zones. The game can be beaten in about an hour. The levels aren’t inspiring but they’re enjoyable enough. If you’re a Super Nintendo diehard who loves action games then Wolfchild may be worth checking out. I won’t go as far as a thumbs up; I’ll go with mildly recommended.
Hell yeah sometimes you do. Reclaim the male spirit!
Back in December 2008 I had the strangest urge to finally play Wolfchild. It’s always a blast to quell a 15+ year curiosity. I went on to beat Wolfchild in an hour. While it wasn’t a great game by any stretch of the imagination, it was highly satisfying. Few things after all rival the sheer thrill of beating a childhood curiosity on your very first try. I didn’t like however that you can only hold one weapon at a time — it would be a lot better if you could cycle through the weapons. I also didn’t like that each gun shares the same ammo. It definitely didn’t take full advantage of the SNES capabilities. Nevertheless, Wolfchild is decent enough to entertain you for an hour or two. If Super Mario World is gourmet award winning 5-star pizza, then Wolfchild is the equivalent of frozen pizza. It’s cheap, easy and not as good as the real deal, but it can satisfy your midnight craving in a pinch. Just as the song goes: I’m lost in a crowd and I’m hungry like the wolf. Similarly, Wolfchild was lost in a sea of contenders. It finds itself somewhere in the middle of the, er, “pack.”
Graphics: 6.5
Sound: 6
Gameplay: 6
Longevity: 5
Overall: 6.0
RVGFANATIC EXCLUSIVE: Simon Phipps Interview
The interview six years in the making!
STEVE: Were you into video games growing up? What were some of your favorites, whether arcade or console?
SIMON: I was fortunate enough to be 12 years old when Space Invaders first appeared in the arcades in 1978 so I’ve been privileged to experience pretty much all of video game history watching those early coin-ops make their way into homes and evolve into the amazing experiences we play today. So, yes, growing up, I have fond memories of pushing 10 pence coins into those early arcade cabinets. Most notable ones being playing table-top Galaxians at a local leisure centre, getting a callus on the inside of my right index finger from playing way too much Ms. Pacman during the summer of 1982 on a vacation to Ontario, Canada, being physically shaken the first time I played Sinistar in a local arcade in my home town of Nottingham when the machine boomed ‘RUN COWARD!’ (I didn’t know it could speak) and many lunchtimes playing the obscure side scroller Vastar in the back of a local record store with my buddy (and later colleague at Core Design), Terry Lloyd.
But interestingly the reason I got a computer at home wasn’t because I wanted to play games, it was because I’d always been fascinated with animation as a kid and computers were a way into making my art move.
I bought my first computer in May 1982 — a BBC Model A Microcomputer and started to teach myself BASIC and 6502. Of course, computers being interactive, making controllable animating characters was the next step and soon I found myself making games.
Of course, I played a few along the way — the very first to really blow my mind, being David Braben & Ian Bell’s Elite on the BBC in 1984. I progressed from the BBC to an Amstrad CPC464, then an Atari ST, always learning, trying new stuff, and the first piece of dedicated games hardware I ever bought was a Japanese Mega Drive with a copy of Insector X and Strider…
Insector X
STEVE: How did you break into the video game industry?
SIMON: It actually grew out of having my BBC Micro. I started writing games for myself and by mid-to-late 1983 my school friend, Stu Gregg (who would also go on to work with me later at Core) encouraged me to send the game I was working on off to a few publishers as he thought that what I was making was good enough to be seen by the wider world. I put my game on a tape cassette and sent it out. Within a few weeks I was contacted by Leeds-based publisher ‘Micro Power’ who sent me a great letter saying they’d publish if I made a few changes. I did, and so, by the age of 18, while still at school, I had a game (a single-screen platformer called Jet-Power Jack) in the Top 10 of the UK Games Charts.
I continued to work on my education and at 21 I finished my Computer Studies course and went to do a job writing BCPL code for a desktop publishing firm. I sat in a cubicle for about 5 months writing code and one evening, my buddy Terry (Lloyd), who’d since joined the games industry, working as an artist for Gremlin Graphics gave me a call. They needed someone who could give them a helping hand drawing art for ‘Masters of the Universe: The Computer Game’ for the Amiga and Atari ST and Terry asked me if I’d be interested. I said yes, so turned up with a disk showing what I could do and they offered me a job.
Jet-Power Pack
It meant a pay cut, and back then, the games industry really was in its infancy, so I consulted my then fiancée, Jayne (we’ve been married now 25 years) as to what she thought. We agreed to ‘give it a go’ thinking that if all else failed I could go back to the world of serious computing.
Well, it’s now some 27 years later and I’m delighted to say that I have the privilege of being an artist, coder and designer, having done all manner of amazing stuff working with some great people on a huge variety of games.
If I could go back and show my younger self all the cool stuff I’ve gotten to do, I think it would have blown my mind…
STEVE: There were so many different versions of Wolfchild. For a game that didn’t necessarily receive a lot of coverage, it’s pretty amazing to think about how many systems got a variation of it. Which systems, other than the SNES, did you work on with Wolfchild?
SIMON: I think it would be fair to say… ‘All of them.’
Simon Phipps, Wolfchild mastermind
Core was in a phase where it made business sense to get our games on as many platforms as possible. So, yes, I worked on the Atari ST and Amiga originals. We then ported it to the SEGA Mega Drive, SEGA Mega-CD, the SNES and finally the SEGA Game Gear and SEGA Master System… by the end of them… I was DONE!
STEVE: Have you been able to play all variations of Wolfchild? Where does the SNES version rank in your opinion?
SIMON: Yes, while we were developing them.
The original version was on the Amiga, we ported down to the Atari ST which struggled a little since it had no hardware scrolling and I had to bring all the graphics down to work in one 16 color palette.
We then followed that up with the SEGA Mega Drive and Mega-CD versions, which were cool because we got to build additional maps for the Mega-CD and these versions were the first console games I’d ever worked on.
Bloody awesome cover!
Then came the SNES — which played the same as the other versions but has the best graphics, since the SNES hardware allowed for many more colors and palettes.
Finally we down-converted everything to the SEGA Game Gear and Master System which were a fun technical challenge, since, by that time I had all the art from all the versions and the trick that Sean Dunleavy (who coded these versions) and I had to pull off was cramming it all down into the tiny console. But within the limitation of the devices we managed to pull it off.
STEVE: Where did the concept of Wolfchild come from? What were some of your inspirations? How big of an influence was Altered Beast to you?
Surprise: Wolfchild wasn’t based on this but rather…
SIMON: I got to Wolfchild after spending about 4 years making cartoon platform games. The simple fact was, that I made one, and then was asked to do another, and while fun, the artist in me was craving to try something a bit more serious with more realistic characters.
I was massively influenced by Strider, which I thought at the time was quite amazing. Yes, Altered Beast gave me the idea of taking a hero from human to a super-powered werewolf… but the thing that really inspired me, as crazy as it sounds, was a belt buckle…
Yes, it was Strider. And a belt buckle. Wait, say what?
One of my colleagues at Core, Bob Churchill (who worked on such titles as Chuck Rock) was hugely into bands like The Cult during the late ’80s / early ’90s and often wore a belt with a buckle that had the word ‘WOLFCHILD’ in cut-out silver letters on it.
You never know when and where inspiration strikes!
To this day, I have no idea what it meant, but that ‘title’ just worked for me, so all those things came together to make the game.
Other influences would be Capcom coin-op art of that era (hence the Manga-like characters, which back then still hadn’t become mainstream so they were cool and exotic), the graded metallic art of the Bitmap Brothers games and from a story point of view, all those half-human-half-animal creatures draw from The Island of Doctor Moreau (hence the main characters’ surname: Morrow).
STEVE: Ahhh, now looking back at Wolfchild with that inspiration in mind, I can see the Strider influences. Wolfchild was kind of an obscure game despite having seven variations. Were you disappointed that magazine publications such as EGM and GameFan didn’t cover it much?
SIMON: At the time, being in the UK, magazines like EGM and GameFan never really made it across the Atlantic. We made games for the UK market and it was only over time, as consoles started to go global that we started thinking beyond our shores.
The big problem Wolfchild had was that it was never built first for console hardware. We made a game for the Amiga and the Atari then some time after it had been finished, when the opportunities came around, got to port it over to the various consoles.
As is always the case, if you do not build something for a specific console / piece of hardware (or at least go in bearing that in mind before you embark on a multi-format project) you’ll never take advantage of its full potential. In the case of Wolfchild, the other consoles had dedicated sprite hardware, character-map based scrolling playing fields and some funky scaling routines on both the Mega-CD and SNES that we were never going to be able to take as much advantage of, coming from a game that mostly used software-based sprites and was originally intended for just 2 formats.
That said, the problem still exists in the industry today — if you look at the best and most successful Nintendo games, for example, they’re always the ones that are built for the hardware and take advantage of not only its graphics hardware but its unique controls too. When working on multi-format titles it’s a constant drive to make sure you’re thinking about utilizing the various platforms’ unique features while trying to make the best core game possible.
STEVE: Looking back, how do you feel about the SNES version?
SIMON: It was a great learning experience because it taught me all about making graphics in the highest resolution and widest palette range possible and then scaling down and reducing colors to whatever the target machine needs.
You see, I started Wolfchild on the Amiga — I had a single palette of 16 colors for my main character, 8 colors for all the bad guys and 8 colors for the background art (or 4? It wasn’t many…)
Wolfchild (Amiga)
When we moved up to the SEGA Mega Drive and Mega-CD the increased number of hardware palettes meant that I could add more color to the various elements of the game — that was okay, it was ‘doable’ — bad guys had their own 16-color palette, foregrounds another…
Wolfchild (Genesis)
Then after that the SNES came along and the sheer number of palettes that were open for me to use, plus the resolution of the color palettes BLEW MY MIND. I can remember distinctly sitting with an art package on the PC adding extra detail and colors to all the graphics that I’d already added detail to for the SEGA versions and thinking — I wish I’d known I’d be doing this 2 years ago…
Wolfchild (SNES)
From then on, I’ve learned to draw everything as big as possible, in as many colors as possible and then scale down. That’s proven very useful when I’m working on some of my personal art commissions — I’ll guarantee a client will come back to me asking if they can have a slightly larger version of a logo or a wider format of print. Thanks to software like Photoshop, Manga Studio and Anime Studio (the latter two being resolution independent) I can’t see myself adding extra pixel details to anything again.
STEVE: Any regrets on the SNES game? Were there any ideas you wanted to implement, but didn’t, or couldn’t, for whatever reason? i.e. NoA’s strict family image back in those days…
SIMON: Only that we didn’t get the opportunity to make the game from the ground up on the SNES — it had to be the third-in-line conversion of our Amiga game. If we’d been making a title from the ground-up on SNES, that would have been a completely different story — we’d have thrown every hardware trick in the book at it.
As goes NoA and its approach — never a problem. I never intended to make the game anything other than the Capcom-inspired action platformer it was.
“Hey handsome. You come here often?”
In later years, I worked on Shadow Man on the Nintendo 64, and for its time we really pushed the boat out in terms of horror and maturity and had no problems there — and even in ultra-conservative Germany where we had to change all the blood to green the classification board understood that in that game all the characters, however humanoid in appearance were all monsters, so we got the opportunity for a release there where other titles didn’t.
Shadow Man (Nintendo 64)
STEVE: Did you ever consider making a Wolfchild 2?
SIMON: No, after about 2 years of making it and then remaking it for another 18 or so months for various other formats, I was exhausted and needed to do something else.
It’s interesting to ponder what a modern version would be like though — I guarantee that in a world in which Chris Nolan’s excellent Dark Knight exists, it would have to be a very different… beast…
STEVE: In the end credits, who exactly is The Man On The Stairs? I like to imagine there’s a pretty decent story behind this…
It made me think of this old cult classic!
SIMON: Crikey — that’s something I’ve not thought about for about 20 or so years…
The story behind that is that Chris Long (coder on Chuck Rock, Chuck Rock II and a whole heap of other classic Core games) used to draw ridiculous little cartoons all the time while he was working. They were intentionally crudely drawn but quite hilarious. One of which he called ‘Man on the Stairs’ — basically a guy standing sideways on a set of stairs one foot on one step, the other foot on the step above staring out of the page with a manic leering grin. This would get drawn everywhere — I don’t think anyone’s notepad was safe. So, yes, Chris’ art got an obscure name-check. And you’re the first person that’s ever asked me about it.
I imagine that’s what the Man on the Stairs looks like
STEVE: Great backstory! I love those little neat obscure stories lost to time… I am honored to be the first one to ever ask. Speaking of backstories, do you still keep in touch with any of the Wolfchild team members? Any interesting “behind the scene” stories that you’d like to share?
SIMON: Yes, John Kirkland who wrote all the 6800 versions (ST, Amiga, Mega Drive) went to school with me — he no longer works in the industry, but we keep in touch.
One memory that I’ll never forget was one night John and I were working on the game until about 1 AM as we had a journalist coming to visit the following day to do a preview on the Amiga version. We had a bug — a horrible, horrible bug in the scrolling code that neither of us could figure out. We stared at it for hours, trying to get our heads around what was going wrong until way past midnight and eventually had to throw in the towel and go home exhausted. We went home, got some sleep, came in at 8:30 AM the following day, took another look at the code and fixed it by 9 AM! That taught me a lot about taking a step back — sometimes when you’re banging your head against a wall the only way to make things better is to just stop and walk away. And get some sleep.
Um… a BUG in the scrolling code, you say, good sir?
STEVE: Ha, good story and a great lesson learned! Yes, sometimes we just need to step away from something and get a good night’s rest. The SNES manual of Wolfchild had a pretty detailed storyline with some striking black and white comic book-like drawings. Who was responsible for the storyline and drawings? Personally, I found both the story and drawings to be quite riveting.
SIMON: Cool, thanks. I came up with the storyline — I needed some kind of backstory to justify super-powerful genetic mutations and something to motivate our hero into going after the bad guy. Where precisely it came from, I’m not sure, but it was the first game I’d ever made with a substantial graphical intro (which were quite en vogue at the time after the Psygnosis games made such an impact with their ‘intro disks’).
As to the illustrations — I drew them all for the Amiga and Atari ST manuals. SEGA had their own artist reinterpret them for the Master System/Game Gear ones. As for the illustrations — I drew them all for the Amiga, Atari ST and SNES manuals. Back at Core since we were our own publisher we had freedom to make as much or as little of the manual as we liked, so I just picked up my pencil and made the most of the opportunity.
STEVE: Tell me about how you came up with the protagonist’s design.
SIMON: The design of Saul Morrow (the hero) was out of necessity — I decided I didn’t want our hero to do the full ‘Altered Beast’ transformation of going from a man in his underwear to a full-on hairy werewolf — I wanted to keep something common between both forms and have the reason for the transformation to be something… ‘science-y.’ I also needed to keep down the amount of memory for animation frames; it made sense to share the same pair of legs between both forms (especially as I needed variations for running up and down all those slopes). The big silver metal ‘hoops’ around Saul’s shoulders gave me something common to share between both his forms but left me enough skin to show the difference between his human and wolf-forms. Finally, his hair is long and white/blonde because I wanted something that looked a bit wild and unlike the rest of the muscular buzz-cut video game characters of the time, and I tried black hair but that merged with all the backgrounds so I had to lighten it.
STEVE: I like the design of Saul. You’re right, the buzz-cut pervaded the scene back then; it was nice to see a hero with long blonde hair for a change. How come on the SNES box art cover though he has black hair? Was that just a honest mistake that no one caught?
SIMON: Nope — this is one of those cases where I’m afraid the artist who did the box art wanted to do his own thing. I drew out a brief sketch detailing what Saul’s costume in the sprite looked like when scaled up. That I’m afraid to say, was dutifully ignored. I complained about it, but ‘it was too late.’ Years later I was on a plane to the US when I picked up the in-flight magazine and saw on the back page an Yves St. Laurent Eau de Toilette ad for ‘Kouros’ that bore a rather remarkable resemblance to what went out on the box… um… yeah…
Whoa! Simon sums it up best: “Um… yeah…”
STEVE: There were eight weapons for Saul to use. I enjoyed their versatility, although I wish they didn’t all share the same ammo. Do you have any insight to share about any of Saul’s weapons… whether it’s design or where you drew inspiration from? I personally enjoy the Homer and Flamer the most. The former because you don’t have to be precise and the latter because that sucker blew through almost everything on the screen and could kill multiple enemies.
Flamin’ Homer puts hair on your chest like a werewolf
SIMON: I basically wanted to do every kind of possible firepower I could in the game — big shot, triple shot, homing shot, etc. I guess games like Side Arms and Gradius in the arcades were some influences there. The reason for sharing the same ammo? Well, on Atari and Amiga we only had a limited number of joystick buttons to play with, so we made a game that worked for them and the rest of the conversions inherited the simplistic controls and weapon power ups simply changed the type of shot… a thing if I recall correctly, I’d played around with on my earlier Atari / Amiga game, Switch Blade.
Switch Blade looks pretty coolI can really see…… what would eventually be Wolfchild
STEVE: When Saul throws down a smart bomb, the screen pixelates. I thought it was pretty cool how everything on the screen would pixelate like crazy except for the character sprites and any projectile shots. The debris on the final boss fight is not pixelated either, which makes for a neat visual when you throw down a smart bomb. Talk about working on that aspect.
SIMON: The smart bomb effect is one of those cases when doing a conversion to a different platform where you’re trying to be seen to be using its hardware.
So, for example, in more modern times, taking a game over to Wii U, your first priority is getting gameplay on Wii U Gamepad’s touch screen, at the launch of PS3 it would have been being encouraged by Sony to use the tilt controls on the Sixaxis, or, prior to Microsoft’s about-face on the Kinect, getting gesture and voice commands into an Xbox One game.
You always have to do that — the customer (rightly) wants a game that uses the console’s unique features as much as possible, and the console manufacturer definitely wants that to happen.
So, doing a conversion, (often, in those old days, against a tight schedule), you’re looking for as many ways to get unique uses of the hardware in without impacting the time you have to complete the conversion.
With the smart bomb effect in Wolfchild, Alex (Davis) realized we could use the SNES’ signature pixelation effect in certain circumstances and suggested we put it in there. As to why the sprites don’t pixelate — that’s a limitation of the hardware — the character playing fields were possible to pixelate, the sprites didn’t do that.
Simon DROPPING knowledge. Geddit? Sorry…
STEVE: Karl Draxx (no relation or inspiration drawn from Guardians of the Galaxy‘s Drax the Destroyer, I presume) was an interesting villain. How did you come up with his name and design? I remember after beating his human form he transforms into a monstrous wolf. I always thought that final design was pretty cool for Draxx.
SIMON: Y’know, I just came up with a name that sounded suitably comic book and tried to come up with something that looked right… (I read a lot of Marvel’s Warlock strip in the late 1970’s so it’s possible that name rattled around in my head and came out years later). And of course, he had to turn into a massive-super-humongous-wolf-beast for the showdown, didn’t he?
STEVE: Did you work on the Dreamcast version of Shadow Man as well? I always thought that the premise of Shadow Man was awesome. Love the title and atmosphere of that game! Were you the one who created Shadow Man’s design and story? Not to deviate too far away from Wolfchild but I gotta ask, especially since it’s Halloween season: what were the inspirations for Shadow Man? It gave me a Candy Man Tony Todd vibe. I think a new Shadow Man game today could do very well…
Tony Todd from CANDY MAN
SIMON: Yep — all versions of Shadow Man, as lead designer. In the wake of Turok’s success, we got the opportunity from Acclaim Studios Teesside to do an adaptation of one of Acclaim’s other comic-book properties. The coolest by far however was Shadow Man (the title had recently been rebooted by Garth Ennis and Ashley Wood) and although the comic when we got a hold of it was only a handful of issues into its rebooted run, it sure had potential. Mike LeRoi, Nettie, Jaunty and the Deadside Gates were the creations of Messrs Ennis and Wood, myself and my partner-in-crime at the time, Guy Miller were responsible for the rest. The premise we came up with was “What if all the bad people in Deadside (the World of the Dead) decided that they wanted to come back?” and using that as a springboard we spent the next 2 or so years exploring the wildest of dark places and cramming them all into an N64 cartridge and eventually a Dreamcast. Inspirations came from all over the place — Pieter Bruegel’s painting The Tower of Babel was our starting point for the Asylum — the citadel of killers in Deadside, films and TV such as Lance Henriksen’s show Millennium, the Clive Barker movies like Hellraiser and Nightbreed, Jacob’s Ladder, Silence of the Lambs, Eraserhead, Cape Fear all were influences.
It was a really fun thing to work on — I’m not into horror movies that much, but I did enjoy the subversive intellectual challenge of coming up with stuff that I knew would mess with folks’ heads. It’s surprising sometimes how putting a handful of incongruous and often innocuous elements together can really affect people and evoke a strong reaction. I’m not doing it in video games any more, but I still like doing that sort of thing in the paintings I make for myself.
Only time will tell if Shadow Man is ever resurrected…
STEVE: Finally, last but not least… what is Simon Phipps up to now?
SIMON: Well at the beginning of 2014 I decided to leave my Designer job at Criterion Games / Electronic Arts and join the world of independent game making, to get myself back into coding after 20 years’ absence.
Since then I’ve hooked up with the wonderful and talented guys at the newly-formed Three Fields Entertainment and I’m pleased to say that I’m working on a cool new (retro-inspired) game as lead coder, designer and artist (which is why, when asked what I’d like my new job title to be at the company I came up with ‘O.T.T.’ — or, Original Triple Threat… I’ve met enough CEOs and CTOs over the years. I’m not one of those but OTT? Guilty as charged…)
Simon Phipps on the left
I hadn’t realized how much I’d missed coding after having to give it up at the start of Wolfchild, so it’s great to be back, solving problems, learning heaps of new stuff.
The folks at Three Fields are super supportive and are giving me such creative freedom on the new game while collaborating with me to push it and make it the best it can be. As to when it will be out — well, after many years of cutting features on games and pushing teams to meet enforced deadlines, I’m pleased to say that Three Fields mantra is ‘when it’s ready.’ If anyone’s interested in what other art I’ve made and games I’ve worked on, they can visit my website.
Thanks for your time, Simon. It was fun.
I wish you all the best on your future projects.
On November 29, 2014, Simon was sent a link to my review and our interview. He had the following to say…
Great fun, Steve — what a wonderfully quirky presentation of the game — loads of work went into that and I love the whole personal story that you’ve brought to it. Really describes your journey to the game, how we hooked up and where we are now. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Take care. -Simes
Wow, that made my day. Thank you again, Simon. It was a lot of fun
A modern day Wolfchild could be FANG-tastic…“Imagine how bad ass we would look with today’s tech!”
Pub: Hi Tech Expressions | Dev: Visual Concepts | February 1993 | 4 MEGS
For as long as I can remember, I’ve always had a fascination with oddball video games. You know the ones — the games that flew under the radar, failed to garner much mention and quickly faded into obscurity. One game that fits this description is Harley’s Humongous Adventure. I was immediately intrigued by it when I first saw it 24 years ago (!) in early 1993. It took me over 20 years to finally play it, and in 2015 I scored an interview with its programmer. That interview can be read at the very end of this review. Harley’s Humongous Adventure will never win any awards but it’s a surprisingly decent little (har har) game. It deserves the spotlight… even if only for a brief moment.
This issue absolutely captivated my imagination
Video game magazines were thriving back in 1993. It was a boom time for the industry. One of the best was Electronic Gaming Monthly, or better known as EGM. I’ll never forget issue #43 (February 1993). The cover immediately jumped out at me, grabbing my attention. Bubsy was hyped to the moon as the next great mascot platformer. The bold red and orange colors sucked me in. Best of all? This issue featured a 59-page (!) preview of SNES games recently released or coming soon. I wasted hours browsing those 59 glorious pages over and over again. There were so many intriguing games I wanted to play. Sadly, many of them I never did when I was a kid. One such title was Harley’s Humongous Adventure. I often say one of the best things about this hobby is the ability to play these long lost games once and for all. There’s something gratifying about putting a childhood curiosity to rest — even moreso when the game turns out to be decent or better.
Talk about a serious Honey I Shrunk the Kids flashback
There was something refreshing about this game. Maybe it was the claymation. But I think really it’s the fact that Harley wasn’t out to save the world, rescue a princess or even battle his bitter long time rival (hell, the boss is his pet rat). He simply wants to return to his normal kid size before getting devoured by a hungry ant or tick. It’s a simple “small-scale” (pardon the pun) adventure that works in its own weird way. I love epic games but there’s always room for niche ones too, and this filled that role quite nicely.
Nothing beats quelling a childhood curiosity at last!
Saturday morning. 4th of July, 2015. 1 AM. I was staying up late to catch the special “Beast in the East” event live on the WWE Network. I had roughly 90 minutes to kill so I mulled over my collection to pluck out the next title to play. My eyes landed on Harley’s Humongous Adventure and right away I knew. Don’t you love that feeling? When you’re wondering what game to play for the first time ever next and once you see a certain title you just know. It was one of those moments for me. It was time to find out, once and for all, after over 22 years of curiosity. I spent the next hour or so traversing Harley’s madcap world and eventually beat the game later that weekend. While it wasn’t anything mind-blowing, it certainly was memorable. After all, few things are better than beating a game you never played before (but always wanted to) in one sitting. Plus I even got to interview the programmer of Harley’s Humongous Adventure, Brian Greenstone, the very next day. That interview can be read at the end of this review. It was the perfect way to cap off a 22+ year curiosity — beating the game and interviewing its programmer!
It was the kind of weekend you’ll always remember…Nothing like watching rasslin’ live at 3 in the morning
Harley gets shrunken down to about six inches. AY CARAMBA!
I’m just tryna make it back home by Monday morning.
I swear I wish somebody would tell me OOH THAT’S ALL I WANT.
[That says 45 seconds, not Four Five Seconds, ya git! -Ed.]
Sorry! Just got that song stuck in my head, is all…
Each icon collected gives ya 10 more of that weaponControl scheme works well. Each weapon has its useSay what you will but c’mon you CAN’T hate on thisRunning is fine. So is jumping. But not together
“IT’SSSS ALLLLLLL RIGHT COZ I’M SAV” — [SNIP! -Ed.]Bit reminiscent to another ’93 SNES action title: B.O.B.
Most levels have no timer so you can take your timeKinda makes you wonder what kind of kid Harley is…I wish there was more boss variety, though
Hmmm, Ant-Man makers fans of Harley? [Ha… -Ed.]
Or maybe it WAS dad’s choice. Hey, I don’t judge
Reminds me of that Lego house I built as a kid
Thanks, Brian Greenstone!
But after a few practice runs, you’ll figure it out[Pretty sure Harley boy is standing on the edge… -Ed.]
Sometimes it’s better to just avoid them
The firecracker is limited but has its moments
I’m telling y’all: Ant-Man makers were fans of Harley!
Walks and runs fine but turning takes a slight second
After defeating your pet rat a third time, Harley restores balance to the world. Er, his world, anyhow!
Harley didn’t do too shabby with the critics
Harley’s Humongous Adventure earned mediocre to solid reviews. EGM gave it scores of 8, 7, 7 and 6. GameFan gave it ratings of 80, 77, 69 and 65%. Super Play rated it 69%. Interestingly enough, both EGM and GameFan reviewed the game on two separate occasions. EGM’s sister publication, Super NES Buyer’s Guide (a bi-monthly SNES-exclusive magazine that ran back in the early-mid ’90s) rated it 8, 8 and 7. GameFan reviewed this game in its very first issue, giving it marks of 85and 78%. It holds the distinct honor of being the ONLY Super Nintendo game to be reviewed on two separate occasions by both EGM (technically speaking) and GameFan. At least Harley has that “claim to fame.” Sure, he’s no Mario or Sonic but I think there is a place for guys like Harley. He’s that lovable underdog. The uhh, ahem, “little” engine that could.
Super NES Buyer’s Guide had a quirky rating systemRed stood for graphics. Green was for soundYellow represented gameplay. Blue was for difficultyOnce again, Super Play and I are in agreement
Because Harley’s Decent Adventure doesn’t sell as well
As I sat there admiring the preview in EGM some 20+ years ago, something told me this game probably wasn’t a humongous adventure. But I also had the gut feeling that it was a fairly decent one. Fast forward some 22 years and I’m happy to say I got one right. This isn’t a great game by any means. Perhaps not even a good one. But it’s playable and enjoyable. It’s sprinkled with some interesting gimmicks and enough levels to entertain you for a weekend. It’s not particularly hard, although a few stages require some trial and error. I love the various weapons you can use, and switching them on the fly with the shoulder buttons is smooth and seamless. Harley controls reasonably well enough, except for jumping while running and turning on a dime. It takes him a second to turn around — in the heat of the moment that could lead to unnecessary damage. Visually, the game has a striking look thanks to its claymation. Although it’s a bit hampered by its somewhat bland backgrounds. Animation is hit or miss. Enemies animate smoothly while Harley could use more frames of animation. The tunes aren’t memorable and are kind of just there. But the game does have this unique quirky charm that reels you in. Well, at least it did to me. As always, your mileage may vary.
Now there’s a face not even a mother could love
There’s a solid variety of things to do besides the usual. There’s a level where you command a tank. Another level sees you soaring on a jet pack. Other levels have sections where you parachute your way down, or even catch a ride on a bubble. There are 18 stages in all. None are overly long and you can beat the game in one sitting. Truth be told, I kind of miss games like this. You know the ones: little weird niche titles that were made on a tiny budget that didn’t set out to be anything more than quirky and amusing. You really don’t see games like this anymore in this day and age, for better or for worse. I guess there’s a part of me that will always long for the 8 and 16-bit generations where these countless above average platformers littered the shelves of rental stores. No, they’re not world beaters or anything but they’re fun in their own right, competently made, charmingly quirky, and can occupy you perfectly fine for a night or two. All in all, Harley’s Humongous Adventure is not a must-have game but if you love the genre and you’ve already played the best on the SNES, then this is worth a look. It’s not good enough to be classified as underrated. Nor is it a bonafide “hidden gem” but it certainly has an odd little atmosphere that is in some ways second to none on the SNES. If you like the idea of being shrunk while fending off giant bugs and dealing with normal everyday objects then this game is right up your alley.
Graphics: 6
Sound: 5.5
Gameplay: 6
Longevity: 5.5
Overall: 6.0
Me:Harley’s Humongous Adventure was your first SNES game. You created and programmed its gaming world. Do you still look back fondly on this experience, or is it one of those things where you’re more ashamed than proud of how it turned out years later?
BG: I consider that time the second Golden Age of video games. The first was the coin-op days in the late ’70s / early ’80s when Galaga, Dig Dug, Pac Man, etc. were huge, but the second Golden Age was when the Super NES came out in the early ’90s. It was a lot of fun, and very challenging to develop back in those days. The development devices were usually hand-made and held together with duct tape. All of the programming was straight assembly code, and every cycle and every byte counted. It took really skilled programmers to make those games — it’s not like today where pretty much anyone can make a game.
Me: Describe the origins of this game: how did it come about, what ideas inspired you, and how much of an influence (if any) was Honey I Shrunk the Kids?
BG: My boss at Visual Concepts came up with that idea, and I’m sure Honey I Shrunk the Kids played some role in there, but I think the original Incredible Shrinking Man had more to do with it than anything.
My poster that came with the game. Love the art…
Me: How did the design of the Harley character come about? I find him to be a bit interesting: the spiky hair, the cool sunglasses, heck, Harley even had the letter “H” etched out in his haircut! (Not seen in-game but seen on the box art).
BG: The art design was all up to the artists, and we had a lot of very talented ones working at Visual Concepts. I believe Colin Silverman did the art for Harley, and he was one of the best that I ever worked with. I actually still have a huge framed Harley’s Humongous Adventure poster over my desk right now. I look at it every day, and it’s been here for the last 19 years, so that funky hairdo with the “H” carved into it is always staring me down. Now that I look again, he does seem to have a very late ’80s / early ’90s look.
Brian’s office proudly displays the Harley poster
Me: How long did it take to make this game from start to finish? What were some of the setbacks or challenges?
BG: If I remember correctly, this was about a 9 month project. That’s generally how long it took to make one of those games back then. The main challenges were getting the development devices to work properly. We even had one of the guys at Visual Concepts write a compiler for us since the ones provided were so bad. The company that published the game, Hi Tech Expressions, was a Korean firm that was pretty new to this, so working with them was a bit challenging as we kept trying to squeeze more money out of them.
Little known Korean firm
Me: You used a unique look for the time: (partial) claymation. You might have been the first to use claymation on the SNES. What made you want to do this kind of look? I remember as a kid it definitely stood out in the gaming magazines I read back in the day.
BG: The claymation ideas was my boss’, and the company that did that also did claymation for several of our other games. The best SNES game I did was called Claymates, and it won some awards but unfortunately EA’s decision to name it that killed it. That was not the name we wanted, and “Claymates” sounded idiotic, so it flopped. Also, we did Clay Fighter which ended up being a big hit.
Quite a unique look for its time
Me: The jet pack was a pretty neat idea. Any inspiration behind this?
BG: The Jet Pack is what Alfred Hitchcock would have referred to as a MacGuffin — a plot tool used to get the character out of holes that the writers got him stuck in. I’ve used Jet Packs in many games, and they’re great for helping the player out of situations that you can’t find any other solution for. Plus, they’re fun!
Me: The game features 18 levels. Was there one you personally enjoyed most? I was particularly fond of Harley’s room due to the fact that you can climb some of his Lego sets.
BG: In all honesty, I can’t remember much of any of them. I do vaguely remember the bathtub, mainly because it’s on the poster over my desk, but also because it had some interesting ideas with soap platforms and such. I know we put a lot of neat things in the game, but having not played the game in over 20 years I can’t remember most of it.
Me: How many copies did the game sell?
BG: The game did OK but not great. I don’t actually remember the sales — for some reason the number 40,000 sticks in my head, but that might not mean anything.
Me: Were you and your team personally satisfied with how the game turned out?
BG: Yes, I was very proud of it, especially considering that it was my first professional game out of college.
Me: Was a sequel ever planned?
BG: I don’t think so. Hi Tech Expressions, the publisher, promptly disappeared.
No más on a sequel
Me: Why wasn’t Harley’s Humongous Adventure also made for the Sega Genesis?
BG: As hard as it was to develop for the SNES, the Genesis was actually even worse. Plus, the Genesis didn’t have the customer base that Nintendo had, so we stayed focused on SNES work.
“Genesis does what Nintendon’t.” Oops!
Me: What other SNES games were you involved with, and do you have a personal favorite?
BG: I also did Claymates and Lester the Unlikely for Visual Concepts. Then when I went to work for Mindscape I did three Mario Early Learning educational games based on the Nintendo Mario character. My favorite was Claymates, however. It was all claymation, and was a really neat idea.
Me: Do you still keep in touch today with Scott Patterson, John Manley, Richard Robbins or Greg Thomas?
BG: No, I haven’t heard from any of those guys in over 20 years. I know Greg went on to be some bigwig at EA, but I don’t know what happened to anyone else.
The Harley crew
Me: The ending credits were pretty neat. There was a list of people you liked, which was standard fare, but then there was a list of THINGS you guys liked, which gave me a chuckle the first time I saw it. It was different.
BG: I think we were inspired by the credits in the Jim Abrahams / David Zucker movies like Airplane. They would have crazy stuff in their credits like recipes and such, so we did the same in our game.
Once again I would like to thank Brian Greenstone for taking the time. I love hearing about and discovering all these obscure facts about obscure titles like Harley’s Humongous Adventure. It isn’t the best game around but it has its moments. It’s a relic of gaming’s past… you just don’t see games like this anymore.
Admittedly, I’m not a huge football guy. Never have been. Baseball and basketball are my go-to sports. But I always make it a point to catch the Super Bowl each year. Last night, which saw the New England Patriots and the Atlanta Falcons battle for football supremacy in Houston, was one of the best damn games I’ve ever seen. An incredible 31 unanswered points and the biggest comeback in Super Bowl history, Tom Brady captured his unprecedented fifth Super Bowl Championship (more than any other quarterback in the history of the NFL). Whether you love or hate him, you have to respect the track record. Watching the game last night inspired me to break out Tecmo Super Bowl, AKA the best football game on the Super Nintendo. Let’s stroll down memory lane…
What a finish last night! A comeback for the ages, wowHey, that’s eerily reminiscent…
Tecmo Bowl was unleashed February 1989. This month marks its 28th birthday. My brother was obsessed with this game. Tecmo Bowl mania swept the nation as kids everywhere were glued to their TV monitors night and day. I wasn’t a football fan at the time so the game never appealed to me, but I remember the many nights that my brother stayed up late playing this game. It became something of a religion for him and countless others all across America.
Two years later, the (superior) sequel landed and despite the SNES having just been released, Tecmo Super Bowl caused many NES owners to keep their old friend plugged in. My brother played this game to death. Tecmo finally converted this game over to the SNES in November of 1993. It never made the big splash its little NES brothers did, but that doesn’t mean it’s not worthy of your time.
One of the best NES games ever
Fancy logo and “mascot”Some cool shots follow this
Rematch of last night’s game!The classic kick offLove those new spiffy end zonesVintage Tecmo Super Bowl
Here is the beauty of Tecmo Super Bowl: it’s simple and instantly accessible to all. Even if you don’t know a whole lot about football, like me, you can still have a lot of fun with this one. You get eight plays to pick from. Four passing, four running. Then the opponent tries to guess which one you picked. If they guess right then it’ll be a lot easier for them to stop you. You have to look at the game situation and guess whether your rival will run or pass. After that you have a 1 in 4 chance. Good stuff.
Passing in the pocket? Try not to force the ball where there are defenders. Switch off to an open teammate like you see here and throw the ball his way.
Always satisfying to see that FIRST DOWN! flashing.
Speaking of satisfying, throwing a bullet to a wide open receiver and seeing him haul it in for a big gain was simply the best. I also like the white X marker and knowing your guy is about to make a huge catch. It’s the little things!
Seeing your guy sprint into the opponent’s end zone never gets old. The SNES version gets these cool detailed end zones while the NES versions were a bit plain Jane. It’s not a deal breaker or anything, but I prefer the presentation of this game over the NES ones. Plus, that TOUCHDOWN! graphic is gold.
Taunting time! It’s also kind of fun to see old names from the past.
Bouncing the ball off the field goal post and through always led to a sigh of relief.
INTERCEPTION! Depending on which side of the coin you are, it can either pump new life into your team or completely demoralize it. Especially when you see the ball sail just past the outstretched arms of your receiver.
Likewise, these moments can mean the difference between victory and defeat. As they say: football is a game of inches… [And so is dating -Ed.]
Bizarre and nonsensical. At any rate, the Patriots lead 7-3 at the half.
Falcons open the second half in stellar fashion. It’s so sweet when your guy has a wide open field like this. Unless of course, if it’s happening against you!
Atlanta jumps on top, 10-7. I really like how this game received the Super Mario All-Stars treatment. It’s essentially the NES version but with 1993 rosters and much improved visuals. Love those end zones.
Seeing one of your receivers break free and make himself wide open for a bullet pass is another part I take great pleasure in.
Running it into the end zone like a boss. 14-10 Patriots!
Certain big plays, like a quarterback sack, triggers a cinematic shot.
Hitting a streaking player for a big gain never failed to get you pumped. Even better is the visual of 10 savages trailing you like a pack of hungry wolves eyeing a piece of meat. Oh, and barely running past two diving defenders. Epic.
Punch it in the end zone and kick the extra point. 21-17 Patriots.
Offensive and defensive accomplishments are treated dramatically.
Almost as dramatic as last night’s Super Bowl! Down 4 points with under a minute to go, Miller tries to connect with Williams during the most important drive of his career. Miller spots his target and throws a bullet pass. It looks like Williams is about to make an amazing diving catch to save the game but alas, INTERCEPTION! You can imagine how intense 2 player games can get…
Similar to last night’s insane Super Bowl game, the Patriots barely squeak ahead. A final stats screen is shown at the end.
New weather effects, yeah!
The NES versions didn’t have this cool feature. OK, so it doesn’t affect gameplay (too bad, it should have). But hey, more options never hurt even if it’s just cosmetic. And quite frankly, I love the rain in particular. It lends Tecmo Super Bowl a lovely little atmosphere!
Check out how the rain splatters against the grass. It’s a really nice effect and makes playing this game during a rainy Sunday morning extra fun. Hell, you even see rain in the cut scenes. Neat!
Sometimes a play will be spliced in with a cut scene and only adds to the drama of the whole thing. These moments are handled perfectly. They’re seamless rather than intrusive. And let’s face it, they’re just plain fun.
Gorgeous! Gotta love that heavy rain. What could have been if only the Falcons kicked a field goal last night… tsk tsk…
Giving the snow some love too, although it’s not as impressive.
Definitely adds a nice flair, especially if you play this while it’s actually snowing outside.
Most fans tend to cite NES Tecmo Super Bowl as the definitive version, but there are a handful that vouch for the SNES version. EGM gave it scores of 8, 7, 7, 6 and 6. Some were a bit disappointed that you still can’t switch defenders once a play is live. Or the fact that you can’t grab the ball out of the air on a booted pass. And speaking of missed opportunities, there’s no sound effect for the rain. Imagine how much better it would have been if you could hear the pitter-patter of the rain drops. I suppose one can’t have it all, eh?
Tecmo Super Bowl is the best SNES football game you can play. It’s got fast and crisp gameplay, a playbook to customize your own set of plays, a battery backed season mode (I love how you can play a season in literally a single weekend), improved 16-bit visuals, and a couple new options the NES version never had. These include a diving play (handy for when you’re half a yard short of a touchdown or first down) and a touchback option. I’m not the biggest football fan but I love this game and would probably rate it even higher if I were a complete football nut.
It’s the kind of game you can pick up and play whenever, then forget about for a while but months or even years later come roaring back and find yourself spending a weekend or two with. There’s something magical about that. I also like that the games don’t take long; you can sneak in a quick game before bed. Also, injuries can occur if you play the season mode. When a player is healthy to return, you get an amusing cut scene of said player leaving the hospital (Tecmo Hospital, naturally) waving to his doctor and nurses. He’s armed with a bouquet of flowers and is decked out in his full football uniform, as if these guys wear their jerseys while recovering in the hospital. This scene never fails to make me smile. That and it’s always great to get an injured star player back!
Gets me every single damn time!
Tecmo Super Bowl has earned its legend for a good reason. I think the SNES version is awesome and easily the best football title on the Super Nintendo. The Tecmo Super Bowl sequels weren’t as great and some of the Madden games are very good but it’s tough to beat the arcade action of a Tecmo Super Bowl. Sorry — this game definitely scores a touchdown!
Graphics: 8 Sound: 8.5 Gameplay: 9 Longevity: 9.5
Overall: 9.0
Gold Award
Few games have infiltrated pop culture like Tecmo (Super) Bowl.
And because it’s football, and it’s awesome:
Damn that theme never gets old. Timeless! Just like Tecmo Super Bowl
Pub: Sony | Dev: Software Creations | March 1994 | 8 MEGS
During the summer of 1990, Software Creations released a NES title by the name of Solstice. Based off 1984’s Knight Lore, players use a wizard named Shadax who goes from one isometric room to another. It was a long challenging action puzzle quest, with one crushing flaw — there was no password or save feature. Three years later the same firm cranked out a sequel for the SNES with a proper save system. Glendaal, son of Shadax, finds himself in a mad rush to save his imprisoned father from the vile clutches of Sonia the witch. It’s hard and a bit tricky but it can be fairly addicting and rewards those who persevere.
I was curious about this game for over 20 years…
I vividly remember seeing Equinox previewed in EGM and GameFan back in 1994. The screenshots had me intrigued. There just weren’t very many isometric games on the SNES at the time. It looked like an enticing mix of adventure and action puzzle. It captivated my imagination. But as it often was back in the day, my brother had the final say in the games we rented. And unfortunately for me, Equinox never tickled his fancy enough to make him want to rent it. Thus, Equinox became one of over 100 Super Nintendo games I always wanted to play but never did. In December of 2014, after over 20 years, I finally righted a childhood wrong. 24 hours of total play time and a thousand deaths later, I was able to reunite Glendaal with his dad, Shadax. Back in ’94 I always had this gut feeling that this was an awesome game. And I’m proud to say it comes awfully close to being just that. As I sat back to watch the father and son duo reconvene in a bout of redemption, a feeling of pride swelled deep from within. Few things are as satisfying in this great hobby of ours than finally quelling a longstanding childhood curiosity. Not only that but conquering and loving every second of it. Good times.
Today marks 11 years!
Yes indeed, as I write this it’s Monday, January 30, 2017. Exactly 11 years ago, on Monday, January 30, 2006, I bought a copy of Equinox at my childhood Hollywood Video store. 11 years. Where does the time go?
I loved their buy two, get one free deal
Back in the day (mid 2000s) Hollywood Video used to house a Game Crazy within its store. They sold modern and retro games. They had a buy two retro games, get one free deal that I took advantage of multiple times. Game Crazy was low key awesome back in 2006.
This is my actual childhood Hollywood Video store!
Childhood curiosity purchased from my childhood store? Perfect! Man, I used to go to this Hollywood Video back in the ’90s all the time. It opened in early 1994 and lasted all the way to 2010. This shot was taken on a cold rainy Monday night in January 2006. It just captures those innocent early SNES resurrection days of mine to a tee. Driving all over town, including my old stomping grounds, to hit up all the local Game Crazy stores within a 100 mile radius, all in the good name of reclaiming bits and pieces from my childhood. This picture just epitomizes the splendor and rush of those early days. 11 years… 11 freaking years. Wow.
Better late than never… it was arguably worth the wait.
It may look simple but it certainly isn’tStock up on weapons, spells, potions, keys and moreZap and save are my favorite magic spells of the lotFinding each weapon on each continent is criticalChange your weapon or spell whenever you likeEach realm has 3-4 different hubs that link together
You can rotate the screen on the overworld map
1. Galadonia
2. Tori
3. Deeso
4. Atlena
5. Quagmire
6. Afralona
7. Ghost Ship
8. Death Island
Don’t let the ‘LIFE’ meter fool you. One hit and you’re dead. LIFE merely symbolizes how many lives you have left. So you can imagine how intense the boss battles must be. They take a good amount of damage before biting the dust. As they turn red and face the brink of extermination, the tension mounts to a fever pitch. The first boss is Bonehead. I found him to be far tougher than almost all the other bosses due to his seemingly unpredictable and erratic pattern. It took me several tries and it may take you just as many, too.
Sung Sung is the mammoth guardian of the second world (Tori). He’s an impressive sight. Towering over our hero, I remember seeing him in screenshots back in ’94 and being secretly afraid of him. I love his design. It’s so badass. Sung Sung likes to burrow deep below the earth before popping back up to toss giant boulders your way. He’s more bark than bite, however. His pattern is easy to figure out and it becomes a matter of standing in the right spots only to move when necessary. This pattern becomes the majority of the boss battles in Equinox.
Quetzalcoatl is the end level guardian of Deeso. Deeso is a barren desert kingdom whose eerie dungeons are littered (and maybe haunted) with the remains of an ancient civilization. Quetzalcoatl, which means “feathered serpent,” is a Mesoamerican deity whose name comes from the Nahuatl language. It fits the whole ancient civilization feel of the stage. As you pelt away at the giant living statue, it breaks down one block at a time. At the very end there’s a nasty little surprise in store for you. I won’t spoil it but let’s just say you might need a fresh pair of underpants ready…
Pincha uses his claws to guard his vulnerable eyes. Shoot him when he swipes his claws and you just might nail him. Once you figure out where to stand, Pincha becomes a bit of a cakewalk. But be careful — as he weakens he can spaz out which makes his sudden movements rather unpredictable and dangerous.
Despite being the most generic enemy in the world of RPGs, Equinox‘s graphics are so impressive that even a simple looking giant blob creature still looks pretty damn cool. Especially when he turns red right before his imminent demise. Dollop is the final obstacle in your journey to collect all five strings. Once you have all five strings you can play the harp which sends you to the kingdom of Afralona. Dollop bounces around the screen, sending out smaller versions of himself. You may never look at grape Jell-O the same ever again… [Oh, Bill Cosby already took care of that -Ed.]
Eyesis [ISIS?! -Ed.] is a gigantic spinning pyramid with excellent defense. Its only weak spot being its eye up top. Your dexterity game needs to be on point as Eyesis spins around like a rampaging tornado. Once again this is another boss fight that isn’t so bad once you suss out the pattern. So far I find Bonehead to be the most effective and challenging boss. So if you can thwart Bonehead, then these next handful of bosses shouldn’t be too hard. Their bark is far tougher than their bite. Still, they all look badass and feel awesome to take down.
The troll isn’t a boss [you straight trollin’ now -Ed.] but he’s such a cool design I had to show him off. Trolls litter the overworld map. If one touches you on the map, you’re taken to a separate screen where it’s a fight to the finish. You can beat the game without fighting a single troll but it’s ill-advised. Beating them has benefits such as gaining an extra life meter whenever you’ve conquered a world. Trolls come in various colors just like in real life. Their only form of offense is hopping around. Trolls can be tricky due to their size and the small single screen so don’t take them lightly.
Billy Bones, the maniacal captain of the ghostly galleon, fires off cannonballs relentlessly until he’s dead. He doesn’t think. He doesn’t feel. He doesn’t stop. Pumping out cannonballs like no one’s business, Billy is straight up savage. He is all that stands between you and Death Island. Beat Mr. Bones and advance to Ice Palace — Sonia’s last stand.
Are you ready for the final showdown? Tough as nails, Sonia is only vulnerable in the face during a certain period of time. To make matters even worse, her fireballs move around the screen. Thankfully they can be shot down but they do require several shots to eradicate. Sonia’s cloak turns more red as her health diminishes. By the time she is a crimson red, your heartbeat is sure to be racing a million beats a minute. It took me roughly 30 tries to beat her. I came close several times but a boneheaded mistake would cost me the battle. Finally, I locked in and kicked her ass. I’ve since tried to beat her a second time but have not been able to. She’s a tough cookie. The whole game is pretty tough but never impossible, so it’s fitting for Sonia to be a stiff challenge.
The ad made the bosses look badass and SCARY
This spell proves to be extremely handy later on…Later on weapons and spells aren’t out in the openEquinox‘s many secrets makes exploring rather fun!
Because these guys can only be killed when shot in the back (the only part of their fat bodies not covered up with armor), the slow spell is the only way to kill these bastards. For the hassle you get a green key. A key can be used only once. Gotta collect ‘em all!
Sometimes killing all enemies on screen earns you a key. Other times you’ll get a token. Either way, securing the latest key or token is a mini-rush. It’s what makes Equinox addicting — grabbing the latest elusive item to inch your way closer to your goal.
Games can easily be ruined by poor design, especially when you have such massive worlds. Thankfully, the keys and tokens are all placed in perfect position. Equinox is a giant puzzle where each piece connects. Be ready to make countless leaps of faith, including the kind where you must bend in mid-air. These mid-air jumps were always fun, albeit tricky. There’s a slight learning curve but pretty soon you’ll kick ass.
Jumps become progressively more difficult. Imagine inching yourself all the way to the edge of a platform. Then leaping as high and far as you can to barely land pixel perfect on the edge of the next platform. The jumps are doable yet rather brutal — therein lies the brilliance.
Partly what accounts for the jumps being so difficult has to do with the lack of shadows. Too many times it’s hard to determine exactly where a platform is. Therefore, seemingly easy jumps can easily be miscalculated. It takes some time and patience to work out the kinks but the game was so addictive that I found myself constantly saying, “JUST ONE MORE TRY…”
Many of the rooms have some sort of puzzle to work out. Some are easier to figure out than others, while some involve multiple gimmicks. Here you must first push a block over before leaping on top of the iron gate. Wait for it to rise and then grab the token. SUH-WEET!
Contend with a frisky ghost in uncomfortably close quarters. Then make your way to the top of the gate while avoiding the spikes to collect the token. Good stuff.
Lying just south of Deeso, Atlena is a handful of villages supported by wooden platforms. It floats above the murky dungeon world of a sunken castle.
Atlena has a stellar underwater atmosphere. Unfortunately, what these shots don’t show are the constant water currents that flow throughout. The whole level is rather breathtaking.
Gotta love all the seaweed that’s strewn about. The enormous eggs add an extra sense of mystery and intrigue. What’s inside? More importantly, is the mother lurking around somewhere? Meanwhile, the Green Devil there can only be killed with the zap spell.
Many often cite Atlena as one of the hardest levels in the entire game. I didn’t find it too tough personally, but there is a noticeable difficulty spike that occurs here.
I just have to show the awesome watery visuals ^_^ProTip: Atlena is flooded (sorry) with invisible doorsAtlena is absolutely mesmerizingSome tokens can only be had via an invisible doorStuck in a room with no key? Look for a hidden doorSome hidden entrances are obscure as bloody hell…
South of Tori, Quagmire (love that name) is a swampy, fetid place worthy of its name. It’s difficult to navigate as death surrounds you.
Some of the most brutal pixel perfect jumps in the entire game call Quagmire home.
Each world has its own unique feel and vibe. Quagmire is one of my favorite levels because of its bewitching atmosphere.
The mix of greens, blues and purples blend to create a gorgeous and haunting underground universe.
Quagmire has tortuous pixel perfect jumps.
Look no further than trying to jump from a moving platform on to another platform surrounded by death on both sides. Brutal!
Each hub entrance drops you into a different part of the dungeon. A rope ladder allows you to exit if you find one particular area of a dungeon too difficult to begin with. This is valuable because other than the save spell (which is found late in the game), exiting a hub is the only way to save.
And remember, whenever in doubt, push!
Thought moving platforms were evil? Just wait until you encounter platforms that automatically slide you off unless you push in the opposite direction. Falling off at any point leads to an early death and room reset.
Equinox will test your sanity at times!
So far, so easy. So far…
Confession time: this room killed me 40 times until I figured out you can’t actually jump over the taller plant. You had to jump over the smaller one and THEN twist in mid-air to land safely on the other side. Yup, moments like this sure humble you.
Some of the more clever puzzles involve using the bad guys to unintentionally lend you a helping hand. Sometimes you can’t kill them if you want to grab a key or token. Other times you can only get a key or token after killing all the enemies in a room. It’s this back and forth mystery that makes it so much fun to play.
Thankfully enemies respawn in certain rooms (after exiting said room) if they’re not meant to be killed. Well, except for one infamous glitch crashing room, ahem, which I’ll highlight a bit later on.
Quagmire has crazy hidden doors, just like Atlena
[Har har -Ed.]ProTip: You might want to check the wall behind youThe scimitar is slow but strongThese pixel perfect jumps can be pretty brutalAfralona is balls to the walls [Never review Ballz -Ed.]
No turning back now…Fun gimmick that makes the Ghost Ship super tough
The Twin Swords turns you into a killing machineSome keys are harder to grab than the actual tokensThe final boss fight is as intense as it gets!
Sonia is one wicked tough ultimate boss. Remember, one hit and you’re dead (ignore the LIFE meter there). As Sonia weakens, she turns more and more red. By the time she’s a crimson red the pressure really mounts as you’re so close to your end goal — one lapse in focus can send you back to the very beginning of this long and arduous final battle!
Dead end? Not so fast…
Before playing Equinox for the first time, I came across a post claiming that the last world has a critical flaw. If you forget to grab a key and you pass a certain point then there is no way to backtrack, thus leaving you in a dead zone. You can imagine what happens if you save right before. You would, in theory, have to start an entirely new game! I thought I reached that point of no return when I failed to acquire a certain key and found myself stuck in said infamous room. In my initial attempts to backtrack, I first scaled those two pillars there. Each time I would jump off but end up landing on the spikes. No matter how hard I tried, I could not clear the spikes. I was stuck. And screwed. Or so it seemed…
In reality, you CAN safely backtrack. But you mustn’t jump. All you had to do was simply step off the ledge and a hidden block will reveal itself. D’oh. Again, this game has moments that are sure to humble ya.
You get four save slots. It’s wise to use multiple slots
You’re not quite invincible, but you get infinite lives
With infinite lives and magic, you can die as many times as you like with the safety net of knowing you always come back. It’s nice and works well for this game especially seeing as how it’s one hit and you’re dead. Not only that, but the “difficult to make things out” perspective and questionable collision detection is thrown out the window with this code. I limited my spell usage but I would be lying if I didn’t say having infinite lives made it so much more enjoyable.
There’s no shame in making it a bit more fair
Equinox was featured on GameFan’s issue #2 cover
Although released in March of 1994, Equinox first appeared in gaming magazines as early as late ’92. It’s featured on the cover of GameFan’s second issue. The import version was even reviewed that same issue, but the US version would not be reviewed until some 15 issues later. Equinox fared well with the critics. EGM gave it scores of 7, 7, 8, 8 and 8. GameFan rated it 90% and 96%. Super Play, who was notoriously difficult to please, gave it an impressive 90% rating. GameFan rated this game a second time when it hit American shores in early ’94. By then GameFan had changed its reviewing system. Rather than giving an overall score, they simply tallied up the numbers from five categories (so the highest score was 50). I never liked it, and apparently neither did they or the readers as the magazine soon returned to its classic “out of 100” review format
Super Play put it #47 on the Top 100 SNES games listIt’s not for everyone, but damn did I really like it!
Equinox‘s long labyrinths and big bosses bewitch you
Equinox is a game I had been curious about for over 20 years before I finally played it. I had high hopes for it as a kid back in ’94 but until you finally experience a title for yourself, you just never know if it’s truly any good or not. There’s always this sense of excitement and apprehension. One part of you hopes that it lives up to your imagination after all these years, while another part fears the worst. I’m happy to say Equinox met every bit of my expectations. From huge intimidating bosses to atmospheric lengthy labyrinths, Equinox permeates this lonely feeling of being the last man on earth. It’s just you, your mettle and the voices screaming in your head as you stare down the deadly dungeons and catacombs lost to time in which mankind was never meant to explore. Equinox is intoxicating. It’s an arduous quest sure to frustrate you as much as it will reward.
Adventure and action awaits!
Equinox has some amazing visuals. Each world takes you on a grand and different adventure. The ancient civilization of Deeso is filled with grotesque statues leering at you, more effective than any “No Trespassing” sign ever seen in a horror movie. Quagmire takes you to a lush plant underworld with death snapping at your heels each step of the way. The airy caverns of Tori conveys this grand sense of being deep below the surface, staving off evil spirits and armored knights. The sound effects are equally as effective. Famous composer Tim Follin (best known for SNES Rock N’ Roll Racing) did some of his finest work here. The ambiance is awesome. Pushing giant marble stones across the floor never sounded more convincing. And I love the sound effect of a token dropping any time you enter a room with a token to be found. It lets you know that room has a token. Each realm is perfectly complimented by Follin’s masterful command of sound and music. The game is tough as hell. While the perspective can be a bitch and cost you many lives you feel you shouldn’t have lost, it’s not a deal breaker by any means. Especially with the code implemented, Equinox is simply mystifying. It’s one of those games where you just have to see the next room and you just have to give it “one more try.” There aren’t enough SNES games like this. It’s not quite a classic but it’s a very strong entry in the long running line of quality SNES titles.
Graphics: 9
Sound: 9
Gameplay: 8.5
Longevity: 7
Double Silver Award
This legendary ad won “Ad of the Year” back in 1994The idea is you couldn’t beat the game in a lifetimeDamn right he would!
You eventually die failing to beat it. Your grandson takes over and wins. He would have wanted it that way
How fitting, considering the father-son connectionNothing bonds dad and son like catch magic carpet ride
The Super Nintendo enjoyed many quality years during its run. I personally believe 1994 was its best year in terms of quality and quantity. The SNES not only hit its stride but it also hit the most home runs that year. Super Metroid, Final Fantasy III, Donkey Kong Country, the list goes on and on. Among those heavy hitters you had a string of solid doubles. These games flew under the radar because they weren’t big names. They’re not as good as the AAA classics but they sure have a place in any robust SNES collection. The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang is one such example. Lost in the shuffle at the time, today it finally enjoys the recognition it so richly deserves. But just in case you missed it, here’s a closer look!
Confession time. I loved monsters growing up but I was never a big fan of Dracula. He was always kinda meh to me. However, one morning in the early ’90s I was channel surfing when I came across a brand new cartoon, Little Dracula. I was instantly hooked. There was something about a kid Dracula that greatly appealed to me. Not too long after my dad bought me a Little Dracula action figure and I carried it around with me almost everywhere I went. Sad I know, but hey, I was a kid! Fast forward to the summer of ’94. When I saw the EGM preview of Spike McFang I instantly thought about my dear old friend, Little Dracula. For a second there I even wondered if Spike McFang was loosely based off Little Dracula. Sadly I never got around to playing Spike McFang until my SNES resurrection in 2006. I was determined to buy all my childhood favorites as well as all the games I always wanted to play but never did. So was it worth the wait? You bet your glowing eyes it was!
Ah, the memoriesHe even had his own little comic mini-series!
Together, they ruled over the land peacefully
Spike has two ways to attack. For starters, you can chuck his top hat at the bad guys. The hat starts out basic but there are variations you can upgrade to which makes this attack far more potent and efficient.
Another way to kill bad guys: Spike’s deadly cape. But don’t spin too much or else you’ll disorient the little guy!
A. Fighter Island
B. Batland
C. Castle Dracuman
D. Ratville
E. Kalala Desert
F. Village of Vampires
G. Ice Palace
H. Jungle of Mazes
I. Castle Von Hesler
“Spike, you’ve also played too many SNES games!”“I know that scent ANYWHERE. Not that I like her…”“Damn Spike, she told you!”“Can we crank up that ride over there to 88 MPH?”The fate of the land lies in your young hands…Spike lacks a bit of respect for his elders, see…
Clarence puts young Spike through a series of tests. Play the following if you’d like some musical accompaniment. Let’s check out the first test…
Aaa-ohh HEY you! Who said that, baby how you been?
You say you don’t knoooow, you won’t know until you begin
Can’t you see me standing here, I’ve got my back against the record machine
I ain’t the worst that you’ve seen. Oh can’t you see what I mean?
Might as well jump. Jump! Go ahead, jump. Might as well jump. Jump! Go ahead, jump. JUMP!
[Alright, back to our regularly scheduled programming -Ed.]
Whoa, creepy! All those voices muttering at once…
Here we see how effective throwing his hat can be. It’s a great long range weapon when you can’t rely on Spike’s spinning cape.
Tell us how you REALLY feel, Spike…[Why do I have a bad feeling about this… -Ed.]The bridge gives way but luckily Spike catches a ride
Eventually, Spike and Clarence duke it out. It’s the timeless tale of student vs. teacher, pupil vs. master, mentee vs. mentor. Defeat Clarence to earn his respect and fulfill one rite of passage. Plenty more to come!
Ah that cheeky little Spike. Off to Batland!
Recharge AND save your game. SUH-WEET
Ever heard of the term energy thief? These people talk to you and do nothing but sap your energy by being incredibly self-centered. They just love to talk your ear off. The good news? Professor Steam is quite the opposite! Talking to him restores your health. What a charmer, eh? Meanwhile, Mr. Stonehead will save your game. As the song goes, I get by with a little help from my friends.
Talk to the townsfolk. They might have useful info…This oddly reminds me of Mr. Rogers(the castle bits)“Von Hesler took the king you say? Why I’m right here!”Who needs Batman?!It’s wise to stock up on some magic cards
GLLUUURRKK! For 20 gold he’ll crank out a random card for ya. Never know what you’ll get. Fun, useful and doesn’t cost much at all. The best of all worlds.
Carry different cards and switch them by using the shoulder buttons. Simply press A during battle to activate the selected card. They range in purpose; some are more useful than others. Best saved for boss battles.
Like other action RPGs (although I’d classify this game more as an arcade action adventure), Spike can level up accordingly at different intervals. This increases his health points. It’s as basic as can be. No ring menus here. Just press start, get to hacking and let the good times roll.
Colonel Hydra has invaded the castle of Dracuman and has placed her spunky spitfire of a daughter, Felina, in charge.
Slain enemies occasionally leave pocket changeOr the big guy if you’re lucky!Secret of Mana‘s tree has nothing on this
Ah nevermind. No secrets. Just Spike freaking McFang.
Bloody sharks!
Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the… moat. I love the chibi look of this game. Spike looks like a Duplo toy figure. It’s all very endearing and captures your fancy in a way that you wish more games would.
“Looking for shark food? Oh, um, about that, Sid…”
Sid is Spike’s trusty old moat-dwelling er, brontosaurus type thingy… friend… yeah. Look, let’s just say he’s super helpful!
Ah might as well JUMP [… the shark? -Ed.]And you thought all those jumping tests by Clarence way back when was just for his cruel amusement. Not so!
Ah can’t ya see me standin’ here I got my back against the record machine I ain’t the worst that you’ve seen Ah can’t ya see what I mean
[Look, I love Van Halen as much as the next guy but… -Ed.]
Funny moment, this. Spike gets a little too cocky for his own good. And this Stone Head, well, he doesn’t take kindly to young ‘uns disrespecting elders. Blockhead sends Spike smashing through a wall!
Never disrespect your elders. Ever
Next time you feel like opening your mouth and spouting off, kids — THINK TWICE, BE NICE. On the bright side, for your troubles you do get to save your game.
It’s the inside that counts…Moments like this are oddly compellingBetter think fast, Spike!
Here we come to another entertaining bit. Spike attempts to spring off with the greatest of ease. Unfortunately for him, he’s a bit of a klutz you see. Poor guy, he goes crashing into the dirty moat water below.
Good news: You killed all the sharks.
Bad news: You can’t swim.
It’s Sid boy to the rescue!
Some friends will always have your back. Be good to them!
Where’s Jeff Daniels when ya need him?!Kill it to get the key. Watch out for its babies
Damn, you knew the mother spider had to be hiding out somewhere…
Such a sweet feeling hitting enemies diagonallyFun little “boss” fight this is
These annoying felines do their best to impede Spike’s quest.
Whoa, what happened to his face…
Who will win? Only you can decide!
There’s a 2 player code…
Later in your adventure Rudy joins you. He’s a handy companion helper controlled by the computer. But there’s actually a code that allows Player 2 to control Rudy. At the title screen press Down, B, Left, B, Up, Y, Right, Y. One of the best SNES codes ever!
I like the dialogue you have with the various NPCs
The townsfolk add some solid atmosphere to the game. I just wish there was even more NPC interaction and that the journey was a bit lengthier.
Hmm, I wonder who that stranger could be…Spike finally telling Camelia like it is. NiceAnd now he’s giving fashion advice! What a top chapNice save there, Rudy. Quick on his feet, that oneQuick with his tongue too…
The gift flower is super helpful. Gifts of all sorts sprout out when you smack it. However, hit it too many times and it disappears. But maybe try going off-screen and coming back…
“GET YO ASS BACK HERE, RUDY!”Hey where have I seen you before?Ah yes, the PlayStation/Saturn 3D platformer!Croc was a classic guilty pleasureIt had flaws but was fun in its own wayUm, ok…This reminds me of the old Amiga/SNES game, WhizzSpike McFang came out first, mindSomething going on between Spike and Camelia?Nothing fishy going on here, nope…Didn’t catch her name but sure caught her in the act!Spike gazes longingly at the Kingdom ahead of himSuch a picky eater, that CameliaTrust me, you will want to save your game…One wrong turn and it’s back to square one“This jungle heat’s making me crazed. I wanna confess!”
Final battle mere moments away. Good luck!Pack the right cards and Von Hesler isn’t too bad…
“Spike McFang is a nice little SNES gem” -RVGFanatic
As you can see, the critics enjoyed Spike McFang and his twisted tales. Super Play gave it an 82% score and ranked it #96 on their Top 100 SNES Games List that they ran in issue #42 (February 1996). EGM gave it ratings of 9, 8, 8, 8 and 8. Sadly, this game flew under the radar when it was released back in the summer of ’94. However, glance at any “Sleeper” or “Hidden Gems” Super Nintendo recommendation list today and there’s a good chance The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang is on there somewhere. And rightfully so!
Just a shame we never saw a souped up sequel
Not quite a religious experience but it’s rock solid
Summer 1994. It was a great time for me; a time of innocence, a time of childhood and a time of many wonderful games. It took me nearly 15 years but I finally got around to play and beat The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang. Other than it being awfully short, I wasn’t disappointed. It’s got plenty going for it: a very likable protagonist, fun and varied attacks, some memorable key friends, nice graphics and satisfying gameplay (even if it’s rather linear). It’s also got some fun boss battles, a quirky enemy roster and general wackiness that you just don’t see in very many Super Nintendo games. There’s just something about Spike McFang that makes you stop and go, “Now here’s a funky game that marches to the beat of its own drummer.” And you can’t help but love it.
Beatable in three hours. No excuses not to play it!
The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang is an underrated little gem all Super Nintendo owners should play. It’s a charming adventure that, while extremely short, delivers the goods. The biggest downside is the game takes roughly three measly hours to beat. I would love to have seen a 15-20 hour game instead but the nice thing is you could finish this in one (semi) lengthy sitting on a lazy Sunday afternoon. It’s not something you have to clear your calendar for, and for many of us in today’s busy adult world perhaps this is more of a blessing than a curse. It’s very straight forward and short. Just plug it in, press start and let the good times roll. It’s an adventure I find myself coming back to once in a blue moon. Still, part of me can’t help but wonder what if they added in multiple routes, side quests, more locales to hit up and more plot twists — all packed in a 15 to 20 hour world. Instead of being one of the better hidden gems on the system, it could have been one of the better SNES games, period. But I digress. I’m plenty happy with what we got, don’t get me wrong. It’s short and sweet. And sometimes that’s exactly what you want. It’s not going to rock your world the way The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past or Terranigma did, but you likely won’t regret giving this the time of day.
Graphics: 8
Sound: 8
Gameplay: 8
Longevity: 6.5
Overall: 8.5 Double Silver Award
Even so, as is, it’s wacky, whimsical and a win ^_^The sequel… The Sappy Stories of Spike McFang!
Movie tie-ins were often considered bad back in the ’90s. It always seemed that the developers banked more on the licensing and name value than they did on the actual mechanics of the game. But every once in a while you get a bit of a gem. A diamond in the rough if you will. True Lies is one such example. Not only does it make excellent usage of its intellectual property, but it stands up well on its own even if you were to strip away the name value and likeness of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Thirsting for a fun violent overhead shooter? True Lies may be the sleeper hit you’ve been looking for. Let’s dive in…
The Maskwasn’t the only film we saw on July 30, 1994
My friends and I remained in our seats as the end credits to The Mask rolled. The usual “So, what did you think?” question made its way down the row in the midst of strangers stepping around us to exit the theater. Ben, the oldest in the group, had a devious look on his face when the question found its way to him. Our group didn’t have a leader, per se, but as the oldest, Ben held ringleader status among a few other alpha males (namely Tommy and the guy we affectionately referred to as Sushi-X). Ben was also a kid at heart. He was the first in the group to get his driver’s license and he was always a rebel. I stared at his grinning mug a couple seats over. The twinkle in his eye suggested he was up to no good. “I really liked it. Know what else I’d really like? To watch True Lies right now…”
Time to double down…
Being a young innocent and naive kid, I thought Ben meant go pay for a second ticket. But as we walked out of the theater I noticed my group heading toward the auditorium with the marquee headlined by True Lies, rather than the ticket entrance. Holy crap, Ben wanted to pull off a grand heist (through 10 year old eyes it felt like a big crime anyhow)! My heart was racing and my palms felt like the bottom of a jet ski skipping across the ocean. As fate would have it, this next showing of True Lies was set to start right after The Mask. Was it a sign? Was it meant to be? I just knew they were my ride home, so I had little say in the matter. Ben, leading the charge, approached the double doors and looked back at us to steal a glance. He gave us a hearty nod with a devil-may-care smile. He swung the doors open and we followed him in like lemmings committing a heinous group crime in the still of the night…
As we shuffled our way through and up to the top, I remember fearing for my life that our cover would be blown. Movie hopping was something I’d seen happen on TV sitcoms growing up. I never knew of anyone in real life who ever actually did it. It was almost like an urban myth to me as a kid. Anyone who dares to try sneaking into a movie for free was going to be caught red-handed, kicked out and banned from movie theaters for life. A mugshot would be plastered all over the country at all local theaters, denying you admittance from all future flicks. A little over dramatic but hey, I was 10! We grabbed our seats as the lights began to dim. I remember glancing out at the sea of humanity below me thinking how many others had sneaked in here free from The Mask? And how many of us were going to get caught? As the first trailer played, I could only imagine the worst…
Ben looked crazed. This clearly wasn’t his first rodeo
“Come on everyone, the coast is clear. Let’s go!”
“I can’t believe we’re doing this! I mean this is crazy!”
“SHUT UP! Keep it down over there. Act like you’ve done this before.”
Ben was only 17 but he was like a seasoned vet…
“I dunno, Ben. I kinda have a bad feeling about this…”
“Ah you wussbag. Grow some balls, will ya. Ain’t no one gonna catch us… not if you just play it cool.”
“I dunno about this either…”
“Will you guys zip it, huh? This is a fool proof plan so just follow my lead.”
No one, huh?
That sure didn’t look like NO ONE to me, Ben.
At least, that’s how I envisioned it playing out as I sat there with the trailers blaring at my face in heavenly surround sound.
Luckily, we made it safely to our seats without incident… for now, anyhow…
Any slight movement to and from the door had me squirming in my seat. I struggled to pay any attention to the trailers. My eyes kept darting over the room looking out for any ushers who might come crush us for the sins of our youth.
Ben was nuts, but the big lug never did let me down
After a few minutes went by and we were in the clear, for the moment at least, I stole a glance at Ben. Son of a bitch was kicking back like he was at home in his PJs. But I had to admire the bastard. At just 17 years old he had a carefree and magnetic aura that I couldn’t help but admire. Ben was a kid at heart if I ever saw one.
It wasn’t long before the movie began. No usher ever came to rebuke us. We had a wonderful time watching True Lies. While I don’t advocate or promote movie hopping (because it’s morally wrong), this remains a fond memory of the fun times I had running with my game crew back in the day.
Ben approves this messageAnd hey, who didn’t have fun watching this?
Aziz spearheads the terrorist group Crimson JihadArnold plays Harry Tasker, tasked to foil Aziz’s plansArnold almost died on set riding this horse!One of the film’s best scenes!Out of room but NOT out of resources…Holy shit…HOLY SHIT!“I’M TOO OLD FOR THIS SHIT”True Lies was a good return to form for Arnold
“What da hell were ya thinkin’? I mean, I had the guy, and you let him get away.”
You start out with a standard 15-clip hand gun. The bad news? It’s sort of weak and after every 15th shot you must reload, leaving you vulnerable for a precious second. The good news? Unlimited ammo. ProTip: when it’s safe, fire off all your shots once you get down to five or so. The last thing you want is to have to reload during a crucial moment. Therefore, ALWAYS keep it fully stocked.
Now we’re talking! The Uzi is like the hand gun except it spits out bullets like no tomorrow. In addition, you automatically lock yourself in whichever direction you are firing. The Uzi also allows you to turn at unique angles, giving you the possibility of sniping scumbags from a position where, with any other gun, you wouldn’t be able to. It’s definitely handy for clearing a room full of bad guys. Just too bad it eats up a ton of ammo quickly.
The shotgun fires a powerful spread shot that fires five shots. But just like in Doom, if you clip someone rather than blast them straight on, the power is greatly reduced. It’s also slow to load so make sure each shot counts. It’s annoying though that the bullets only travel a certain length before disappearing. Still, it’s a blast to pump terrorists full of lead point blank!
The flamethrower is the most powerful weapon. It instantly eviscerates upon contact. Like the Uzi, firing this locks you in position and you can turn to fry anyone within your vicinity. Also like the Uzi it eats up ammo faster than a sumbitch.
The land mine is the perfect weapon to lure victims in. Unfortunately once you set it down there’s a three second delay for the mine to activate, so it’s no good if you are near your enemy. But if you see him coming from afar, the land mine can be a true game changer.
I love all of the weapons for different reasons, but the grenade just might be my favorite. Let’s see why below…
Toss a grenade at the punk on the lower left
Gotta love how Beam Software strategically placed that small table there. It’s ripe for bouncing one over…
Somersault to victory — if you press the shoot button right after rolling, Arnold will get up on one knee and start firing. Used correctly, this technique can provide a huge boost.
Albeit a bit pixelated, these lovely photos had a strikingly realistic look.
“Sorry, please forgive me!”Kill three? Game overUse the nifty lock button to hold down your positionWait for him to reload…Then make your move!
How you use corners and walls to your advantage can make the difference between victory and death. Strategic positioning is pivotal!
[I prefer Kay Bee Terrorists, myself -Ed.]“FREEZE!” *guy looks at watch*“Damn near shot yo ass!”Somewhere Zack Morris is smiling
[Jeez this pic is as big as Zack’s phone -Ed.]
Proof that mobile phones will be the death of us
Deals so good people are DYING to shop here. SorryLooks like he took it a bit too literally…The restroom scene from the movie is awesomeProTip: He’s the last guy you wanna pissoff…See a guy peeing with his shades on? F*CKING RUN
An action scene of Schwarzeneggerian proportions!
Beam even replicated the restroom tiles to a tee!
“MURICA!”Love the bullet holes“My, what did you have for lunch?”
“Sorry to crash your meet up group like this!”
I love the little details in games. About halfway through the park you run into a group of training martial artists. As you pass you can actually hear their grunts of “HOO!” “HA!” “HEE!” It’s pretty dang awesome. These guys are harmless so don’t shoot them, but the bad guys sure can. It’s too bad a movie starring both Arnold and Bruce Lee was never meant to be.
They never flinch, just like Donnie Yen in Rogue One
The bad news? This level is as hard as a brickThe sheer violence is disturbingly satisfying…But maybe not this time“I got your five dollar foot long right here, BISHES!”Too close for comfort!
Trains whiz by, giving you barely just enough time to reach each alcove.
“Don’t worry guys — I got him!”“OH SHIT…”
Notice how his grenade is poorly aimed and how it bounces off the side of the train…
The computer’s wild, random and unpredictable AI makes playing True Lies a blast, pardon the pun. You never know when they accidentally commit genocide on themselves…
I cringe everytime Arnold goes out this way… OUCH
Hard to explain but it’s got a cool 1990 8-bit NES vibe
All ambiance here. No music, only crashing waves…“You shoot, I shoot, remember?”
GOTDAMN!True Lies is without a shadow of a doubt Arnold-approved.
Fry his ass from a safe angleOr better yet, toss a grenade…It’s true. Good luck…
Guy on the left took it to heart, apparently
“DIDN’T I JUST KILL YOU!?! AHH!!” Rock-It-Ralph gets the last laugh.
You could jump it, sure, but it’s not nearly as fun
Believe it or not, he’s even deadlier than Rock-It-Ralph. Mainly because this bastard actually moves. Better say your prayers…
Explore! Or you just might pay a steep priceTrue Lies is one of the hardest SNES games ever
Imagine wading through this hellhole. Rockets are screaming past you in tight quarters while gun slinging flunkies set their sights on you. Now imagine having to backtrack through this after discovering you’d forgotten to locate a key. No worst feeling in this game.
Mercifully there’s no respawning. Killed enemies stay dead. In some cases you’ll find yourself not killing but sneaking by best as you can. Keep in mind that enemies not killed will have to be dealt with if you need to backtrack.
Nice to see the DOOM barrels make a cameo
Look familiar? It’s plucked right out of the movieA young Eliza Dushku hangs precariously in the airUhh, it’s a harrier. “GET TO DA CHOPPA!” Ah forget itArnold had some of the best one liners in history
Sorry Art Malik, I have to agree [You’re one to talk -Ed.]“I got TWO words for ya…” [SUCK IT?!? -Ed.]
Some games are rock hard. Others are near impossible. And then, there’s True Lies. While the first two or three levels start out fairly manageable, it isn’t long before the curve spikes and you find yourself dying over and over again. Now normally I’m not the biggest proponent of using cheat codes, but when a game is maddeningly difficult I’m not against evening up the odds a bit. For example, BGWPNS (big weapons) allows you to start with all weapons (but not infinite ammo). That’s reasonably fair. Another code gives you invincibility which isn’t fair but good for when you just want to blow shit up. Amusingly enough, to enable this God mode you have to input the command BGGRLY. Yes, BIG GIRLY. Hey, beggars can’t be choosers!
The stages are so long they have to be split up!
Level select codes have always been my favorite. It really increases the longevity of games lacking a save feature. Sometimes I want to jump to a certain part of a game, beat just that part and call it a night. It’s handy for those moments when you just wanna play for 15 minutes before bed.
The game earned respectable scores. EGM gave it ratings of 8, 7, 7and 6.5. GameFan rated it 79, 73 and 70%. Super Play Magazine scored it 74%. They agreed that True Lies is one of the better movie game efforts but two glaring flaws hold it back from being a great title. The music and gun sound effects are a bit weak. The other flaw is its extreme difficulty. As for the film, it was a success for the most part. It was the first movie in history to boast a budget of over 100 million and it raked in 378 million worldwide. Critics and fans alike enjoyed its mix of action and comedy, with bits of romance sprinkled in for good measure. Jamie Lee Curtis won the Golden Globe Award for best actress. Damn, who could forget that infamous strip scene? Steamy stuff! True Lies also marked a strong comeback for Arnold who starred in the flop Last Action Hero the summer prior. It’s interesting to note that this was James Cameron’s baby in-between T2: Judgment Day and Titantic. Ah, the days when Cameron ruled the cinematic world, eh?
Still waiting on the sequel: FALSE TRUTHS
Movie game adaptations in the ’90s were often times more miss than hit. True Lies, for the most part, is a hit. The action comes at you fast and furious, yet during the calm before the storm you have to be methodical and strategic. It’s a combo that works well, rewarding flexible players who excel in scrums and who show an affinity for meticulous planning and precision. Many of the game’s stages are scenes plucked straight out of the movie, and the ones that are re-imagined add a rather nice bit of environmental diversity. All of the classic locales are present such as public parks, decrepit catacombs and even a dour refinery. But it also has some unique settings you just don’t see often, such as the local mall and a stage that takes place on the loading dock. This results in giving the game a nice breadth and makes each new level something to look forward to. Visuals are solid and the blood, though cartoony, add an extra sense of brutality. The music loops unfortunately and is certainly not a shining point of the game. The guns don’t sound all that realistic, either. Small gripes though, really.
What really makes True Lies stand out is its sheer, unadulterated violence. It’s loud. It’s brash. It’s grisly. Grenades send victims sprawling 10 feet in the air as blood spills and bodies singe. It’s a great game to pop in after a tough day at work, as few things satisfy like wasting bastards point blank via shotgun, followed by roasting someone alive. On the downside, it’s way too difficult. The levels are long and can take 15-25 minutes to complete, which has its pros and cons. The later levels are maze-like which contribute to the time it takes to beat them. Some levels have you fetching items which impedes the shooting mayhem. Enemies always seem to know where you are, even if they can’t see you. The lock button helps but a quick 180° turn option would have helped even more.
Angling your shots and positioning yourself properly is absolutely key. But even if you do all that, it will STILL eat you up and spit you out. Thank goodness then for codes that give you more of a fighting chance. Despite its flaws, there aren’t too many titles comparable to True Lies on the Super Nintendo. It’s worthy of the Arnold name, providing wanton destruction the likes of which few others can match. It’s one of my pet favorites and although the game has received its fair share of “under the radar” props, I still love singing its praises whenever I can. It’s one of the best movie tie-in games on the SNES!
Graphics: 8
Sound: 6
Gameplay: 8
Longevity: 7
Overall: 8.0 Silver Award
Blasting terrorists in a public restroom? Priceless“Next time you should listen to me. I said I need to pee!”
The SNES has a ton of amazing games. But when you turn your eye to the Japanese side of things, that’s when you truly realize how deep and phenomenal the library is. On September 8, 2006, I began an “Obscure Super Famicom Impressions” topic where I posted my two cents on a slew of obscure Super Famicom exclusives. The topic was well received and stirred much retro gaming discourse. 10 years later I revived my topic to post a personal top 50 list. I’m now converting that list over
This isn’t a top 50 *BEST* list. Rather, it’s a top 50 favorite list
There will be no (action) RPGs on this list. As best as I could, I kept this list restricted to games that any non-Japanese reader can enjoy
To qualify for this list, the game can’t have an official American release
All these games have links for their own review if you wish to read more
Everyone knows about the Capcom Mickey games on the Super Nintendo. But did you know there was a non-Capcom Mickey game released only on the Super Famicom? Developed by GRC (who also made Trouble Shooter for the Genesis), Mickey Tokyo Disneyland is worth a look.
Navigate through various sections of the famous Disneyland theme park. Red balloons send Mickey zipping around. Blue balloons can be flicked at enemies or dropped on unsuspecting suckers. It can also be set down as a paperweight or as a jumping boost. The color scheme, the classic Mickey look — it all works. The control is a bit rigid, though. Still, a nice game to play on a lazy rainy day.
Boasting a rich colorful look, Marty McFly uses his trusty hoverboard to thwart the likes of Biff, Griff, rogue cops and other assorted baddies. The classic Back to the Future overture is perfectly replicated. Chill inducing worthy.
The game does have its share of flaws, though. The control takes some getting used to and there’s a bit of slowdown here and there. But there’s just something about this game that I enjoy, warts and all.
Violinist of Hamelin (AKA Hamelin no Violin Hiki) is a puzzle action platformer where you play as Hamel and guide a girl named Flute safely through each level. Picking up Flute and tossing her through pillars of stone is not only encouraged, it’s necessary! Flute can transform into 16 different forms (after the appropriate icon has been collected). Each has its own special purpose and using the right one at the right time is key to success.
Poor Flute gets quite abused!
Her expressions are priceless!
Daft only developed three SNES games — two of which are entries #48 and #49 above. This next game completes Daft’s SNES trilogy. Based off the manga, Nangoku is a platformer that uses a level up system like you would find in an action RPG. There are eight kooky worlds to navigate with all manner of bizarre enemies to kill. There’s even a character that looks an awful lot like Link, hmm.
There’s a slight bit of dialogue in this game (as is the case with Violinist of Hamelin) but it won’t hinder a non-Japanese reading gamer from progressing. However, there’s a fan translation floating out there if you want to get the full experience.
Everything Super Bonk should have been! The sprites are smaller so maneuvering Bonk around is much improved in comparison to his first SNES outing. He can also slide now. Some “new” transformations abound that were not present in Super Bonk such as the thief, who can throw the smiley faces as projectiles. Visuals are colorful and pleasing to the eye.
Published by Nintendo on New Year’s Day 1999, Power Soukoban added an action-oriented modern twist to the classic old Soukoban formula. Not only are there puzzles to solve but you now have to fend off enemies. Your fireballs take out enemies as well as move stones.
There are even bosses! Frankenstein and Medusa to name but two. Power Soukoban is a fun action puzzle game that brings an interesting new twist to a proven formula.
Based off the anime/manga by Takashi Shiina, Ghost Sweeper Mikami reminds me of the countless action platformers we saw on the 8-bit NES back in the day. If you’re into that sort of thing, then definitely give it a look. Packed with atmosphere, it’s slightly goofy yet somewhat spooky. Perfect to play on a cold, stormy night with all the lights turned off.
Evil spirits, zombies and all assorted manner of monsters have popped up all over town. Armed with her trusty magical baton and athletic agility, it’s up to Mikami to sweep the streets and clear out the demons and demented. Just a good old fashioned fun solid action game akin to the kind we saw in the late ’80s to early ’90s.
You might remember Hammerin’ Harry from the arcade scene of the early ’90s. Running around in pseudo-Super Deformed form crushing everything in sight with a big ol’ mallet? Sign me up!
It’s also Japanese bonkers. From fighting a man dressed in a cat suit to knocking the hell out of octogenarians, Ganbare Daiku no Gensan promises a wacky experience that is certainly enjoyable while it lasts.
At a cursory glance, Super Tekkyu Fight! appears to be a Bomberman clone. But it’s actually quite different. For starters, players can take up to eight hits. Instead of bombing the competition, you attack them with a spiky chained ball.
It’s no Super Bomberman but Super Tekkyu Fight! is certainly a solid alternative when you’re in the mood for something in the Bomberman vein but with a twist.
Developed by HUMAN, best known for their Fire Pro Wrestling franchise, The Firemen is like Die Hard if you replace the terrorists with fire and the firearms with a water hose. It’s winter 2010 in New York and a high rise is burning. It’s up to you to rescue the victims and clean up the mess. Shoot in eight directions as well as strafe and lock.
Based off the manga by Akira Toriyama, Go Go Ackman is a traditional action platformer starring a very non-traditional anti-hero. And therein lies the charm. Fend off enemies by way of swordplay, boomerang and even some gun slinging. The game is short and not very challenging, but damn is it fun.
Besides, it’s pretty hilarious shooting cute little angels right between the eyes. God bless Japan, you crazy bastards you.
Battle Cross is a six player single screen racer. At first glance it appears to be a mix of Mario Kart and Bomberman. It doesn’t have the smooth and excellent gameplay of either but it’s a riot to play with four friends.
Weapons are strewn about the courses. Nothing satisfies like tossing a missile at someone or dropping a mine underneath an overpass that conceals the explosive. Fun for a retro gaming party night.
Single screen action puzzle games have always been a pet favorite of mine. They’re so simple yet complex. In Little Magic you control a young witch-in-training named May. The goal is to transport the fire stone to the pedestal of each level as well as guide May to the exit gate.
Things start out basic but progressively increases in complexity and difficulty. Later levels introduce warp points, spikes, gaping holes and even enemies. With 100 levels in all, you won’t beat this overnight. If you enjoy staring contemplatively at the screen until inspiration breaks through with the resolute “AH-HA!” then Little Magic is right up your alley.
Full of explosive mayhem that would make even Arnold proud, Rendering Ranger: R2 is an action-packed game that switches between Turrican-esque run ‘n gun stages and a horizontal space shooter. There are several different guns and each one can be powered up.
You also get three bombs to use. The bombs regenerate slowly through an energy bar at the bottom, meaning you can use one early on and gain it back by mid level or so. Speaking of the bombs, they’re not generic as they were in Contra III. Each gun actually has its own unique bomb. Good stuff.
Poko Nyan! is a platformer based off the 170 episode anime show that ran from 1993-1996. This game is clearly geared toward kids with its super colorful visuals and extremely easy gameplay. It’s got a charming protagonist that can transform into various other critters at any time. This includes a kangaroo that can jump super high, a bird with unlimited flight and a hedgehog that can do a spin attack (hmmm). It’s a perfect game for kids or anyone who is still, deep down, a kid at heart.
The set pieces are gorgeously drawn and usually have many tiers. You can kill enemies by simply dropping off a ledge and bouncing off their heads. This is deceptively satisfying. There’s something innately charming, whimsical and innocent about Poko Nyan! that takes me right back to my early childhood years.
More than just a cheap cash cow attempt, Super Bomberman Panic Bomber World is an admirable foray into the puzzle genre. Connect three or more like color pieces horizontally, vertically or diagonally. In addition, you get unlit and lit bombs because Bomberman. Once you fill up your power bar you get a mega bomb that will cause all kinds of havoc. The chain combos you can pull off are pretty insane!
And of course, being a Bomberman title, there’s even a 4 player mode. The classic Bomberman battle tune is even replicated nicely here and fits the urgency of the falling piece action to a tee.
Keeper is a puzzle action game jam packed with charm and a healthy dose of brain-bending conundrums. Players control an adorable Gizmo-like creature. Your goal is to clear the 5×5 grid of all the stones. Match three or more stones by same color or same shape. There are four modes of play including a fun co-op and 2 player versus mode.
This game is based off Rascal the Raccoon, which was a Japanese anime series based on the 1963 Sterling North autobiographical novel entitled “Rascal, A Memoir of a Better Era.” What other SNES game can claim it was based off a 1963 classic American memoir?
Araiguma Rascal puts a unique spin on your typical falling piece puzzler. As Rascal you grab one jar at a time and maneuver your way through the field. There are three different 2 player modes to boot. The graphics really invoke the spirit of Wisconsin (the setting of the memoir). There’s a vintage feel to the visuals. It all adds up to one extremely adorable and appealing package.
Unlike the other games on this list so far, BS Shockman, or BS Kaizou Choujin Shubibinman Zero, was never officially released on cartridge. Slated for a Super Famicom release back in 1994, it was instead relegated to the Satellaview device (a downloading service in Japan in the ’90s). Players can combine to unleash super special tag team attacks in the 2 player mode. Raita and Azuki also have their own special moves.
Featuring only eight stages, the game is short at 45 minutes or so. It’s also quite easy. Other than those blemishes, it’s a very fun game that feels like a mix between a traditional platformer and a beat ‘em up.
The SNES isn’t known for having very many dark and mature titles in its library. However, Majyuuou (AKA King of Demons) definitely qualifies as such. At first glance it appears to be a cross between Castlevania and Resident Evil. While it doesn’t live up to such an enticing combination, it is a rather fun and sordid romp through hell. The imagery is unlike anything else you’ll find on the SNES.
You start out in human form armed with a gun and a giant Hadoken-like blast. At the end of each level an orb allows you to transform into a savage beast. There are four forms in all. Abel’s sprite is a little small but the game features a good amount of details to compensate. It does an excellent job of sucking you into its decaying and decrepit underworld. A fascinating foray through the depths of hell.
Weirdest Super Famicom game ever? Think Pocky & Rocky on acid. A strange alien force looks to cast its iron fist over the entire universe and two brave but bumbling souls set out to save the day. Their names are Baka-dono and Baka-ouji, which translate to Lord Stupid and Prince Stupid. You can’t make this stuff up. This globe trotting adventure features 10 stages in all. Battle rotting zombies in a cursed Japanese village one minute and the next contend with crazy curry plate chucking madmen in India.
EVERYTHING EXPLODES. Elephants? They explode. Stray chickens? They explode. Japanese shoji screens? Yep, even inanimate objects explode. It’s way over the top and all done with its tongue firmly planted in its cheek with a wink to boot. You can also morph into your deceased steroid-injected father. ‘Nuff said, really!
This is the best Super Famicom beat ‘em up to never leave Japan. Sure it’s got many of the beat ‘em up tropes. Three characters to pick from. One well-balanced, one strong and one weak but quick. Charging fat bald guys. But a few neat things help it stand out. This includes blocking, special tag team moves and a meter for your special moves that’s separate from your health meter.
Ghost Chaser Densei is a top notch beat ‘em up that takes one back to the halcyon days when beat ‘em ups ruled the arcade scene.
The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse brings back a lot of fond memories for many of us. Capcom’s sequel The Great Circus Mystery was solid but somehow missed that magical “it” factor that the original had in spades. In December 1995 Capcom released the final game in the trilogy and returned to form.
It was Minnie Mouse out and Donald Duck in. The classic costume system returns but this time the suit powers differ for Mickey and Donald, making it worthwhile to sample both characters. Of course, that classic refined Mickey gameplay you’ve come to love returns (including the lovely snatch-a-block-out-of-thin-air-and-heave-it-at-the-bad-guys formula). Some of the animations, particularly from Donald, are simply priceless.
If Zelda were ever made into a platformer, it would probably look something like this. You attack enemies with a short ranged sword but can gain powers as you go along. Stars are scattered throughout the game’s six stages. Collect as many as you can to increase your sub weapon’s ammunition, similar to Castlevania.
Unfortunately there is no password or save system. But thankfully there is a handy cheat code that unlocks a debug menu. Pause the game and press Up, Down, X, Y, Left, Right, A, B, Up, Up. This allows you to tweak with things such as lives, hearts, a God mode and even a level select option. Magical Pop’n is a damn fine game.
Its main strength is versatility. Pick from three different characters. The game is ridiculously versatile as evident by the SEVEN different ways to kill a bad guy. This not only separates it from the me-too crowd of SNES platformers, but it also minimizes repetitiveness while playing it.
Two 2 player modes are also at play — a co-op and battle mode. Rainbow Bell Adventures is easily one of Konami’s more underrated 16-bit gems.
Heisei Inu Monogatari Bow: Pop’n Smash, to give it its full proper name, is a game you rarely ever hear about. And that’s a shame. Imagine a mix between Pong and Breakout, then add in typical Japanese wackiness and shenanigans. Pop’n Smash is centered around canine Bow. “Bow Wow” was a Japanese manga created by Terry Yamamoto. It enjoyed a lengthy run from 1992 to 1999. There was also a 40 episode anime series that ran from 1993-1994.
The objective is to bat the ball into your opponent’s goal zone. Along the way there are obstacles such as breakable blocks, pots and even bombs to add a little extra spice. Choose from several different characters and stages. Players can make dramatic diving saves as well as cross over into the opponent’s playing area. Select different tools to hit the ball that range from a tennis racket to a mallet to even a branch. It’s one of those games that anyone can pick up and enjoy. Pop’n Smash is a smashing good time!
Sanrio Smash is similar to the previous game, Pop’n Smash, but it plays slightly better. Choose from four Sanrio characters and 20 different stages. It’s cutthroat and competitive as can be. There are power-ups to sway the tide of battle one way or the other. There’s also a super shot that players can unleash once they’ve charged their meter.
Sanrio World Smash Ball! is a smash. Sorry. It’s a ball. Damnit. Look, it’s pretty dang good, OK? So get it if you can, or something.
Spark World is a fun Bomberman clone. Each player is able to sustain two hits — this makes for lengthier battles and gets rid of the embarrassing “Oops I accidentally killed myself 10 seconds in!” moment.
Some slight twists abound. The boxing glove power-up icon allows you to punch your OPPONENT rather than the fuel barrel (bomb). When a round concludes, a stats screen shows you who killed whom. This can lead to some temporary 3-on-1 allegiances when one player killed everyone else the previous round. Good times.
Did you know there was a Super Bomberman 3, 4 and 5 for the SNES? They came out only in Japan (part 3 also came out in Europe). These sequels are perhaps most notable for adding a fifth bomber to the mix but they also feature a whole new slew of bombs and gimmicks.
The mad bomber option in part 5 takes on brand new stakes. If you kill someone as a mad bomber you get to switch places. It brings a whole new intensity to mad bombing! There’s also a hidden bomber to unlock, the Golden Bomber.
Other than Tetris, I consider Puyo Puyo the most classic, pure puzzle game. It’s where skills reign supreme and luck doesn’t play as big a role as it does in most other puzzle games. You know the formula: connect four or more like color pieces. Send garbage blocks over. Yup, there’s a reason why there’s a new Puyo Puyo Tetris mashup coming out soon for the Nintendo Switch!
4 player mode rocks.
Eat your heart out, Kirby’s Avalanche.
Best described as Super Mario Kart meets a cast of Chuck E. Cheese’s rejects. If you were sad back in the mid ’90s that there was never a Super Mario Kart 2 on the SNES, then well, SD F-1 Grand Prix certainly won’t fill that void but it stands as a solid alternative and an adequate companion piece to Super Mario Kart. Choose from 10 different cutesy animal drivers to compete all around the world in a variety of interesting and cool looking race tracks.
You have your standard 10 player Grand Prix mode but the Crash Mode features power-ups such as projectiles. And as expected, there’s a 2 player mode where you can select one of four battle courses to duke it out. As far as Mario Kart alternatives on the SNES go, this is the cream of the crop.
Culture Brain’s Super Baseball Simulator 1.000 developed a semi-cult following among SNES players in the early ’90s. Did you know Culture Brain went on to release four Super Famicom exclusive sequels? My favorite of which is the second one, which features cute chibi ball players.
The crazy power-ups that made the first game so unique and fun are back. The charming visuals are reminiscent of EarthBound, perfectly matching the game’s wackiness and absurdity. So if throwing lightning-infused fastballs is your thing, grab a mitt and PLAY BALL!
Dossun! Ganseki Battle is a Columns-esque puzzler that feels like a precursor to Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo. Pieces disappear when three or more like pieces touch. Connections are formed either vertically, horizontally or diagonally. Characters attack each other when chain combos are dealt. Their sprites enlarge as they attack — it really gets you into the fighting spirit!
There are two ways to win a match. The player’s screen fills up or their health meter is fully depleted. To make things even more interesting, the five different types of pieces each serve a different purpose when matched. Competitive and cutthroat, Dossun! Ganseki Battle is Columns meets Puzzle Fighter with a medieval theme. A winning formula for sure!
Capcom released this on April 24, 1998, for those who couldn’t afford a 32-bit system. Pick between the Blue Bomber and relative newcomer, Forte (AKA Bass), who made his debut in 1995’s Mega Man 7. Forte can double jump, dash and shoot in all directions (except straight down). Other improvements include stunning visuals (it almost looks like an early 32-bit title) and a proper save system is now in play. About friggin’ time, Capcom!
Notoriously considered one of the toughest Mega Man games around, there are sadly no E Tanks here. However, you collect bolts throughout and can purchase upgrades and power-ups at Auto’s shop. In addition to bolts, you’ll also find CD’s strewn about the stages. Collect up to 100 to view character bios. Rockman & Forte has divided the fanbase but for my money it stands as a fine Super Nintendo swan song for Capcom.
Move a cute little blob thing around the screen and clear the field of all its blocks. Blocks disappear when three or more of the same color touch. You can only push. Pushed blocks travel until coming into contact with another block or obstacle. Things start out simple but later puzzles get downright brutal. The timer adds a sense of urgency. It’s quite the rush completing a puzzle just in the nick of time!
The main story mode also allows three friends to join you. But the best thing is the 4 player battle mode. There are 10 battle arenas to pick from and most of them are littered with various gimmicks that would make any Bomberman title proud. Pushing a block across the screen to crush a loved one never felt so damn good. Puzzle’N Desu! is one of the best party games you’ve probably yet to play. Charming and addicting as hell!
The NES classic Legend of Zelda gets a remake of sorts on the SNES. It was available on March 30, 1997 in Japan via the Satellaview only. Of course, since then there’s been hacks and fan translations. SNES players can now experience BS Zelda in all its glory. An awesome take on the NES classic but with spiffy 16-bit souped up visuals. You can even now switch items and weapons by using the shoulder buttons!
The closest thing to Bionic Commando on the SNES? Umihara Kawase. You control a school girl who wears a pink backpack. For reasons unknown you find yourself in a strange world full of towering platforms, ledges and mutant marine life. Somewhere in each level lies the exit and it’s your job to safely reach it. You do this by performing various tricks with your elastic rope. Delightfully weird in that ever lovable Japanese sort of way, Umihara Kawase is a total blast to play. Much of the fun comes in figuring out how best to utilize the rope in any given situation. Using momentum and understanding the rope’s physics all come into masterful play.
At first glance it appears to be a budget title, but don’t let its basic looks fool you. What lies underneath is a complex game that hooks and reels you in (sorry). It’s always fun to see what the next twisted level will look like, as well as what new sea creatures may be milling about. Figuring out how to reach the exit is addicting. The music and sound effects fit the game to a tee; it does a good job transporting you to this bizarre alternate universe. A dimension where sea creatures are mutated, veggies are overgrown and magic stand alone doors are tucked away at the oddest heights and places. The game world is so strangely captivating — it’s like you’re deep in some twisted recurring nightmare. A nightmare, mind, that plays like an absolute dream.
Clock Tower was a cult favorite among PlayStation owners in the late ’90s. But did you know Clock Tower and Scissorman originated on the Super Famicom? A point and click horror adventure, players are flung into a creepy mansion on the outskirts of town. Something is clearly not right as your party drops one by one. You feel a haunting presence stalking your every move. The hair on the back of your neck stands up as you hear the snip-snip-SNIPof the one and only…
Like a good slow burn, Clock Tower works on building up the tension with little teases here and there. It’s not a loud in your face affair, so it may be a little too slow paced for some. But for the patient player who appreciates a good story being built brick by brick, Clock Tower delivers the scary goods. You never know for sure where Scissorman may pop up, but when he does, it’s ON. The heartbeat races a little faster and palms start to sweat as you run madly to find a hiding spot somewhere in the creepy mansion. It’s the perfect game to play on a stormy night!
The classic gameplay of Super Soukoban is as simple (yet complex) and pure as it gets. You’re in a cluttered warehouse and it’s your job to move boxes into their designated position. There is no timer; however, there is a step limit. By pressing the shoulder buttons you can rewind or fast forward previous steps. So if you mess up you don’t have to restart the level completely. Knowing that you can always backtrack and erase any error is such a boon. The early levels start out very basic but soon give way to some mind tingling terrors. Seeing levels transition from large sprites to very small sprites can be intimidating!
Later on there are even boxes already darkened, which indicates the box is already resting on a purple dot. You can still move these darkened boxes in many cases, but you have to figure out if you’re meant to or not. There are 300 levels in all and rumor has it launch day buyers are still stuck on level 289 to this very day. To boot, there’s a level edit option and a 2 player mode with 10 different characters to select from.
Taking control of a strange transparent bird, the goal is to collect the rainbow orb(s) on each level. To do so, one must “suck and blow.” Yes, you’ll suck and blow. A lot. [Insert token dirty joke here]. The colors all serve a specific purpose — click on the review if you want the rundown.
Developed and released by Nintendo on June 25, 1999, Sutte Hakkun is the LASTgreat SNES game ever. Don’t miss out on it. Being from Nintendo you know it’s good.
Human’s great Fire Pro series began its life on the PC-Engine in 1989. Their final Super Famicom Fire Pro game, Super Fire Pro Wrestling X Premium, is considered by many as the greatest 16-bit wrestling game of all time. It was revolutionary for its time thanks to its Create A Wrestler mode. You could create and save up to 80 wrestlers. The amount of moves and body types available were equally mind blowing.
The grapple system was based on timing rather than button mashing, so players had to work their way up the move chain. Light, medium and strong attack buttons allow for a natural progression. Super Fire Pro Wrestling X Premium has long since been surpassed by superior sequels. Still, 20 years later it stands the test of time. Besides, it’s pretty cool rocking out on your Super Nintendo as Bobo Brazil.
Whether he was terrorizing trains and ravaging cities, or pummeling rubber suited monsters and saving the planet, Godzilla has a special spot in the hearts of many. Having endured 60+ years and 30+ films and counting, the Big Guy is simply timeless. So growing up you can imagine the clamor for a good Godzilla video game. NES Godzilla wasn’t particularly good. Let’s not even talk about Godzilla 2. Super Godzilla? One of the all time great disappointments. Thankfully, Godzilla: Kaijuu Daikessen brings justice and a good Godzilla game to the universe.
No, you won’t find smooth crazy combos here but considering the source material (these are giant monsters after all) it’s hard to hold that against the game. Monster roars sound authentic, the sprite work is impeccable, the stages are plucked right out of the movies and the monsters are very accurate in terms of their powers. Of course some things were added or re-imagined. Godzilla never shot his atomic breath in mid-air in the films, but it certainly makes for good times in this game. The fighting engine is nothing remarkable but it gets the job done. Godzilla: Kaijuu Daikessen is a treat for any true G-Fan.
It plays enough like Bomberman to provide a comforting familiarity, yet has enough quirks to differentiate it. Dropped spiked capsules explode after two seconds, sending shurikens flying north, south, east and west. Unlike the explosions in Bomberman, the shurikens won’t kill you. Instead you become stunned for two seconds if you’re hit, leaving you wide open for an opponent’s chain ball to kill you. The chain stretches the full length so it’s possible to sit back waiting for the opportune moment to strike! Send your chain twisting some 20 feet away to pick someone off. Not only is it super satisfying but it adds a devious, vulture-like aspect that doesn’t quite exist as much in Bomberman.
Needless to say, such shenanigans lead to many “Ooh I’ll get you next round!” battle cries and pandemonium. Nothing beats the rush of recovering JUST in time right before the chain ball hits you! The eight various colosseums each have a gimmick. Otoboke Ninja Colosseum is awesome, especially if you can round up three friends to play with. And you have to appreciate any game that features mini Super Famicom icons!
Featuring insanely amazing visuals, haunting sound and ultra smooth gameplay, DoReMi Fantasy is one of the finest SNES platformers you could ever play. Milon from Milon’s Secret Castle (NES) is back and better than ever. There are eight themed worlds ranging from the gorgeous Northern Lights to a madcap toy infested universe. The levels are packed to the gills with exquisite detail, quirky enemies, excellent backdrops and some stellar set pieces. The game occasionally foregoes music for ambient sound effects instead. This leads to an atmosphere that is both surreal and bewitching.
Milon’s silly antics and whimsical adventure is sure to sweep you away to a land of awe and wonder. DoReMi Fantasy is one of the best SNES platformers not named Mario.
The Zen Nippon Pro Wrestling series was Natsume’s response to Human’s Fire Pro franchise. It features bigger, brighter visuals and a quasi-chibi presentation. The ring is viewed dead on as opposed to Fire Pro’s ¾ perspective. This makes for a perfect running system which allows you to lay back and pick your spots with running strikes, leading to some riotous Fatal Fourway matches! Budokan has a subtle barbaric sense of black humor. Look no further than being able to bounce opponents viciously off the cable ropes (OUCH) or attacking your rival even after the conclusion of a match. Hell it even features the infamous Flair flop!
Similar to the Fire Pro games, winning a grapple is based on timing rather than button mashing. The 19 wrestlers are actual wrestlers from All Japan Pro Wrestling. You got your high flyers, technicians and bruisers. Giant Baba, Kobashi, Misawa, Stan Hansen and so on. Fun stuff!
Konami developed many great games for the SNES back in the ’90s, but perhaps its best kept secret was Tsuyoshi Shikkari Shinasai Taisen Puzzle-dama. It plays like an early beta version of Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo. Select from 10 characters, each with their own block patterns. The combos can get rather insane. It’s not uncommon to pull off 6-7 hit combos even “on accident.”
Maybe it’s not for everyone, especially those used to the pure skill of a Puyo Puyo, but seeing the screen explode in a relentless 10 hit chain reaction combo never gets old. Arguably Konami’s best SNES game that nobody ever talks about.
Released on Christmas Eve of 1993, Tetris Battle Gaiden is the best Super Famicom puzzle game never to hit North American shores. It’s Tetris with a quirky twist. Choose from eight characters. Each has four different skills and abilities. These skills are activated when you acquire points and decide to cash in. To acquire said points, you must clear a line containing a crystal. Each cleared crystal grants you one point, and up to four can be stored. The skills and powers range from defensive measures to offensive attacks.
Another interesting feature: players share pieces from one queue rather than two. That means you can “steal” a piece your opponent may desperately need if you move fast (or in some cases slow) enough. This makes paying attention several moves in advance all the more critical. Few things are as satisfying as “blockblocking” your opponent. To snatch that long tetris piece right before they can is a true thing of beauty. Well, maybe that’s second only to sabotaging the competition with one of your special attacks!
Not content to stop there, two other modes are available: classic Tetris (for the purists out there who prefer their Tetris sans gimmick) and Rensa. Rensa is where gravity is taken into account and pieces fall if suspended in mid-air (except crystal pieces). This can produce some nice chain reactions. These three modes make it feel like three games in one. An amazing game bursting with insane replay value!
In October of 1994 EGM ran a preview on a Super Famicom street ball title by the name of Dream Basketball: Dunk & Hoop. The funky title immediately caught my eye as did the game pictures (blurry as they were… God were things different back in 1994). I remember thinking I couldn’t wait to play it as soon as it comes out over here. But of course it never did. Years later, 2006 to be precise, I was on the hunt for all my old favorite games, as well as the ones I never got to play but always wanted to. One evening my mind recalled Dream Basketball: Dunk & Hoop. The rest is history.
Always been a sucker for stats and ratings, and the power bars in this game remind me a ton of the ones from Marvel’s 1991 trading card series. Good memories of a bygone era. It’s a small thing but it just takes me to a happy place!
Sure it’s got your standard 5 on 5 mode, but what really drew me to the EGM preview was the blurry screenshot of a 3 on 3 street ball mode. I was always fascinated by the idea of a 3 on 3 street basketball game. This game didn’t disappoint. While it’s got its fair share of flaws, it’s simply a lot of fun. I’ve never played a basketball game where making a shot was so predicated on timing. Being that it’s from Human, go figure, right?
The 3 on 3 mode is where it’s at. In this mode you can play on two different courts, but Human even threw in some little tricks. On one court if you enter SUNSET or YONAKA (Japanese for midnight) then you can unlock exactly that. There’s a simple yet elegant gorgeousness to these settings that speak to my soul in ways I cannot explain. Maybe it’s because it brings back memories of playing ball with my buddies late at midnight, or even getting up early in the morning playing ball right as the sun breaks over the horizon. Those old school memories wrapped up in this old soul… it touches a sweet spot and takes me back to the days when my friends and I were balling without a single care in the world.
But Human didn’t stop there. At the versus screen if you press on the D-pad it will change the color of the courts. Also, you can pick from four different basketball colors. It’s just cosmetics but these little touches add up. Yeah, call me crazy but we all have that one game that clicks deep in our soul for one reason or another that won’t click with the masses. It’s our special game. Our spirit animal in video game form, if you will.
It’s been 10 years since I bought Dream Basketball: Dunk & Hoop and I still find myself playing it frequently. Did so again recently in honor of Craig Sager’s passing. This game just never gets old for me. And that’s why this completely unexpected “bracket buster” (har har) ranks #3 in my personal book.
We always hear about how great Super Tennis is and how it’s the best tennis title on the Super Nintendo. Super Family Tennis doesn’t get much props. I think it’s even better than Super Tennis. The control is smooth as hell, there’s a four player option and some of the court designs are completely bonkers, filled with amusing gimmicks and sight gags.
Look no further than knocking the ball into a tranquil pond in front of a Japanese Shinto shrine (complete with a traditional Torii gate). Or smashing the ball so hard against a coconut tree that it drops a coconut on a bystander’s head, completely taking the poor sap out. It’s these quirky details that I always enjoy seeing in a video game. It doesn’t make a game but it certainly leaves you with a positive lasting impression.
The best thing about Super Family Tennis is how fun it is. A total blast with four players, it’s something that your friends or significant other can easily pick up and play with you, even if video games typically aren’t “their thing.” There are 20 characters to choose from, all with varying skills and abilities.
Music is largely absent. Instead, it relies on ambient sound effects. And it works. From the soothing crashing waves of the ocean to the echo chamber sounds of the mountain stage, there is sort of a surreal feel to this game that wouldn’t be the same had there been music.
Its wacky sense of humor, outrageous court designs, smooth control, 20 different characters and surreal sound makes Super Family Tennis a definite smash hit for the whole family.
I have been curious about this game ever since I saw EGM preview it back in 1994. In 2006 I got back into the SNES scene and went hunting for a copy. Much to my chagrin the game was cancelled and never released on a physical cartridge. Alas, it did come out via the Satellaview Broadcast device. And thanks to the modern wonders of technology, it’s possible to experience this fine gem on a real TV. Ah, technology.
So what makes BS Out of Bounds Golf so awesome? It allows up to four players to compete and you have the ability to knock your opponent’s ball out of bounds (hence the name of the game). Of course, knocking their ball out of bounds will cost them precious stroke points. Or even just blocking their path is wicked fun. The battles get competitive and cutthroat like you wouldn’t believe. Also, because one player plays at a time, it’s a more methodical multiplayer experience. I find it works refreshingly well. There’s a ton of strategy, scouting and sabotaging involved here. It’s Schadenfreude at its finest (or worst…)
Select from three different modes.
Then choose from 12 characters, including two felines. Right away that tells you the developer (NCS, who also made Cybernator) didn’t take themselves too seriously. Keep in mind back in the mid ’90s golf games tended to be a little dull. This game, however, was packed with personality and charm.
After selecting your character you get to pick your theme. There are six themed worlds in all, with each having 8 courses. That makes 48 total courses. They range from a beach setting to even outer space. My personal favorite has to be the second world. Here you are mysteriously shrunken down to size and have to work around everyday objects such as coffee mugs, ink spills, giant cereal boxes, tomatoes and more. It’s absolutely bonkers…
What makes this game so much fun is the amount of options you have. Just look at the process of hitting the ball. First, you get to select from a power meter ranging from 1 to 100. This becomes oddly compelling in its own right. It almost becomes like a game within a game. For instance, do you use 47 or 52? 77 or 79? 91 or 94? Sometimes one point off can prove to be the difference between glorious victory and crushing defeat. It’s a thrill to see your ball barely make its way into the hole. On the flip side, nothing is more embarrassing than misjudging the power meter by one point and seeing your ball stop a mere centimeter shy of the goal!
After selecting your power, you then get to choose from one of 17 (!) different strike points on the ball. Much like pool, these strike points will determine the trajectory of your shot. While you’ll be using the dead center shot most of the time, there are times where using the trajectory shots skillfully is essential to winning. Like I said, it’s kind of like a game within a game. You’re not only battling three rivals… you’re battling yourself as well. And it works like gangbusters!
Dead center shot
There are even weather effects and power-ups. There are at least 11 ranging from controlling your ball after hitting it to randomly switching all the balls in play. That means you can possibly swap places with a rival who is near the cup and send them way back to the beginning of a course! Sabotage never felt so sweet.
Curving right shot
Also, each of the 48 courses have four randomly generated cup destinations. This prevents you from mastering a course simply by memorizing a certain playbook. It speaks to the game’s brilliance that there are nearly 200 possible scenarios. Add in the 17 strike points, the power meter, the wind factor, the power-ups and you get a game that feels slightly different each time you play it.
Curving left shot
BS Out of Bounds Golf is a total riot with three friends. Expect a lot of cursing, laughing, cheering and taunting. It brings out the best and worst in people — it’s amusing to see individual personalities come out in their truest forms. There’s no other game quite like this on the SNES. And that’s why this is my favorite obscure Super Famicom game of all time.
Bowing to the greatness of the vast SNES library
There are a lot of good games that didn’t quite make this list, like the Parodius games. You probably didn’t agree with all of my choices but I hope this list was helpful in some way. If you found even just one new game to love from this list, then I’m happy. And remember, I purposely excluded all the awesome Super Famicom only (action) RPGs! The library is amazingly diverse and deep. Some of these games I listed are fairly well known in SNES circles, but I feel there’s still a good bunch of them that remains rather obscure. I hope this Top 50 list serves as a good resource for you and that it helps you to unearth a few new favorites. Until next time, happy gaming!